Chapter 2 Mahad

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the young girl, Bella, walked out of her room finally having gotten through with her bath. her hair was still wet from her shower. "remind me to talk to Seto about his workers" she muttered. a misty transparent woman appeared beside her.

"Christine!" The Egyptians exclaimed as they saw her picture

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"Christine!" The Egyptians exclaimed as they saw her picture.

Christine reddened a little as she looked up at her future self with wonder. *wow, I look really good there* she thought to her self with a grin. *love the out fit* she added thoughtfully.

"you know you could have just killed him. i would have"

"we know" Atem deadpanned causing everyone except Aknadin to chuckle.

Christine reddened a little before smirking.

the silver haired woman said looking at her nails as though she was bored. Being locked in a necklace for five millennia would do that to a person.

"locked in the necklace?" Atem says alarmed.

Christine adopted a scared look on her face. She had a feeling that she knew why and how it happened....but, that long? That was a long time. How had she kept from loosing her self to the darkness? She looked down with a frightened look etched into her face. 

Yet this person had a...knack for murder and soul stealing... A lot like Bakura, but mostly she stuck to stealing things and creating poisons and antidotes.

Atem sent her a disapproving look. Christine only smirked in response though the effect was lessened by how pale she looked.

"i am not you" Bella replied sharply as she made her way up to the dueling arena. She sighed a little. She only took the lives of those who truly deserved it, or if there was no other choice.

"Thank the gods" Atem sighed with relief. "one Christine is enough" he says in a teasing manner, this resulted in him getting hit with a pillow that Christine had some how managed to get out of no where. Atem glanced at Horus with a look of suspicion. He was sure that he had been the one to give it to her.

"Obviously" The silver haired woman scoffed as she rolled her eyes walking beside Bella. "why are you even here you hate heights" she asked in a mocking manner.

"that is a very good question" Mahad muttered with a raised eyebrow.

"Support. Plus it was you that made me come here remember" Bella replied annoyed as she glanced over at her with a scowl. "how could you forget?" she asked mockingly.

"oh yes I remember." the silver haired woman replied in a cold tone a smirk tugging at her lips.

Mahad turned and looked at Christine with a look of sadness. 

"what?" Christine asked looking up at him with a look of confusion. Why had he stopped reading?

"What has caused you to have turned so cold?" Mahad asked sadly. "I thought we were passed this" he says staring at his friend with a wishful expression. 

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