32- you've got to eat (george weasley)

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I had a bit of writer's block and I was pretty down in the dumps but I'm much better now so thank you to you all for sticking around.

This is for Shayleemf_19 I hope you like this one ❤️💚❤️

🛑might be triggering🛑

Shay's POV
"Hey babe" I look up and see my boyfriend George. I smiled a little bit before looking back down at my work "hi" I mumbled writing the correct method onto the paper. "What you doing?" He asked "spells. Snape asked me to just memorise a few" I shrug a little bit "don't know why though" George smiled and sat down beside me his chin resting on his hand as he stared at me. The chatter in the hall seemed to grow louder but I didn't really mind. This is what you get if you're a student at Hogwarts. "I've got to go find Ron as he took some of my special sweets and gave them to Umbridge. He then blamed it all on me" My eyes widened and I focused on him "but what if Umbridge..." I asked not being able to finish my sentence but lightly touching my wrist and George shook his head a small smile on his face "it's alright. I'll be safe. See you around" he pressed a kiss to my forehead and walked off leaving me with a bright smile on my face. God I love him.

As I started to pack my things away I felt something tug at my hair quite violently. I turned around but no one was there. I shrugged it off not thinking much of it and I returned to what I was doing. As I put my wand back into my pocket I felt something grip my collar and pull me onto the floor causing my head to slam against the cold floor. I winced in pain but once again saw no one. I sat up slowly catching onto what was going on. Someone had casted a spell on me. I looked around the room trying to find who it was until I noticed pansy and her goons staring right back at me. I rolled my eyes knowing not to test her patience as she... didn't have one. "Hey!" I ignored her hearing her footsteps storming towards me. "Oh here it goes" I whispered trying to stay calm. "What do you want with my boyfriend?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows "which one?" I asked taking a threatening step towards her and she raised her eyebrows the frown on her face getting bigger. "Draco!" She almost yelled and I tried to stifle my laugh but I couldn't hold it in. I laughed in her face. In front of her idiotic friends and in front of most of the Slytherin's. "Why would I even want to have "business" with his ugly ass" pansy looked horrified and she took a step back "just you wait Weasley girl. Just you bloody wait" She always calls me that. It's because I date George. I never hear the end of it. She storms back over to the table and puts her wand away. So she was casting a spell on me. Bitch. I laughed at my own thoughts and shook my head throwing one last glare towards her before making my way out to the courtyard.

Here we are again. In the great hall. My morning was going amazing until pansy showed up. She threw a fit again. Tried to tell george that I went to the astronomy tower last night and kissed Draco and did some other disgusting things with that other Slytherin. Ugh. His name is Marcus flint. Disgusting kid. He hurt George in quidditch and I don't mean this in a horrible way but Marcus is practically a monster. A death eater even. "Hey I'm talking to you!" I turned my head "Oh were you? Sorry you're boring" I said a small smile on my face. Pansy glared at me before turning around "you pig. Why don't you just give all that food to the homeless. You don't deserve it" she growled and I felt my stomach twist in disgust and sadness. She stared at me letting her words sink in like sharp teeth but I wasn't going to let my emotions out. Yes I was crying on the inside but she'll never know that. "Huh" she said before taking a step back smirking at me "no wonder George fakes his love for you" it felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart over and over and over again. George would never do that right? Surely not. Pansy laughed hysterically before she turned around leaving me in silence. The other Slytherin's laughed as well and I felt so incredibly small. Were her words true though? Should I just give my food to other people who actually deserve it? "Hey" I looked up and noticed Draco. Oh god what does he want. "Yes?" I asked trying to blink the tears away. "It's okay you know" he said a smile starting to grow on his face. "When you're all alone. Like right now. No Weasley's to lean on. It's okay" he said in the most venomous voice. I glared at him and watched as his eyes travelled up and down my body before he snarled "maybe think twice before eating... you'll get... you know... fatter" he stated so rudely. It was like he didn't have a heart. "I could feed all that food to the dragons out there. They're more deserving of food... if you get what I mean" he said a smirk pulling his lip up. "My dad has a treadmill at his house... or... we could just simply lock you up..." he took a step towards me and I froze "starve you... and then you won't be... big... some fruit won't hurt you... filthy mudblood" an evil glint shined in his eye before he turned around and walked off leaving me in a state of shock and pain. Why were they so mean? he laughed and continued to walk away leaving the pain in my chest to get ten times worse. Usually Draco is alright. Yeah he's a spoilt brat but he never usually verbally abuses me. Did I actually do something wrong?

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