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I sat on the main stairs staring emptily at my feet. The clicking of the nearby clock made my skin crawl. The house was eerily quiet only hearing the slight shuffle of house elves every now and then. I let out a shaky breath, trying to pull my mind away from the coldness and silence of the room. I toyed with my wand, twirling it around my fingers stopping as I saw a dust ball pass by. I tapped it with the tip of my wand immediately seeing it grow in size, about a golf ball, and change to a purple color. I smiled slightly hovering my wand over it to make it float up and down.

"What are you doing?" My eyes flicked upwards, the dust ball exploding and disappearing all together. Draco was watching me from the bottom of the stairs, his eyes wide.


"Well then move. You're taking up the entire goddamn staircase." I frowned at his harsh words. I stood up, leaning against the stair railing as he let out an exhausted sigh. "No snide comments? Like I don't take orders from a Malfoy or something about how disgraceful we are?" He walked up the stairs towards me as I looked at him carefully. His body was rigid as I looked away as soon as we were on the same step.

"My mother taught me that I shouldn't judge someone before knowing the intent of their heart." Draco paused on the step, quiet, before letting out a snicker.

"And you think I care what your Muggle mother taught you? Filthy half blood." His words stung as he shouldered past me, his footsteps disappearing upstairs. I sighed, sitting back down pulling out the locker from underneath my shirt. I traced the outer edges of the silver oval locket before opening it to see a photo of my mother on one side. I smiled sadly down at it, seeing her lips curved into a smile before going into laughter. Her blue eyes sparkled in the photo while her black hair flowed around her face. The other photo was one of the family. Father, mother, myself, and our cat, Mr. Frank. I smiled even more remembering the moment we took the photo. It was the day before mother was murdered, stolen from us right in front of me.

"I miss you, mom." I whispered, cradling the locker against my chest, tears sliding down my cheek.



After a grueling 45 minutes, everyone was finally arriving back. I stood up on the stairs, looking through the Death Eaters as they took off their masks. I saw Rowle as I walked towards him. He had a nasty cut on his cheek as he brushed the blood away with the back of his arm. He glanced at me giving me a slight smile.

"Oi, Clover."

"How did it go?" He frowned at my question.

"The boy got away and we lost a few but we managed to take down Moody who had a huge role in the Order." He smirked as I glanced around him.

"Where's father?" He frowned again, placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes widened slightly at his blue eyes. He gripped it a bit harder as he shook his head. "You're..you're lying right? Rowle, you wouldn't do that to me.."

"I'm sorry, Clover. He was fighting 3 people at once."

"But he's a champion duelist, he's had far worse!" Rowle turned me away leading me to the far corner.

"These were prime Order members, Chloe." My head was swarming with emotions as I pushed away the tears. I had to be strong but how could I. First my mother, then my father. And now the thing I hated the most had finally consumed me.

I was all alone.

"Chloe, Chloe!" Rowle shook me slightly while I stared at him absently. "Pull it together. Follow me." He turned, pulling me with him as we walked up the stairs back to the dining room. Narcissa and Bellatrix were the only ones there. Narcissa turned our way, eyes widening at seeing the two of us.

"Thorfinn." She whispered as we walked towards them. He glanced down my way than at Narcissa.

"I need a favor, Narcissa." Rowle started but Bellatrix snickered, crossing her arms. Narcissa placed a hand on her sisters shoulder, glancing down at me than back at Rowle.

"What is it?"

"Dolohov is dead." A shudder ran through my body as I wrapped my arms around my body. Narcissa let out a small gasp, even Bellatrix silencing. "Clover has nowhere to go. Can she stay with you? Until I figure something out." My head whipped up to Rowle's as he gave me a reassuring smile. Narcissa was lost in thiught while Bellatrix sneered.

"Why can't you take her?! We're not babysitters."

"My living situation isn't quite the best, Bellatrix." Rowle hissed at her. Bellatrix stared at me before whispering loudly to Narcissa.

"She's a half blood, Cissy. We can't allow that thing in here!" I winced at the title. Narcissa was quiet, walking towards us as she lifted my chin with her fingers. Her dark eyes were swirling with emotions as she gave me a small smile. The wrinkles were evident on her porcelain skin.

"I've always wanted a daughter.." She whispered before letting go of my chin. She looked back at Rowle, a stern look on her face.

"We have a spare room she can use."

"Cissy!" Bellatrix hissed but silenced at her sisters gaze. Rowle let out a relaxed sigh, smiling down at me.

"I'll grab your things and I'll be back later."

"C-can I have my cat please?" I whispered, my eyes downcast. Narcissa must've agreed with Rowle as he patted my shoulder.

"I'll bring Mr. Frank. Don't worry." He turned swiftly disappearing down the stairs. Bellatrix let out an aggravated huff, throwing her hands up.

"Have to deal with children now. Great." She muttered as Narcissa placed an elegant hand on my shoulder.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." I followed Narcissa back down to the main hall than up the other stairs that Draco had gone up. At the top, it split into different hallways, doors on either side of the walls. We walked down one hallway as she pointed at each door.

"This is the library...the bathrooms...Draco's room, and finally your room." She paused at the door near the end as I glanced at her. She smiled, opening the door for me. It was a large room with a large bed in the middle. It held a dark green canopy over it and the walls were a light silver color. I walked inside, my shoes tapping against the dark oak flooring. There was a reading nook area by one of the large windows as well as furniture scattered around the room. Much more extravagant than what I had been given my entire life.

"I'll make sure to have the elves bring you your things when Thorfinn comes back. Make yourself at home." She said quietly leaving me alone in the room. I walked around the room, brushing my hands against the velvet comforter on the bed. I heard a slight thud against the wall, looking up at the wall that was shared with Draco's bedroom. I walked over to it placing my hand against the wall, feeling the coldness seep into my fingers. I turned around, sliding my back down against the wall and wrapping my arms around my knees. The walls felt like they were closing in on me as I rested my forehead on my arms, feeling the trickle of tears falling down my cheeks again.

"I don't wanna be alone..." 

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