1- Hold my hands (snape and draco)

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This is for Shayleemf_19 I hope you like this one. ❤️❤️❤️

I was once again distracted by the constant whispering. I heard my name every so often and it was starting to make me paranoid. I couldn't focus on anything because I knew they were talking about me. They didn't try to hide it. "imagine being the daughter of- no actually imagine being the father of that." A cold chill went down my back and I turned my head to look at the group of girls who were now giggling to themselves. I put my hand up and Professor Lupin looked at me "yes miss snape?" I swallowed hard as the girls laughed even harder "may I go to see mrs pomfrey, I really don't feel Well" he nodded a worried look in his eye "of course." I stood up grabbing my things making eye contact with a concerned looking Draco before rushing out trying to hide my tears. I made my way down the dark corridor my breathing heavy. I stopped at the door and cleared my throat "p-pure blood" the passage opened and I rushed in running to my dorm room throwing myself onto the bed breaking down completely. I pulled the forest green blankets over my head slowly crying myself to sleep the pain almost unbearable.

I woke up to my alarm blaring and my owl hooting. I groaned slightly "moonlight shush... I'm tired" the squawking owl soon settled down and I threw the clock onto the floor the sound instantly ceasing. I stuffed my face back into the pillow closing my eyes and trying to get back to sleep but I just couldn't. I groaned and sat up rubbing my eyes tiredly. I stood up wobbling slightly before going to the bathroom and looking in the mirror my eyes widening in horror. My eyes were all red and I had bags under my eyes which made me look incredibly gross. I leaned against the sink for support before dragging my feet along the soft carpet until I reached my bed falling into it tiredly. I reached down and grabbed my clock before bringing it closer to my face a groan escaping my mouth "why bother anymore?" I dropped the clock again before turning over cuddling into my blankets getting as comfy as possible. As I let my hand slip down I felt a sharp jab and I opened my eyes noticing a piece of paper. I picked it up and opened it my eyes frantically scanning over the words.

Dear shay. Don't bother anymore. You know you shouldn't. You're just worthless. You're stupid. You cry at the tiniest of things and we can't be friends anymore. Were we friends? No, but still. I love your pain. Sincerely Violet.

Tears pricked in my eyes and I dropped the letter starting to cry harder and harder. She's right. I'm stupid and I don't deserve anything at all. Who needs me anymore? I pulled the duvet over my head and closed my eyes not bothering to get up or even do anything. I hadn't eaten for a while as that's one of the things the girls talked about. I won't go into details but they called me many things and that's why I stopped eating. I'm ready to just leave. I hate it here. I thought this year would be so much better but I guess I was wrong.

Draco's POV
my eyes scanned the classroom my eyes fixating on the only empty seat in the class. "Ten points from Gryffindor! Quit speaking out of line." Snape yelled angrily but I didn't even try to laugh or take the piss out of someone as I had better things to do "sir shays not in class again... do you think she's coming back?" Violet said fluttering her eyes making me scoff slightly "hopefully she's dead" violets friend Lillian whispered causing the little group to laugh. They were so incredibly awful. I wouldn't even go that low. I wouldn't say that to potter... well maybe I would but only for a laugh. Violet isn't doing it for a laugh she's doing it for attention and I have a bad feeling she wants it to become true. "Irrelevant question... forty points from Ravenclaw" I smirked and all the girls gasped starting to complain "oh just shut your god damn mouth. No one cares what you think" I said not being able to hold myself back any longer. I made eye contact with snape and he nodded towards the door and I got the indication and stood up rushing out of the room. I entered the dark hallway before stopping near the entrance "pure blood" it opened the I rushed in trying not to trip over my robes. I walked to the girls dorms and went to shay's and gently knocked on the door.

Shay's POV
I heard a slight knock but I didn't respond "shay sweetheart" I recognised the voice instantly and sniffled "dray?" I whispered as the door opened. I felt the bed dip down and I sat up slowly and looked at the blonde boy infront of me "your dads worried. I'm worried." He sighs a frown covering his face "cmon let me help you" he stood up grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him. I stumbled slightly but he only pulled me into his arms rubbing my back gently. He played with my hair kissing my forehead occasionally. He took my hand and walked me into the bathroom "sit down" he said. I sat down on the toilet seat rubbing at me eyes watching as Draco touched my cheek with his hand gently rubbing his thumb against my skin. "Hold my hands" he took my hands in his and I gave his hands a squeeze sniffling softly. He started to mutter soft words that I couldn't understand but after about two minutes he stopped and smiled "you look much better..." he helped me stand up and I looked in the mirror noticing my red eyes had disappeared and I didn't look sick anymore. Draco wrapped me up in a warm embrace and I held onto him tightly. "Your dads worried let's go see him" I sniffle and shake my head "but they're gonna say something" Draco shook his head "I'll shut them up"

We slowly made our way back to the classroom and Draco led me in his hand holding onto mine tightly. Snape turned his head to look at us both and a relieved look flashed over his face and he smiled a little bit "oh so the witch isn't dead" violet said very loudly "get out of my classroom." Snape uttered glaring at the red haired girl angrily "but sir I'm only stating the obvious. She's not dead and she looks fine" Snape clenched his jaw "don't make me yell. Get out! Actually class dismissed. Everyone get out!" Draco held me close to his chest as everyone rushed out of the room. Snape hurried over to me wrapping his arms around me tightly "Oh are you okay sweetie? You look so sad. I can see it" he looked into my eyes and I sniffled "I need h-help dad" he nodded and looked at Draco "you can go if you want" snape said but all Draco did was hold me tighter and shake his head "I'm staying" Snape nodded and Draco sat me down on his lap wrapping his arms around my stomach resting his chin on my shoulder "I've got you" he whispered into my ear and I leaned back into him "what happened?" Snape asked sitting down "girls are horrible to me dad. They make fun of me for being your daughter" he shakes his head a deep frown etched onto his face "nonsense. Those girls are silly and I will have them removed from all of your classes. I will talk to the other teachers and because of what they have done I'll have them excluded. I know violets dad so I'll talk to him as well okay sweetheart" I nodded slowly "it still hurts though" he nodded "I know it does but I promise it'll stop and if it doesn't then I'll lay more harder restrictions down onto those girls so they understand" I nodded slowly and Draco smiled "I'll protect you. You just have to tell me remember?" I nodded and kissed his cheek thanking him quietly. "Okay you two go relax and I'll write some letters to the girls parents. Maybe go to hogsmead and just go have fun" Draco nodded and stood up "thanks snape. See you later" Snape nodded and smiled "bye dad thanks" he nodded smiling before going over to his desk. Draco held my hand tightly and walked out of the classroom with me where the girls looked and started to point whilst laughing "you laughing at me?" Draco asked "no we're laughing at her" Draco laughed "oh nonsense. Keep laughing at me. I love it. Also good luck." All girls exchanged glances before looking back at us confused "good luck with your parents" I said and all the girls instantly looked ill and ran off causing both of us to laugh. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked and Draco smiled "I'll show you"

We got our butterbeers before making our way to wherever Draco wanted to take me. After a while we stopped at a cliff edge and he smiled sitting down "cmon come here" he held his hand out and I carefully took it and he pulled me to the edge. I sat down dangling my legs over the edge whilst watching the sunset. I sipped the butter beer and leaned against Draco his head leaning against mine "those girls won't bother you again I promise..." he kissed my head and I smiled not saying anything. After a while of silence I sighed "thank you" Draco looked at me "for what?" I smiled "for being my brother" he smiled wide "no problem. I love being your brother. I love you shay" I smiled watching as the clouds swallowed the sun darkness wrapping its arms around the rest of the light "I love you too dray. So so much." He wrapped his arm around me and held me close smiling to himself.

I hope you liked this one!! Thank you so much for the request!!!

Word count: 1745

Please request as many as you want. Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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