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A billow of black smoke fluttered around my feet as we apparated back to our hideout - the Malfoy Manor. This was my first time visiting. I looked up at it's dark and forlorn exterior. It seemed to ooze sadness from its long windows and sharp architecture. We had appeared inside of its gates as I saw a few lights were lit inside the home. My father walked in first as Yaxley followed and I went in last. Yaxley stayed by my side, hands in his black slacks, as we entered the home.

It was enormous inside. Expensive furniture lined the walls while portraits littered the dark walls. It was very depressing. I stopped by the lit fireplace looking up above it to see a large painted portrait of the Malfoys and Bellatrix Lestrange. I had only met Lucius and Narcissa once as I recognized their faces being painted with the most poise expressions while I knew Bellatrix very well. However I didn't recognize the boy that sat in the overly large black chair in the middle. His eyes were empty as if everything around him was sucking the life out of him. I tore my eyes away from it following after Yaxley who had been toying with a small box on the book shelf. We walked up the large stairs and entered into what looked like an upstairs dining room. It had large vaulted ceilings that held a large chandelier lit dimly. Another fireplace that was lit on one wall while a large table lined the other side. There was a multitude of chairs surrounding the table as I saw a few people already sitting by it. I saw Lucius first seeing his lips in a tight line, his eyes scurrying back and forth between the Death Eaters. He ran a nervous hand through his thinning white hair. Beside him sat the boy I had seen in the portrait. His head was lowered, his gaze downcast. He had the same stunning white hair as Lucius. Slowly, he lifted his eyes as they met mine.

They were full of fear.

I could see his dark circles that were clearly marked under his eyes. He had sharp features while his skin was pale like snow. His eyes widened seeing me. It had been a while since I had seen someone around my age but I pulled my gaze away from his. My father had mentioned the Malfoy family before.

A mixture of the weak looking for protection.

"Oh my! Can it be? Is that Chloe?!" A familiar voice rang out in the large room as I looked to the other side seeing Bellatrix smiling slyly towards me. She walked towards me, a slight hop in her step as she tugged a bit on my black hair. "Look at how big you are now!"

"You just saw me yesterday, LeStrange." I said sarcastically. Her lips curved into a smirk as she leaned towards me, slightly bending so that she looked up at my face. Her body almost contorted like a snake.

"You watch your tone with me, missy. I'll pluck your pretty little teeth out." I didn't move, my eyes never leaving hers as I blinked slowly down at her.

"I'd like to see you try." She gave me another sneer, her lips pulling back over her deformed teeth while she leaned away letting out a cackle.

"She certainly takes after you Dolohov!" My father looked at Bellatrix with dark eyes, his lips curved into a smirk.

"Obviously." They started to talk about the lead that they were at while I stayed quiet beside them. I glanced up at my father. His once serene face had now been littered with scars from Azkaban. His brown hair had grown longer, it reaching to his nape, and his beard unkempt. Ever since mother's murder, he was never the same.

"Little Clover!" I looked away from them, hearing a familiar voice. My lips spread into a small smile seeing a man step out of the black smoke. His hooded blue eyes glinted in the darkness of the room as he made his way towards us.

"Hello Rowle." I said, smiling more as he patted my head with a large hand.

"It's been a while, little Clover." I nodded in agreement. Thorfinn Rowle, one of my father's closest friends. They had both joined as Death Eaters around the same time and Rowle had been one to look out for me during my father's imprisonment. I hadn't seen him for almost a few years now. He looked me up and down, his smile turning into a frown. "Maybe I shouldn't call you little clover anymore. You've grown so much."

I laughed slightly. I had definitely grown more since he last saw me. I wasn't the timid girl he once knew. After father's imprisonment, he introduced me to the world of Death Eaters. He had explained everything to me about the Dark Lord and how he wanted to purge the world of all non magical folk and expel the Wizarding World of all mud bloods or half bloods. It was odd though. Because mother was a Muggle, which then considered me as a half blood.

Father never was the same after her death.

"So you've decided to come to the dark side then, eh Clover?" I shook my head at Rowle's question.

"She's merely observing, Rowle. She's too young to be considered one of us." My father interjected, glancing down at me. Rowle smirked, crossing his arms.

"But the Malfoy boy is the same age and he's one." I watched as Rowle shot the Malfoys a dark look. "Look what money buys you." He sneered. I looked over slowly seeing Narcissa speaking quietly to her son. His shoulders were rigid as he looked nervously between his mother and father. None of them looked like they wanted to be here.

"Pathetic, each one of them." My father sinisterly said. "This is what you become if you attend that blasted school, Hogwarts." I pursed my lips into a pout. I had always wanted to attend Hogwarts. It was every witch or wizard's dream but father insisted I be home schooled by him.

"What's his name?" I asked, looking back at Rowle. He raised a blonde eyebrow at me. He shared a look with my father.

"Draco Malfoy." 

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