36 Seto

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Seto picked up the book.

They pulled up to the CD's bar and grill. Derek shut off the engine after parking. "oh dear god....i haven't been here in forever" Christine said breathlessly as they got out of the van. Derek followed Christine into the building and looked around.

"hmmm CD's chilly" She groaned a little as the smell of chilly crossed assaulted her.

"yes Christine, we know it is your favorite" Bella says with a chuckle. Christine reddened.

"that must mean that it is good" Derek said amused.

"oh yes" Christine said as they walked up to the bar where CD was at. Christine tensed up seeing who else was there. "shit" she muttered.

"let me guess....Walker is there" Luna asked.

"come on" Derek said pushing her forward as they got closer. "are you CD?" He questioned.

"who is asking?" CD asked as they all looked over. Christine staid tense and quiet as she stared at the people in front of her. Derek showed them his badge.

"We are investigating some murders. this seems to be a common place. we were hoping you could give us some answers" Derek replied and nudged Christine. She jumped a little and looked at him questioningly.

"Oh gods" Christine hide her face with her hands. "im so sorry!!!!" she squeaked.

Bella shakes her head a little.

"show them" Derek said as if it was obvious. "Sorry she is new" he added as she quickly got out the pictures of the girls and handed them over.

"why didn't they calls us in?" the dark skinned man sitting next to Walker, whom Christine recognized as Trivette,

"My god father" Bella commented.

asked as they looked over the pictures.

"That's Mrs. Smiths daughter" Walker said recognizing one of them.

"she's a regular" CD added.

"Do you have any idea who would want to hurt her? has she had any problems with any one recently?" Derek asked.

The blond haired woman looked mortified as she stared at the pictures. *Cahill* Christine thought in annoyance.

"hate her" Bella commented.

"so do i apperently." Christine says wearily.

"why do you hate her?" Mahad asked.

"She keeps trying to get with dad" Bella explained.

"She was having some problems with her husband...but i don't think he is the one who did this" Cahill explained.

Christine and Derek looked at each other in surprised. "smiths didn't say anything about a husband" Christine said in surprise. Her eyes widened as she realized that she had spoken out loud and looked away hoping that they staid ignorant to her, but as luck would have it. She had gotten Walker's attention. 

"damnit!" Bella and Christine exclaimed.

Derek caught sight of something hanging on the wall behind CD. "What's that?" he said trying to get a better look at it. "can i see that picture?" He said pointing to the one behind CD. CD turned and looked over to see which one he was speaking about.

"This one?" CD asked pointing to the picture of two silver haired girls.

Bella paled.

"Is that me?" Christine asked.

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