37 Selene

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When Atem woke that next morning, He waited until Christine woke, before getting up. Seeing that she was in a much better mood than any other day when she would normally wake to being alone...he was a lot more relaxed.

They walked out of the room and met with everyone in the throne room.

They all sat and waited for Horus to arrive. When he did the book was dropped into Selene's lap.

"there is going to be a change" Horus says calmly.

"a change?" Akmonkomon asked looking up at him.

"Time will now be frozen. We will go on as normal. Food will be given as normal. but i do realize that you have a kingdom to be running and work does tense to pile up. I have taken care of Todays and yesterdays. but until we finish the books, time will remain still" Horus explained.

"oh that is good" Shimon says looking relieved, he had been fretting about their work since they had started the books. CHristine already complained that Atem spent too much time working as it was.

"that takes a load off, Thank you" Atem says looking relieved.

Horus only nods in his direction and they all began eating their breakfast which appeared out of no where.

Once Selene had finished....which was not much.

Hours dragged on and it seem like they were getting no where with the case. That was until JJ found a connection between the families. They had all attended school in the same year and at the same school. all of the girls had been cheerleaders. It was after JJ found this connection that Christine found the only living cheerleader from that year that was residing in Dallas Texas. 

The team sped off to Jenna Hastings home. as they parked in front of the Hastings home they got out quickly pulling their guns and carefully moved towards the home. They could hear crashes and screams in the home. 

Bella tensed up looking anxious.

"Hotch there is a window open" Christine spoke over the walkie that was attached to her vest. 

"how conveniant" Atem says with a frown.

"see if you can get in. we will create a distraction" Hotch replied. 

"now that is my specialty"

"that it is" Bakura grinned as he looked over to his sister. Christine smirked. if there was anything she knew how to do, it was breaking into things.

Christine said with a smirk as she moved swiftly and carefully towards the open window as her heard Emily call over a loud speaker to the unsub. Christine lifted her self up into the window and slid on into the house and out of view. 

She carefully maneuvered through the house as Emily continued speaking. The crashed stopped. hearing foot steps Christine quickly hid and watched as a person in all black walked by. Their face was covered so she couldn't see who it was. But once the door was shut behind the person she darted into the room where Jenna was at tied to her bed. Christine motioned for her to stay quiet when Jenna saw her. 

"they never do" Bella deadpanned.

Jenna whimpered as Christine walked over and began untying the rope that had Jenna bound to the bed. 

"why didnt you just cut it?" Mahad asked.

"umm" Christine blinked.

Christine kept looking over at the door at every sound. Getting frustrated with the knot she pulled out a knife and cut the ropes. she re-pocketed her knife as she helped Jenna up. 

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