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I apparated into Diagon Alley landing right in front of Gringotts. I glanced up at the security guards who were staring me down.

"Is Rowle inside?" They glanced at each other before one peered down at me with dark eyes.


"Dolohov. Chloe." They looked me up and down until moving aside as I walked in. My boots clicked against the marble tiles as I stopped right as the door closed. Goblins lined the sides busy with their work as I slowly walked down the main aisle. A few goblins looked up curiously staring at me as I kept my head up and high. I could see the back of Rowle's head as he turned slightly, a smile on his lips.


"Hi Rowle. How are you?"

"Can't complain. Heard you helped the Snatchers with Potter."

"They got away though." I frowned as he let out a hearty laugh.

"Yeah well..the Dark Lord is dealing with Wormtail." He winked at me as I cringed inwardly. Poor man was probably already dead. "Anyways, it seems as though Bellatrix already came through. We're just gonna meet her."

"Bellatrix?" I echoed. That's odd. I literally just saw her in the Manor a few minutes ago.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" He raised an eyebrow as I shook my head. How had she gotten here before me.

"It's nothing. Just lost my trail of thought." I smiled as he patted my head. He turned back towards the main goblin who sat in the podium.

"Take us to Bellatrix's vault." The goblin nodded slowly wobbling down from the podium with a bundle of keys. He glared at the two of us as Rowle gazed down at him. "Be careful what you look at goblin, I've heard that goblin eyes come for a hefty price in Knockturn." Rowle smirked sending a chill down my spine. The goblin swiftly looked away walking towards the back doors as Rowle smiled my way. I forced a smile back out following after him.

"So how's the Manor? That Malfoy boy giving you issues?"

"No, not at all. It's been pleasant."

"I wasn't expecting that answer."

"People change, Rowle." He glanced down at me before shrugging.

"Weak people don't change, Clover. They stay weak. They'll never achieve greatness like your father." I winced, chewing the inside of my lower lip. "I hope you haven't gotten soft to them Malfoys."

"Of course not." I barely said over a whisper. He patted my shoulder, satisfied with my answer.

"Good." We had been following the goblin for a while down a spiral staircase as I glanced around us. We were walking deeper and deeper into the cave like caverns. Rowle stopped slightly, gripping my shoulder. "You hear that?"

I stopped as well, straining my ear out. It sounded like horns going off. And constant clicking.

"What the fuck.." Rowle breathed out as he ran down the rest of the stairs. He pushed the Gobljn out of the way, it almost teetering off of the staircase to his demise as I grabbed his arm pulling him back up. He looked at me in shock as I motioned for him back.

"Get to safety." I whispered running after Rowle. The noises were getting louder. A large roar shook my bones as I gasped at the entrance of Bellatrix's vault. There were huge stone columns surrounding it like a cage and inside a white dragon was chained. And behind the dragon on one of the ledges stood Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They were holding something and wearing robes that looked similarly to Bellatrix. Polyjuice potion. Deep inside, I was impressed but quickly shook my head hearing Rowle cast a few curses their way. The dragon roared again as I gawked up at the beast. It was angry and in pain. I saw a scorched body of a goblin as security guards and more goblins came scurrying down.

"Kill them!" Rowle shouted hiding behind a pillar as a wall of flame shot out from the dragon. I pulled out my wand, my heartbeat quickening in my chest as I pressed my body against the pillar closest to the edge. I peeked around seeing a glimmer of Hermione's hair as I shot hex, purposefully hitting the stones beside her. I didn't want to hurt them. Everything in my head was screaming at me to stop. The sounds of constant spells being shot out echoed in the caverns as another wall of flames came out from the dragon.

"You're going to kill it!" I shouted at the security guards who were shooting spells at the dragon. I ran out placing my arms out in front of it. It's roars echoed through my body. It was begging for help. Rowle's face went pale.

"Chloe!" I looked back feeling the penetrating gaze of the dragon as it stared down at me. I slowly lowered my arms turning around to face it. It let out a low snarl, everyone going quiet as I smiled slightly up at it.

"You're in so much pain..I'm so sorry.." I whispered reaching up with my left hand to touch the side of its large head. It's grey eyes bore into mine letting out a slow breath of air through its nostrils.

Immediately my left arm started to burn. I gasped recoiling from the dragon and noticing the large deep cuts through my arm. The dragon let out a roar shaking its head and knocking me to the side with anger. I gasped feeling the wind get knocked out of me as I felt my body slump against the stone walls. I could only hear the faint rush of spells, shouting, and wind as I shook my head to see clearly. I bit my lower lip hard at the searing pain in my arm. I looked through my blurred vision to see blood seeping down my arm from the elbow down. It felt like someone had slashed my entire arm through with a cleaver. I felt a powerful gush of wind than someone grab my clothes pulling me up. It was Rowle. He was staring at me wide eyed, shielding me as rocks started to crumble down. The dragon had escaped with Harry, Ron, and Hermione on top of it. At least it was free.

"Chloe! Chloe!" Rowle was shaking me but I could feel myself seep in and out of consciousness.

"R..Rowle it burns.."

"I know..I know. Hang in there."

He picked me up, cradling me in his arms, as he apparated out of the crumbling vault and up to the main area. It was in absolute ruins as a giant hole was in the center all the way to the top from the dragon. Rowle sat me in the corner ripping away the sleeve from my sweater as I gasped at the pain. He let in a sharp inhale as he pulled out his wand.

"This is going to hurt, Clover." I nodded blinking back tears as a hot, burning sensation burnt at my cuts. I whimpered trying to hold it in until I , letting out a scream as I tried to rip my arm away from Rowle. It was like he was burning my cuts making them worse.

"Rowle please.." I gasped, tears rolling down my cheeks as he let out a sharp exhale.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He pulled away holding my head up. "Stay awake, okay? I'll be right back."

"D..don't leave.."

"I'll be right back! Stay alive, Clover." He pulled away taking a swift glance at my arm than at me before apparating quickly. I felt my head lull back against the wall feeling my breath shorten with pain. I couldn't feel my left arm as I forced myself to look down at it.

Large, deep, cuts ran jaggedly throughout my arm. I was surprised that it was even intact still. I didn't even see what or who had thrown the hex my way but they definitely succeeded in almost taking out my arm. Blood was slowly pooling around my arm and body. A shiver ran through my body as I clenched my sweater.

"Draco.." I whispered feeling my eyes close and my body slumping even more against the cold wall.

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