Chapter 17

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After tending to Christine and waiting with her until she had fallen asleep, Atem left the room and went to find Mahad. He was almost convinced that the magician was no where in the castle after a good hour of searching for him, however, Atem finally found him in the wine cellar. 

"Guess I should have looked here first." Atem commented as he walked up to the magician who was currently sitting on the floor holding an open bottle in one hand. 

Mahad jumped as he looked over. His eyes widened. "pharaoh! I" he started to say, but Atem cut him off by raising his hand and then sat down in front of him. 

"Christine told me what happened." Atem says with a sigh. "It sucks...but I have to look at the bright side of it." 

"There is a bright side?" Mahad questioned. Atem's eyes narrowed a little as he faintly wondered how many bottles Mahad had already emptied. 

"Christine was in a bad helped her. On top of that you kept her from hurting her self any farther than she already had. If anything...I should be thanking you." Atem explained. 

Mahad looked up at him bewildered. "Wait.....wha..." He stared at Atem with a look of disbelief. 

"We never told any one this, But I have caught Christine on several occasions attempting to end her life. It was always after one of our arguments. I should have known that it would not be any different that night." Atem says with a sigh. 

"She..." Mahad took a shaky breath. "I knew that she was unhappy...but...suicide?" Mahad questioned. 

"For a while she was doing good, I should have known better. With Aknadin and Mana....I should have known that there would be a relapse" Atem sighed. "And instead of being there like I should have been...It was you" 

"Pharaoh I was just..." Mahad started to speak. 

"I know." Atem sighed. "at least..." he stopped himself. He honestly didn't know what to say. 

"Horus said that we cannot try and change anything" Mahad says looing as though he was in pain. "that means...I will end up fighting Bakura." he swallowed down a drink of the wine. 

"and Egypt will fall." Atem whispered as he stared at the floor in front of him. 

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