𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧

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School had thankfully ended, and the now pair stood in Renjun's garden, trying to save some of the roses as the snow piled up on the cold December day

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School had thankfully ended, and the now pair stood in Renjun's garden, trying to save some of the roses as the snow piled up on the cold December day.

It stilled shocked Donghyuck that it had been two - nearly three - months since he had met the boys.

Donghyuck had his gloves on as he gently brushed the snow away from one of the small roses. It was a deep crimson colour, a symbol of love, one would have thought.

He released a soft breath, watching the hot air dance in the air before fading into nothing. "It's so beautiful," he whispered in amazement, seeing that he had saved yet another one of Renjun's beloved roses.

He looked up to meet eyes with the older, a small smile finding its way to Donghyuck's face as he did so.

"You have a very pretty garden, Renjun. I can't wait for spring so that we can decorate mine together," the younger happily mumbled while pulling the hat over his ears to protect them from the fierce cold.

He glanced at the bucket of dead flowers, frowning at the sight of Renjun's hard work going to waste.

"Sorry that we lost so many," the blonde hummed gently while placing his hand on the older's shoulder to comfort him.

Renjun merely shrugged, a smile gracing his features to reassure the younger.

"But look how many we saved!" He exclaimed, pointing to a bed of six roses that had survived the night's snow.

It was beyond Donghyuck how he had kept so many alive past summer, but he truly believed that Renjun was a miracle worker.

"Wanna head in for some hot chocolate?" Renjun questioned in a happy mood, clearly overjoyed by the number of surviving flowers that day.

He picked up the bucket, already heading inside when an ice cold snowball hit his back.

A silence was formed between them as a cheeky smile adorned Donghyuck's face, waiting for Renjun's revenge.

The bucket of dead roses was dropped onto the floor, the wilted, brown flowers falling to the snow covered ground once again.

"Oh Donghyuck," he chuckled, bending down to pick up a handful of snow before shaping it in his glove-covered hands. "You just made the biggest mistake."

He ran at the younger, throwing the snow at him and cackling as Donghyuck squealed in surprise.

"It's so cold," the younger whined, standing there while pouting childishly. "But I guess I did declare war!"

He bent down, and in one swift movement picked up the snow and shoved it in Renjun's face daringly.

"The element of surprise, I say."

Renjun shook his head while his mouth was agape. He truly didn't expect such an audacious action from the other.

"What's brought on this confidence?" The older quipped jokingly before charging at an unsuspecting Donghyuck who gasped in shock as Renjun tackled him to the ground.

The snow began to seep into their clothes, and the unbearable cold became numbing as Donghyuck's cheeks burned red.

Their position was a suggestive one indeed.

Renjun had Donghyuck pinned to the ground, his lips hovering over the other's while his hands were clasped around younger's wrists, holding him down. Donghyuck wasn't exactly fighting against the older's forceful hold though, more so entranced by the other's eyes piercing deep into his own.

The older spared no time before colliding his lips harshly against Donghyuck's, forcing the younger's head back against the ground further and taking his breath away. He was like a thief, snatching the blonde's thoughts until he was rendered useless, a victim to his own heart. Emotions were all that ran through them as their mouths changed positions over and over, never satisfied with sticking to one, and even less pleased when separating to try again.

The Chinese teen was so possessive - so dominant. His tongue forced its way into Donghyuck's unsuspecting cavern and searched it as it seemed to be the last place he had familiarised himself with. He loved this feeling and all that that came with it.

The younger pulled his hands away from the older's hold which had weakened purposely, bringing them up to lace around Renjun's neck and pull him closer. It appeared he liked that, as he then rested his hand against Donghyuck's cheek and cupped it affectionately. Eventually though, air became a crying necessity, and both had to separate.

A string of saliva still connected their lips even as they panted and gazed longingly at each other, only broken when Renjun drew his index finger across it. "You're a better kisser than I predicted," he teased before sitting up properly. After taking to his feet, he wiped off the snow from his trousers before holding his hand out. "Ready to go?"

Still breathless from the unexpected, intimate interaction, Donghyuck whispered out a quiet 'what's that supposed to mean?' while gratefully taking the older's hand as he offered it.

"It means that I'm freezing my ass off, and that I wouldn't mind continuing when we're inside," he replied, chuckling 'fondly' as the younger heaved a sigh of relief.


𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸; renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now