38 Luna

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Luna takes up the reading after taking the book from Selene.

When she woke up she saw JJ standing over her. It was clear that she had been trying to wake her up. JJ had a look of relief on her face when she saw her eyes open.

"oh thank the gods" JJ muttered. "i've been trying to wake you for 30 minutes" JJ explained as Christine sat up and looked around.

"that is odd. It isn't that hard to wake her up. she is a very light sleeper" Atem says with a frown. "it takes a lot of work to get out of the room with out waking her" he explained.

"well, she lost a lot of blood, and is still injured, i am sure that would have played a part in this" Bella explained thoughtfully.

"also she was tired out from the fight" mahad added. "fighting while already injured."

Atem nods in understanding.

"where are we?" Christine asked seeing that they were in side a room, but it clearly wasn't Bella's.

"something happened to the plane. we had to stay the night here in Texas. the earliest flight that we could get was tonight" JJ explained. "you have been asleep the rest of yesterday and all night." she explained.

Christine could feel the blood drain from her face as she pushed the covers off her. "Where are we?" She asked with fear in her voice.

"One of the Ranger's house"

"Dad's" Bella and Selene says simaltaniously.

JJ replied. Christine was beginning to wish that the ground opened up under her and swallowed her whole.

"which Ranger" She asked choking a little.

"uh Walker i think" JJ replied. Christine felt faint. *oh god not him!* she thought as her eyes darted around the room looking for an escape. *i dont understand...if we are here...this isn't Bella's room. did they get rid of it all?* she wondered randomly for a moment.

Bella flinched and looked down.

Selene looked over at Bella with a frown. "no they didnt. Uncle ray expanded the ranch." She explained softly.

Bella looked up at Selene with a frown. "then...why wasn't we put into my room then?" she asked.

Selene shrugged. "Dad is the only one with the key to the room. He locked it after you left so that no one would go in there. Every year any birthday gifts or christimas gifts that they get you thinking that you would show up is put in there. i would expect that the room is full of them by now" Selene explained.

Bella stared in shock hearing Selene's confession. tears burned at her eyes as she looked down sadly. Just how badly had she hurt them by leaving?

She walked out of the room and quickly made her way down the stairs with JJ following her.

"Christine what is wrong?" JJ asked trying to keep up with her.

Christine came to a stop in the kitchen and saw Tiffany standing there at the stove cooking something.

"uh oh" Bella squeaked.

"not good adort abort" Selene looked frightened.

"She cant be that bad...Christine could handle her" Bakura says looking very sure of his words.

"Good after noon Christine" Tiffany said calmly. "have a seat" she added. Christine could hear it in her voice, it wasn't a request. Trembling Christine walked over to the table and sat down. christine held onto her leg fighting back the pain. She wasnt about let them know she was hurting

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