chapter 24 Selene

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When everyone gathered together in the throne room later that night for dinner they decided to read a few more chapters before bed.

It was selene's turn to read. Out of everyone there at the table Selene and Alec were the only one who looked as though they belonged at a royal table. Even Atem and Akmonkomon paled in comparason to Selene.

Christine and Derek walked into the office...well Derek walked in carrying Christine who was protesting quite loudly the whole way up gaining a whole lot of attention in the process.

Selene chuckled at the thought.

Luna looked quite confused as she attempted to picture it in her mind.

"Give it a rest" Derek said not at all bothered by her death threats as he walked over to Bella's desk and sat her down ignoring the questioning looks that they were receiving.

"What happened?!" the pharaoh exclaimed seeing Christine's bandaged leg.

"Is she ok?" Alec asked looking worried.

"Yes i am fine. This is far into the future for me and it is only a cut" Christine explained with a small smile. Though she still looked tired, She was more awake than she had been earlier.

Alec nods in understanding.

Christine groaned a little having forgotten that she was still wearing the clothes from the night before. wait, what was he doing there? Confusion set in.

Melinoe chuckled.

" a very dark ally with some guys...and a pipe" Derek said smoothly but made it sound like it he was just recounting an event from the night before.

Selene scoffed a little at the lie. "I have no idea what has happened. But that was not very good" she says.

Luna shakes her head a little.

"Derek helped me out and took me to the hospital" Christine added going along with the lie.

"what happened to the guys?" Emily asked with a worried look on her face.

"they ran off when they saw Derek" Christine replied.

Luna raised an eyebrow at this.

"he isn't that scary" Reid said looking over at Derek.

"you know what Reid" Derek started to say.

"I dont know, he can be pretty intimidating" Selene says thoughtfully.

"you met him?" Luna asked.

"breifly" Selene nods.

"he is when he has a gun in his hand" Christine said with a scowl. "but the whole effect was kinda ruined since he was only half dressed" she added with a smirk making him stutter out a defending response.

"Hey! It only made it better...I, unlike pretty boy over here, work out everyday" Derek said. Christine scoffed.

"The fact that you have to defend your self in amusing" Christine smirked.

"The fact that you only brought that up to make your husband who apparently has amnesia jealous is amusing" Derek shot back.

"Ouch" Selene snickered.

"That is mean but so funny" Luna grinned.

Christine turned red as Atem looked over at her in exasperation.

"Really Christine?!" He says with a scowl.

Christine stared at him owlishly and reddened a little before throwing a pen at him and turned away crossing her arms with a huff, seeing the look on the pharaohs face which clearly meant he hadn't really been listening, made her sulk a little more, but she smirked seeing the furious look of Tea's face.

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