3- Mixing potions gone wrong (draco)

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This is for Shayleemf_19 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️

Shay's POV
"Okay class today we will be mixing Liquid luck with Amortentia to see the chemical reaction. This task is very dangerous so I would advise having your heads screwed on" Snape spoke in his monotone voice. I rubbed my eye resting my chin on my hand "if anything catches fire or if any of you get hurt which I hope won't happen then just let me know. Okay let's get started" I looked at Draco who was grinning at me "Seamus I know what you're like so sit out if necessary" Seamus nodded "okay sir" I sighed and looked at Draco "so should we follow the book or just go with what we think?" Draco asked a smirk on his face "I don't know. You decide" he laughed "you just want me to get in trouble... let's just do it with the book as I don't want you to get hurt" I nodded and sat down "oh okay. You're so sweet sometimes dray" he smiled "oh shush. Okay so first we mix this into the Amortentia" he began to stir it "then you add this" he handed me a red coloured vial and I poured it in staring at the potion as it started to bubble "umm..." Draco said a nervous laugh falling from his mouth "get behind me" he said calmly and we both watched intently as the potion started to calm down. "Wow that's so cool" Draco smiled and I laughed quietly "stop it you dumbass! I'm holding a bloody potion!" Terrance yelled from behind me. He was an evil Slytherin. Pure blood and status mattered. He was definitely the biggest asshole in Hogwarts. "I'm just gonna go talk to snape. I'll be back soon okay sweetheart" he smiled pecking my cheek before going over to Snape. "Quit doing that!" Terrance yelled and I heard people calling my name and I turned around watching as the devilish black liquid spiralled towards me. It hit me in the face and all over my chest and arms. My robes started to burn and big holes were created "oh my gosh are you okay?" Hermione asked her eyes wide but I couldn't answer. I was frozen in shock and pain. "It hurts it really hurts" I said starting to breathe heavily. I looked at my arms and watched as angry red rashes started to appear leaving my arms looking gross "sir! Shay's hurt!!" A kid yelled as I started to get dizzy spells from the panic "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!" I cried not caring that I was practically screaming. Draco and Snape hurried towards me and Draco started to try and ease me but it really did hurt. Draco pulled my robes off to try and help "dray it hurts" he nodded "I know it does sweetheart but I promise I'm gonna help" Draco unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off and he got some paper towels and started to wipe the black liquid off. "Can you see me?" Draco asked and I nodded not being able to calm down "okay. Your face is okay. You've got some burns but this could've been a lot worse" he continued to wipe it off until eventually most of it was gone. "How dare you! Get out of my class! You're going straight onto the train home tonight. Do you understand young man?!" Terrance shook under Snapes gaze but nodded "yes sir" as Snape continued to yell at Terrance Draco took his robes off and wrapped them around me to make me feel as secure as possible "let's go get you cleaned up"

I sat down on my bed and watched as Draco got a cold cloth and started to wipe my face "you're gonna be fine sweetie I promise" I nodded holding onto his hand for dear life "do you think I'm gonna die?" Draco smiled and shook his head "of course not. You're gonna survive. This hurts but it isn't terrible. You're gonna live okay darling" I nodded and flinched as he rubbed my arm "sorry" I shook my head "it's okay dray" I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck as he buried his face into my neck holding me tight "I've got you princess" he pressed little kisses to my neck keeping me close to him. He sat down beside me before lifting me up onto his lap and holding me before sitting crisscross on the bed and rubbed my back easing me into his touch. i ran my fingers through his luscious blonde hair He leaned back and I lied on top of him gripping him tightly "I'm gonna help ease the pain darling..." he kissed my head running his fingers through my hair and repeating the soothing line "I've got you princess"

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️

Please request more!! I love writing for Snape/Draco/hp

Word count: 820

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