chapter 9 Seto

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"Who wants to read next?" Bakura says holding up the book. They all looked around at each other.

Seto takes the book.

Yugi jerked awake and looked around startled. a woman was standing over him.

"sir the plane is about to land" she explained.

at first he looked confused and looked around before realizing he was on a plane

"I hate doing that" Bella complained.

"same" melinoe nods in agreement.

"thank you" Yugi said straightening up in the seat.

the plan touched down onto the ground and drove up the run way to the dock coming to a complete stop.

as soon as they were given the ok everyone stood up grabbing their bags and making their way off the plane.

Yugi looked around the American air port. he walked around looking for a map. he walked out of the air port as soon as he confirmed they were at their right destination.

"Honestly," Bella scowled.

"What?" Karim asked.

"Oh, I just remembered the time I made my uncle take a plan rather than a bus, he got lost" Bella explained.

Melinoe looked at her with wide eyes. "Which one?" She asked.

"Hm, Mark" Bella replied.

Melinoe smirked.

the pharaoh appeared beside. "well now what?" he asked his eyes were wide seeing the foreign area.

"we look for Christine" Yugi said firmly.

"How are you going to do that?" Karim questioned wearily.

"I'm sure he will find a way" Shadi say.

"how?" The pharaoh asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Had he come up with a plan?

"Doubt it" Melinoe says shaking her head. "That's what Bella is for" she added

Bella reddened.

"uhh I hadn't thought about that" Yugi admitted with a sigh.

the pharaoh sighed Of course not.

"Call Seto, he will know" Bella says.

"I don't think that we would think about that as an option" Atem says thoughtfully.

"Send Mahad to track her down. If anyone can find her it would be him" Christine says.

Mahad reddened but seemed pleased at the faith that Christine had in him.

Bella grinned, "that would be hilarious"

Melinoe raised an eyebrow as she attempted to image Mahad looking for Bella in Quantico. "that is not nearly as funnly as the image of Mahad wrapping christmas gifts' She commented getting very confused looks from the egyptains and light laugh from Bella.

"it shouldn't be that hard to find her"

"You obviously have not played hide and seek with her yet" Melinoe says smirking.

"hide and seek?"

"it's a game that kids play" Melinoe explained.

"A game to hide from their parents who are out to get them" bella grumbled and shivered for some reason.

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