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Donghyuck awoke to the sound of Renjun cursing at the stubborn radio in what the younger could only assume was Chinese

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Donghyuck awoke to the sound of Renjun cursing at the stubborn radio in what the younger could only assume was Chinese.

He felt the space beside him where the said boy once lay only to feel that the sheets held onto little of the others body heat meaning he had been up for a while now.

"What are you doing?" He whined, turning around in the bed to watch the older battle with the device.

"I think this is pretty self explanatory, and that Hyuckie is making fun of me," Renjun mumbled distastfullh, glaring childishly at Donghyuck who giggled at the others failed attempts to revive the radio that he had killed to silence the day before.

"Move aside, I'll deal with that." Donghyuck slid his legs over the side of the mattress, groaning at the pain that shot down his back from the previous nights activities.

He sent a warning look towards the other who watched with amusement at his partner's struggles.

"This is on you Huang," he groaned, finally plucking up the courage to stand up properly. "Well this is an agonising experience," he hissed before dropping to his knees to fiddle with the radio again.

"Well, if you're doing that, then I'll head out to the woods and see if I can find enough wood to get us through this trip."

"I saw a shovel in the closet, probably for this reason exactly," Donghyuck mentioned as he kept his focus on the pretty dead device.

"Thank you...and look after yourself."


After working relentlessly to revive the radio, Donghyuck finally received a shrill screech of confirmation that they were back online.

Renjun, on the other hand, had only implored the mighty task of shovelling the night's snow away only five minutes before and had set out into the woods to find enough firewood for the foreseeable future.

Donghyuck fiddled with a few knobs to see if he could get it going, and eventually, after typing in Mark and Jeno's cabin name into the old fashioned radio, he could contact their friends.

"Hey?" Jisung's voice chimed in from the cracklings device. Donghyuck furrowed his brow, confused as to what the younger was doing there.

"Hey Jisung. It's Donghyuck," he started, listening as a few crackles and pops filled the quiet of the empty cabin. "I wanted to check how you huys were doing."

"Well Chenle and I had come over to tell Jeno and Mark something, and we weren't able to leave. We spent the night here," he explained calmly, his voice barely audible thanks to the weak connection. "Also the teachers say the trip is cut short and that in two days another storm is coming. We're leaving that morning, okay?"

"Well Renjun's gone out to get wood, and if any of you need to get out of the cabin, there's a shovel in each building. Say hi to everyone." A fizzing noise held the line momentarily until a reply of confirmation was returned.

Donghyuck left the radio on so that they would pick up if anyone needed them, and he hopped back into bed, hoping to ease the faint pain that still lingered in his lower back.

"Come home soon, Renjun..."

𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸; renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now