Chapter 16 Horus

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Christine and Yugi were sitting with the team in the debriefing room explaining everything to her team.

"so what you are telling us is...this...gang of bandits is running around stealing peoples souls....with a card game," Derek said slowly.

"Great now they think im crazy!" Bella groaned. 

"But you are..." Selene says trialing off. 

"NO IM INSANE!" Bella snapped. 

"yes, yes, you have the papers to prove it" Selene sighs. 

"I know that this may be hard to believe" Christine started to say. She sighed a little, it was clear Derek did not believe what they were saying.

"but its the truth." Yugi finished.

"then we have to stop them!" Emily said as though it was obvious.

"you don't even know how to duel" Christine snapped. She felt a headache coming on. She felt exhausted and the anger in her was rising.

"neither did you!" Seto says giving her a pointed look. Christine growled at the reminder.  

In the back of her mind she heard a faint laughter. She shivered and brushed it off as a shadow of a memory.

"neither do you and you still went and did it" The pharaoh's deep voice sounded around the room causing the FBI agents to jump startled at the change of Yugi's voice.

"That must have been a funny sight" Iris says amused. 

"A lot like how I switch between Scorpius and Selene" Selene says thoughtfully. 

Bella looked over at Selene. "Why are you Selene right now?" She asked. 

"Oh you know....hiding from the council" Selene replied with a grin.  Bella adopted a look of understanding. 

Christine's hands tightened into a fist. "my apologies I didn't quite hear you would you like to come and say that to my face eazizi alzawj (dear husband)" she said scathingly.

"umm did your voice just" JJ started to say.

Yugi quickly took back over. "I'm sorry," he said sheepishly.

"No, he is not" Iris deadpanned. 

"Don't hide from me you coward!" Christine stood up slamming her hands on the table in front of them. She glared at him. She wasn't sure what had caused her to snap, but the way he and Yugi just changed out of no where irritated her.

the team looked over at her alarmed. What had gotten her all riled up?

Christine flinched as a sharp pain shot through her back. Damn it! She knew what it was from. She knew why it happened.

"The heiroglyphics?" Karim questioned. 

"I would assume so. that is almost the only time my back ever starts hurting" Bella replied. 

"almost the only time?" Atem questioned. 

"uhh...moving on" Bella says quickly. 

A bright light flashed as the pharaoh took control. "A coward am I?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow at her with a curious look.

"Damn straight you are a coward. you won't even face your wife every time something happens you hide!" Christine growled out as she narrowed her eyes. She didn't know why she was saying it, but it felt good to get it out.

the pharaoh's eyes narrowed. Even as calm as he was, she could see the anger in his eyes. She could all but taste the fear in the air coming from the FBI agents. "and just what do you mean by that. I, for one, never hide from problems" he said sharply.

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