Chapter 30 Horus

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Christine forced her eyes open with a groan as she came to. Her head was pounding as if she had been hit by something. She weakly looked around moving her head a little, but found that her movement was restricted. Suddenly on alert she quickly looked around to see where she was. Her arms were chained up above her head onto the walls. The place looked like an old abandoned warehouse.

"Why is it always warehouses?" Scorpius asked with a sigh.

"Why are you not back to being Selene?" Alec shot back

"hm?" Bella looked over at Scorpius confused.

Scorpius groaned a little before changing back to Selene. "how did you even find out about that?" He asked.

"It's not really that hard to figure out" Alec replied smugly. "and i walked in on you changing one time" He added nonchalant.

Bella stared at Scor....Selene tilting her head in confusion.

Her eyes widened seeing a battle in front of her, but it wasn't the pharaoh or any member of the BAU. It was Tristan! And there was that familiar green circle around the two duelists.

"Tristan! Joey!" Christine called out seeing them.

"don't worry Christine, we are going to get you out of there!" joey called over.

"is there any chance we can get through this chapter quickly?" Christine asked hesitantly.

Horus nods. "ill try to get through it quickly, but if everyone keeps commenting then it will take longer" he explained.

Atem pulled Christine close to him.

The man that Tristan was dueling, the man that had taken her in the first place just laughed. "and what can a mutt like you do?" He said tauntingly. "You should have just staid out of this. It is a family affair." he added.

"You will never be family to me or Bakura!" Christine snapped angrily at the man as she pulled against the chains that held her to the wall. She hissed out in pain as something struck her across her front. Looking to the side she saw a Harpy lady flying beside her with a vine whip and a smirk on its face.

Christine recoiled a bit as though she had actually been hit.

"kill him. Kill Him" Luna chanted.

Christine turned and looked over at the man. "you have a for a vile man like you father" she spat with a sneer on her face clearly not impressed. She could see the shocked and surprised looks on Tristan and Joey's faces hearing her. "and in case you haven't forgotten you and I are not even biologically related!" she added. her voice was full of hatred as she spoke.

Horus smirked reading this.

Anger was the expression on the man's face at her words. "Keep quiet! i will deal with you later one i have sent your friends off to the shadows" he said darkly.

"Go right a head. they are not even my friends!" Christine replied with a Ha! to her voice. she was not about to give this man any fuel to use against her!

Everyone in the room looked at Christine with a look of exasperation.

"maybe not...but they are friends of the pharaoh" The man replied as he drew a card.

"damn straight we are!" Tristan said clenching his fists angrily as he glared at the man.

"Such children" The man scoffed before ordering his fiend Dark Ruler Ha Des to destroy Tristan's Cyber commander making his life points go down to 1,000.

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