14- Rotten luck (golden trio)

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This is for JulzLovDraco4Eva I hope you like this one ❤️💚🐍

Y/n's POV
I walked into the Gryffindor common room my eyes instantly locking with Harry's. I smile and rush over to him pulling him in for a warm hug "oh hey y/n. You okay?" I nodded and pulled away kissing his cheek gently "you okay?" He nodded "yeah I'm good. Just found this book in lesson and because I'm bored I've decided to read it" I smile laughing a little bit "aww you've got to admit that you're a bit of a book worm" he looks up and smiles "you know it" I turned around as I heard loud footsteps "there's our girl!" Fred and George both yelled causing me to roll my eyes "you both sound like a bunch of elephants!" I say and they both smile wrapping an arm around me "how's our favourite Weasley?" I sigh "I'm fine. Now gooo" they both pout "but we only just got here" I shrug and laugh "isn't my problem boys" I said and watched as Ron walked in.

Before I do anything else let me apologise. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is y/n. Y/n Weasley. Yes Weasley. Ron is my cousin and so are the Weasley twins but you understand my point. First year I met Harry, Hermione and many other people and that's how the golden trio basically became my best friends. They treated me like I was a person and not an object. They didn't even mind that I wasn't a pure blood. Most witches and wizards have problems with that but thankfully my best friends don't. I'm quite lucky to be honest. Anyway Harry's relationship with me got a lot better and if I may say; complicated. Okay I'll explain. Let's go back a few months ago-

"What happened to your hand?" I asked really worriedly. Harry shook his head "nothing y/n" I tried to grab his hand but all he did was move away "Harry!" He looked at me a shocked look on his face "show me. Let me help" he sighed and looked down before slowly giving me his hand. I rolled up his sleeve and to my horror angry red writing was written in his skin "I must not tell lies" I frowned and looked up at him "who?" I whispered "Umbridge" he responded his voice cold. "She doesn't believe me! No one does!" I let go of his hand wrapping my arms around him tightly "I believe you Harry. I will always believe you. I believe you that he is back. I completely believe you" Harry looked into my eyes and let out a cold laugh "really? How do I know you're just saying that to get me on your side?" I frowned "Harry! I would never do that to you..." he fell silent and looked down at his hands "I've got an idea" he didn't look up and I stood up "we create an army!" I began to think some more "Dumbledore's army! We go against Umbridge and get as many people in as possible to help us. Every student in hogwarts needs to know how to defend themselves so that's what we're going to create" I said smiling and Harry looked up his eyes wide "you're a genius y/n! Hang on a second... no one will believe me..." I held his shoulders "tell them all the truth Harry. They'll believe you then. I promise" he looked into my eyes and I smiled squeezing his shoulders before kissing his cheek "I promise."

Yeah so our relationship blossomed after that and it's still going great although Harry has been acting quite strange recently. "Hey" Ron said smiling. I looked at him and smiled "hey Ron..." Ron sighed and took my arm pulling me off to the side "do you know what's wrong with Harry?" He asked and I shook my head "Harry's said nothing but I've noticed how he's been acting weirdly. It's not normal that's all I can say" Ron nodded scoffing slightly "bloody hell its like he's been given the news that Umbridge has given him five hundred detentions" I nodded "I hope not... but I'll find out okay?" Ron nodded holding me close "go careful though y/n. I can't lose you" he whispered quietly and I squeezed Ron "you won't lose me ever. I promise" he smiled and nodded before walking off with the twins. I sat down beside Harry and took his hand in mine "something's going on in your mind" I said and watched as Harry shut the book "what's going on?" I asked squeezing his hand "everything" he whispered and I frowned "everything?" He nodded and looked down "if you don't tell me then I can't help" he looked at me a look of fear in his eyes "I'm sorry" he whispered and I frowned "why? What? What happened?" I whispered gently and he looked into my eyes "I'm a horcrux... one of his horcruxes that has to be destroyed so he dies" I frowned "Oh Harry. It's okay it's okay. I-I'm here" I whispered my heart breaking. You now see why it's complicated. "I'm going to be here for you no matter what. I'm going to look after you and me, Hermione, Ron, George and Fred are all going to be here to help you defeat him" I held his face in my hands before bringing his face closer to mine. I kissed his lips gently and smiled softly "I won't ever quit on you"

A few months later

"Harry what's going on?" I asked starting to really get anxious "the fights about to begin... we've got everyone to worry about... we've got bellatrix, Voldemort, Lucius, death eaters, people, enemy's and-and- draco!" I held Harry close "breathe it's okay" I whispered even though I knew it was far from okay. No one was safe anymore. I was afraid of losing Harry. I didn't want him to die or get hurt or anything like that because I wouldn't be able to cope. Harry was my everything. My absolute world. "I don't want to lose you y/n" Harry whispered and I looked into his eyes a tear slipping down my cheek "you won't ever lose me." Harry wiped it away and kissed my head "let's go somewhere safe. McGonagall is protecting hogwarts. We need to protect ourselves and the students" all four of us rushed into the room of requirement and began to make a plan on what we would do but before we could do anything or plan anything a loud bang was heard. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him keeping me so I was away from harms way. "We meet again. Potter" came draco malfoy's cold belittling voice. "What do you want malfoy?" He came out of the shadows his wand pointed at all of us his two goons beside him. "You've already lost" I spat trying to glare at him but Harry's tall figure made it difficult to do so "shut it you filthy little mudblood" he scowled venom dripping from him words. I watched as the three idiots began to run away and Ron growled "that's my girlfriend you numpty!" He yelled and ran after the three "Ron!" I yelled terrified for him. Hermione and Harry were frozen in shock and as I stepped backwards I felt a cold hand grip my arm and my vision started to spin quickly. The movement soon stopped and I opened my eyes before looking up my eyes meeting with pale skin. "Hello my dear" my eyes widened as I stared at the monster infront of me "Voldemort" I spat glaring at him. "Y/n" he whispered "Tom riddle" I spoke in the same tone and he gritted his jaw "you dare call me that? Bellatrix send a message to Draco... tell him to tell Harry Potter that we have his little girlfriend here" I glared at him and stared up at Lucius as he looked down at me "and if he doesn't come then I'll let Nagini have her dinner early" my blood ran cold and I started to shake. Harry please save me.

It happened too quickly. Harry arrived and I was taken back to hogwarts. It was tragic. Everything was blowing up. It was a war zone. Hogwarts wasn't safe anymore. I pulled my wand out and started to wave it viciously to try and hold the death eaters back. After what felt like years everything fell silent. The fighting stopped and instead there was a dead silence. Flesh was grass. Blood was everywhere. Screaming ceased. Guilt. Bright lights but it was dark. Everything was flashing. What is happening? "Harry Potter is dead!!!" My head shot up and I gasped slightly my eyes locking with Voldemort who began to hysterically laugh. "Harry Potter is dead!!!" The people behind him began to laugh even harder and I ran forwards screaming incoherent words at him but being held back by strong arms. I screamed loudly my heart breaking "you stupid girl! I could easily kill you all with the snap of my fingers. Easy!" I fell to the floor staring at a lifeless Harry who was dead in Hagrid's arms. "Oh well done draco!" I watched as Draco very uncomfortably gave voldemort a hug; then I blanked everything else out but listened to a few words Neville said. "Yes Harry is gone but he's still here! In our hearts. But you're wrong!" Neville shouted and I looked up watching as Neville pulled a sword from a bag. I stood up quickly watching as Harry jumped from Hagrid's arms and started firing spells at voldemort. "Harry?" I whispered my heart pounding in my chest. Everything turned into chaos and I watched as everyone fired more and more spells at each other. Ron grabbed my arm and pulled me away trying to keep me close to him as I was in shock. We stayed in the back until my eyes landed on Neville who ran forward and sliced Nagini in half. Tears came to my eyes. Harry's the last Horcrux. "Harry" I whimpered before trying to run off to find him but Ron held me back "Harry!!" I screamed and screamed not wanting the truth to be revealed. He couldn't die. "I'm here" Ron whispered his voice shaking.

After what felt like years everything fell silent once again. More bodies were sprawled out and I couldn't bear to look at any of them as I knew one of them was my other cousin. I watched as a very Dirty Harry made his way out of the rubbish and we both ran at each other. I wrapped my arms around him tightly crying into his neck "Oh Harry! Oh Harry." I cried into his chest struggling to breathe "I'm right here love. I'm not going anywhere" he kept me close to his chest trying to keep me calm "you can't get rid of me that easily" Ron and Hermione then joined the hug before leaving us two alone. I stayed close to Harry my heart still pounding in my chest "you're safe" he whispered a small tiny smile on his face. He knew that very evening that he. Harry Potter. Was going to marry you. Y/n Weasley. Although you all had rotten luck... you were both meant to be.

I hope you liked this one ❤️💚💚🐍

Word count: 1904

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