𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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With ragged breaths and burning lungs, Donghyuck sobbed

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With ragged breaths and burning lungs, Donghyuck sobbed. His head was pounding with an aching sensation whilst his heart jumped in his chest, not allowing him to relax for even a minute.

His salty tears cascaded down his face, not seeming to have an end as he sprinted, his legs numb to the agony of this all.

Directions had become muffled and he no longer knew if he was running further into the woods or further away, but anything was better than being in the impure and criminalistic hands of Renjun.

The manipulative bastard had screwed with Donghyuck's mind, teasing him with false love, only to rip it all away in the blink of an eye.

Destroyed. It's how the boy felt as he stumbled, his legs no longer able to support his body. He went toppling to the ground, his already pained head thumping against a log as he did so.

With blurry vision - both from tears and dizziness - the blonde made out a figure hovering above him.

"M-Mark?" He whispered, his arms outstretched. He wanted nothing more than for the older to tell him this was all a joke, but the solemn expression Mark wore was enough to tell him that everything wasn't okay. Not at all.

With a bit of effort, the taller hauled up the nearly unconscious teen, supporting Donghyuck to keep him up.

"Fuck," he hissed, seeing the blood spewing from the back of the younger's head dangerously fast. "Stay awake, kid," he mumbled, slapping his face to keep his eyes open. "You need to get to Jeno's cabin. Stay awake, goddammit!" He yelled, dragging his body along to the edge of the forest where only snow coated fields were seen.

"R-Renjun! He's t-trying-"

"I know Hyuck. You need to stay awake, alright? Go to the cabin. Jeno will patch you up. I'll deal with Renjun," he assured, but he noticed the panicked, frenzied look that clawed at Donghyuck's bruised features. "I'll be fine."

With an extremely subtle nod, which still inflicted much pain, Donghyuck released himself from Mark's gentle hold and limped towards the open field, blood colouring the once untouched and pure snow to a shimmering crimson shade.

"Be careful!" Mark called up, only being able to hope that Donghyuck got to safety before Renjun cut both of them down.

Soon, after a few minutes, once he could no longer see the figure of the blonde, he turned to the woods where an eery darkness enveloped it.

The squawks of crows and the chitter of crunching leaves left an unsettled sensation to erupt in the depths of the Canadian boy's stomach.

Huang Renjun would never forgive him for aiding his prey. He would almost be unluckier if Renjun spared his life, for no one knew the killer the way Mark did. He was Renjun's first 'love' after all.


The familiar taunting tone sent shivers down the older's spine as he spun in his heel to see a disheveled Renjun threading a needle, his eyes downcast and his lips pursed.

"Did you let little Hyuckie escape?"

"Fuck off Renjun! Have you not tortured us all enough? Have you not traumatised us enough?!" Mark screamed, his tears welling as he thought of the hell he himself had experienced after moving to a new country with a foreign language.

"Oh Markie," the shorter mumbled as he held the shining needle up to the light of the moon to see if it was all ready. "Haven't you learned that it's never enough? None of you will ever satisfy me."

Mark stepped backwards. His once confident persona shrinking away to nothing as the younger approached him with the needle, a smirk tugging at his lips condescendingly.

"W-We'll tell the police! I won't let you get away with this any longer!" He shrieked, eyes holding utter terror.

Renjun was so calm and collected, the threats not worrying him in the slightest.

"How will you tell everyone with your lips sewn shut?"

𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸; renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now