21- what's wrong? (Alan rickman)

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This is for Shayleemf_19 I hope you like this one 💚💚💚

Shay's POV
Today definitely wasn't my day. First I get pooped on by a bird, then a dog nearly bites me and it doesn't help that today's weather fits my mood. It's raining so hard. The crystal water droplets dive bombed my car windows and I watched as the droplets dribbled down sadly. My phone began to ring and I looked down sighing a little bit. I pressed decline and leaned my head back feeling absolutely crap. My phone began to ring again and I answered it putting it on loud speaker "hello?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm "hey hun. What do you want for dinner tonight?" I sighed "anything dad. Anything" I mumbled resting my head against the steering wheel "bad day?" He asked and I cleared my throat "no just tired" I heard him laugh a little bit "aw well come home. Your pyjamas are already out on your bed for you. I got Tom to do it" I whined "Tom is there? Dad... I don't want visitors" he sighed "oh you are tired. yes he is. I'm helping him with something. He's only staying for tea and then he'll be going." I rolled my eyes "fine. See you in a while" I hung up and sighed. Tom is lovely and everything but sometimes I just want alone time with my dad. I put my seatbelt on before starting the car up. As I began to drive the car made a screeching sound and just froze in place. I turned the engine on before starting it again but it was completely dead. I tried a couple more times before giving up banging my head on the steering wheel really frustrated. I got out of the car grabbed my bag before locking the car starting to walk away from the car park. I got out onto the main road and pulled my coat closer to me as thunder rattled the dark sky. "Just what I need. Bloody brilliant" I whispered to myself and walked faster to try and get home before the storm got worse. The rain seemed to get heavier as if it had a mind of its own and was targeting me. After a while I walked down my street and towards my house the rain continuing to attack me. I shoved the door open before slamming it shut. I walked into the living room immediately noticing Tom and my dad Alan. "Oh hey sweetheart" dad said smiling at me but all I did was shiver. He stood up pulling me into a warm hug "what happened to you?" Tom asked concern on his face. "The weather outside happened!" I snapped and Tom raised his hands in surrender "sorry" dad kept me close and rubbed my back "Hey watch your tone darling. I know you're not very happy but don't take it out on Tom. Now why don't you go get changed and we can have a cuddle" I took a deep breath before nodding. I started walking out of the room before I stopped and turned around looking at Tom "sorry Tom" he smiled and shook his head "don't worry lovely" I smiled a little before turning around and making my way upstairs. I got changed quickly before making my way downstairs again immediately getting into dads lap and hugging him tightly. He rubbed my back gently and smiled "it's okay. It's okay." After a while I felt someone sit beside me and I looked up smiling slightly at Tom who looked twice as worried. "Do you want to tell us what happened?" He asked gently. "C-crappy things... just awful things. My car broke down and that's why I was soaked" dad cooed gently "aww sweetheart. Shhh shh it's okay" he drew little circles into my back keeping me close to him. Tom held my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckle "we all have bad days sweetheart. You're allowed to feel this." Tom smiled and I nodded burying my head into dads shoulder not letting go of him. "A dog nearly attacked me... a bird pooped on me..." I sniffled and Tom rubbed my back "it was just awful" dad smiled sadly "it's okay. It's okay. At least today is over and tomorrow will be a better day" I nodded cuddling into him more "you have to be more open with me sweetheart" I nodded slowly "I'm always here for you. And even those Gryffindor losers are there for you." Tom said and I giggled softly "thank you both. I love you loads" they both smiled "and we love you just as much" I was so lucky to have them in my life.

I hope this was okay. 💚💚💚❤️🐍

Word count: 800

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