Chapter 12 Bella

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Atem sat down on the throne and pulled Christine down beside him wrapping his arm around her. They decided that sitting with the others was not going to be a good idea, and Atem had no intentions of letting go of Christine until either one of them had calmed down enough to get over their conversation that they just had.

Awkwardly they sat there until someone was brave enough to pick up the book.

This person was Bella, she was surprised to find that she was able to read it with no problem.

"WHAT?!" Christine stood up enraged. She couldn't believe what she had just heard! Was that really a law!? why had they kept this from her?!

Mahad and the pharaoh flinched at the loud tone of her voice. the anger was clear in her tone, but they could feel it coming off of her in waves.

"what do you mean...cut out?" the pharaoh asked worriedly. Did they mean....?

Christine looked down and whimpered a little as she leaned into Atem's side.

Melinoe looked over to Christine with a look of concern.

Bella growled as she glanced over at Iris.

"just as I said. Christine, you would have never even met the baby. you would have been banished or...if Aknadin had his way killed." Mahad explained. He looked at her with a saddened expression. one that enraged her more.

Christine took in a shaky breath as her eyes darted back and forth between the pharaoh and Mahad. Realization hit her.

"he was...he was trying to get rid of it...but...." Christine slowly fell back down onto the couch looking horrified.

"no...oh gods no" Christine said as she brought her hands up covering her face sitting there trying to come to terms with what Mahad was telling them. Guilt filled her as she groaned a little.

members of the court sent her a questioning glance, Christine turns a little to try and hide her self by nuzzling up to Atem.

"why would anyone not want to get rid of a law like that. who even made that law?" the pharaoh asked sounding horrified.

"your ancestors" Mahad and Christine dead panned. Christine looked up at him and gave him a 'do you really need to ask that?' Look.

"I walked into that one" Atem deadpanned.

"yes, yes you did" Bella and Melinoe says amused.

"that cant be true. it just cant!" Christine said shaking her head not wanting to believe it as memories of the past began flooding back. however, deep down she knew Mahad wouldn't lie to her, not about something as big as this.

the pharaoh, feeling as if he had walked into that one, sat back quietly.

Now he understood the arguments. He had been trying to protect her, but instead it had pushed her away.

"that is normally the case, isn't it" Selene says looking saddened. She looked over at Iris who was glareing down at the table for some reason.

The pharaoh inwardly groaned. "And the interactions with Mana had not helped the situation at all either" he says with a sigh.

"No it really didn't" Bella spoke up. "I remember Christine ranting a lot about that day. But at least two good things came out of it. She found out Bakura was alive...and Christian...and the second one is only a sort of"

"Christian?" Atem asked.

"Im sure you will find out later" Bella says with a sigh.

Atem and Christine looked at each other with a confused look.

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