42 Atem

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Atem takes the offered book.

When Christine was finally let out she all but ran out of the building. She looked around in confusion.

"Where are the others?" She asked as Derek walked up. His arm was bandaged where she had cut him.

Christine flinched seeing the wound. "I'm sorry" she said with a grimace.

Derek shrugged it off. "I'm alive so far" he said. "hey...why didnt you tell us about your leg?" He asked.

"uh....technically she did, you just forgot about it" Atem says as he remembered the chapter that it happened on.

Christine only sighed as she looked away. "i...Didnt want you guys to freak out. The pharaoh would have never let me out of the house" She said. "Its fine. We've had worse." she added.

Derek stared at her for several moments, before shaking his head in exasperation.

"The others are meeting us at the airport" Derek added.

"I can drive you there" Walker offered.

"Yeah the last time that happened you got hit by a semi" Isis says pointedly.

Christine and Derek looked at each other and then shrugged following him to a truck.

"This isn't your truck" Christine said looking confused.

"yes, very observant" Bella says dryly.

"Well my truck was totaled" Walker said with a scowl.

They got into the truck and buckled up.

It took about 30 minutes to drive to the airport. Christine hugged Walker good bye, though she could see that he didn't want her to go, and followed Derek to the plane.

Bella lets out a shaky breath. "he just let us go?" she asked stunned.

"why wouldn't he?" Selene asked.

"I mean...No....fight...no...trying to convince me to stay...nothing?" Bella says with narrowed eyes.

Selene sighed. "Bella. Being a parent....is being there for your kinds when they need you...but letting them go when they need to" She says. "Its hurts like hell. but eventually your kids will move on and make a life of their own" She explained.

Bella went silent after that.

They got in and went to their seats.

"About time" JJ said looking over at them.

"she's alright!" Bella says happily.

"does that mean the soul snatcher thing is over?" Shadi asked sitting up lookign hopeful.

they all sat up looking hopeful.

"its almost the end of the book. I should hope so" Mahad says.

"but there are two more" Selene says remembering Horus's statement from the day before.

"How are you feeling" Emily asked

"Like hell warmed over" Christine grumbled. "But the doctor said I was in the clear" she added. "er...to fly that is" She says seeing the glare from Derek. "my...er..Bella's leg needs time to heal" she explained.

Christine grabbed the arm rest of the seat tightly when the plane took off. "Why can't you people keep your feet in the ground" she grumbled.

Derek smirked hearing her. "Pay back for poisoning me" he said in amusement.

Christine groaned.

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