26- Mission gone wrong (weasley twins)

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This is for Shayleemf_19 I hope you like this one! 💚❤️💚

Shay's POV
"Okay shay and George you go with Lupin. Don't stop for anything. Don't show mercy and most importantly don't let your guard down" Alastor Moody said and I nodded smiling a little bit at George before looking around trying to find Fred but he was of course... Harry... Everyone was harry.... god this is confusing. "Harry?" We all looked at moody "yeah?" He sighed "the real Harry" Harry stepped forward "you go with Hagrid. All of you get ready. Let's not waste any more time. Cmon" we followed him outside "this will test your knowledge of magic so just be ready to fight" I made sure I had my wand before I got my broomstick and walked towards Lupin "okay shay you stay on my right. George you stay on my left" we nodded "okay" I looked at George and smiled "good luck" he nodded "good luck to you too. Hang on" he put his broomstick down before walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me tight. He kissed my head and smiled "you've got this girl. I've got your back okay. And so have fred" I nodded "thanks. I love you" he smiled "love you too lil sis" I smiled and Lupin coughed loudly "we're wasting time" George laughed "sorry professor" George walked over to his broomstick and picked it up. I got onto my broomstick kicking up off the ground holding onto it tight. I made sure my wand was in my pocket before leaning forward and making eye contact with George as we got higher and higher. "Stick with me" Lupin said as it started getting windy. I moved closer to Lupin making sure I was close so I didn't lose them. I watched as the clouds started to turn grey and a crack of thunder was heard before a flash of lightening nearly blinded me "down!" Lupin shouted and I managed to dodge a curse that had spiralled towards me. "Expelliarmus!" George shouted and I looked to my left noticing a death eater fall of his broom stick. I tilted my broom downwards and went below the clouds instead of through them I looked to my left expecting Lupin to be there but he wasn't nor was George "George?! Lupin?!" I yelled looking around completely stunned. I saw a cloaked figure and I went to rush off until I noticed who it was. Professor Snape? No it couldn't be. Could it? I looked closer my eyes widening. It was him. "Sectumsempra!" Snape yelled and I tried to dodge but I was in too much shock. The curse striked my face causing me to fall off my broomstick. I grabbed the end of my broomstick just in time. "That was close" I whispered before trying to get my leg up to help myself get onto the broomstick but that was when I felt a pulsing feeling going through my ear and my vision was unfocused. "Shay?!" I heard Lupin's voice and tried to call back but I couldn't find my voice I could only move my lips. "thank god you're okay. If you hadn't been wearing Fred's wristband then I don't think I would've been able to tell if it was you or not" he said and I felt a hand on my arm before he fell silent "holy... merlins beard..." he whispered and that's when my hand started to weaken. I let go of my broomstick but before I could fall Lupin grabbed me and put me on the broomstick "just hold on. You're okay" he said before everything began to spin and we were back at my house. Lupin helped me walk in "keep your eyes open shay we're nearly there" I nodded and blinked rapidly trying to keep my eyes open. We walked through the door and my mum rushed towards me her arms open a horrified look on her face "oh my poor girl. What happened? Oh gosh" she got me a pillow and put it on the sofa before I was nudged onto the sofa my eyes starting to close again "shay dear keep your eyes open. I'm right here" mum caressed my cheek and pressed a towel against my head. I didn't know the full extent of the injury so I was pretty calm. "Lupin where's shay?" George asked and Lupin nodded over to me and I heard a quiet gasp "oh no... oh no no no. Oh my- is she okay?" He rushed over to me kneeling down beside me his hand gripping mine "Oh shaylee bear... are you okay?" I looked towards him and shrugged "could be better Georgie" he caressed my cheek looking into my eyes "oh you're so strong sweetheart" I took his hand in mine and smiled "it's for you and Fred... I'm strong for the both of you" I watched as my dad and Fred rushed into the room Ron following close behind as well as Harry and Hermione. Hermione covered her mouth a look of horror on her face before Harry nudged Ron forward. Ron hurried over to me and looked me over concern covering his face "are you okay shay?" I smiled and nodded slowly "I'm okay Ron" he smiled a little bit before he was pushed out of the way by Fred who instantly kneeled down beside me his hand gripping mine "hey!" Ron yelled but Fred ignored him his attention on me "gosh I was so worried. Lupin told us and I thought you were...." he looked down a sad look on his face and with much struggle I sat up slowly and pulled Fred into my arms "you can't get rid of me that easily Freddie... you and Georgie have me forever. I promise" I kissed his forehead gently and smiled keeping him close. I rubbed his back before leaning back "can I have a look?" He asked nodding towards my head. I nodded and mum took the towel off my ear before I turned my head and Fred looked horrified and so did everyone else but George quickly pushed Fred out of the way and smiled a little bit "it's not that bad. Just a bit of a... uh... graze" I nodded "mum I'll hold it" mum nodded at him and gave George the towel. He sat down beside me and held the towel against my ear "you know this has happened to me before. It's not that bad I promise. Does it hurt?" He asked and I gave him a are you serious? Look and he smiled chuckling softly "of course it does. Well you know when Umbridge made us write with that quill and our hands were scarred well it's like that... the pain is awful but then it goes away. I promise." Fred got closer again "and it helps if you don't think about it" Fred said and I looked at fred and nodded a little bit a pain going through my head causing me to grip my head but George quickly held my hands pulling them down and holding onto my hands "it'll hurt worse if you do that sweetheart" I nodded and took a deep breath. Lupin came over and began to check me over "it'll here on its own but I would say wrap a bandage around her head and make her drink this" he pulled a little potion out of his pocket and I looked at the label easy fix to lost body parts my eyes widened and I began to breathe heavy. "George! D-did I lose... my...?" I didn't know how to finish the sentence and George quickly wrapped his arms around me holding me tight "shaylee bear breathe for me... nice deep breath... even breaths... in and out sweetheart" he whispered rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I took deep breaths closing my eyes tight leaning my head on his chest. Fred kneeled down in front of me and held my hand tight "tell me the truth" I whispered and Fred cleared his throat "the curse hit you shaylee... I'm sorry but... you don't have an ear anymore" I felt a cold shiver run down my back and I covered my face but Fred was quick to remove my hands from my face "if you think you're not pretty anymore then you're silly. You're a Weasley shay. It doesn't matter whether you have two ears or just one... you're still gorgeous and so perfect. We're lucky to have you as a sister. Don't think of yourself like that sweetheart" I looked into Fred's eyes and wrapped my arms around him tightly hiding my face in his shoulder "you're still our sister. No matter what. You're the greatest sister ever...." George smiled and quickly spoke up "don't tell Ginny though" I shook my head and Fred lifted me up holding me tight "thanks Lupin. Mum I'm gonna take shay up to my bedroom so me and George can take care of her. Okay?" Mum nodded and smiled "of course boys." Harry came towards me and looked at me smiling a little bit "get better soon shay" I thanked him quietly holding onto Fred tight.

Fred put me on the bed and George sat next to me where I instantly curled up beside him. "I mean at least you didn't lose a leg or something like that" I smiled "I guess so" George held me close before Fred sat beside me a bandage in his hand "sit up for me" I sat up and he wrapped a bandage around my head several times before unscrewing the little bottle "this will also stop the pain" he said and I nodded still not coming to terms that I had lost my ear. I swallowed the liquid quickly before lying back down cuddling close to my brothers. "Also shay" I hummed softly "talk to us whenever and if you need to cry then cry. Don't hold your emotions in. All you need to know though is that you were so so sooo incredibly brave today and we're both proud" I smiled a little bit staying close to them both. Well even though I lost an ear I'm glad I've still got my brothers by my side. The greatest brothers ever.

I hope you liked this one 💚❤️❤️❤️🐍❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 1728

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