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Later that night, Rowle had arrived giving my things to me. He left with a smile and a promise to come visit when he had the chance.

I let Mr. Frank out, smiling as he sniffed everywhere before collapsing onto the large bed. His grey coat shimmered in the moonlight as I lit a few candles starting to pack away my things. I let out a slow breath, running my hand against the picture frame which held my family in it. I placed it on the night stand table as I heard a knock on the door. I waved my wand, the door opening to reveal a small House Elf rubbing his hands together nervously.

"D-dinner is ready..." I nodded, smiling slightly at the elf.

"Thank you." It let out a squeak disappearing quickly. I glanced back at the photo before nuzzling my face in Mr. Frank's body as he purred contently. "Don't ruin anything." He let out another satisfied purr as I walked out of the room. I looked at Draco's door before quickly walking down the steps to the dining room.

At the large table, Narcissa sat alone. There were multiple placements arranged, seemingly for Bellatrix, Lucius, and Draco but no one else was here. I walked over to the table, sitting across from Narcissa as she smiled at me slightly.

"Thank you for joining me." She said meekly. I returned her smile as the food magically appeared on our plates while my water glass filled up by itself. She let out a sad sigh starting to eat her dinner quietly. I followed suit, eating the delicious meal. It was a shame no one else was here to join us.

"Dolohov never mentioned he had a daughter." Narcissa stated, continuing to cut into her meal.

"Father was..protective, I suppose."

"And your mother was a Muggle?" I nodded as she glanced upwards at me. "Where is she?" I paused, my fork halfway towards my mouth.

"She's dead." I stated quietly, taking a bite of food. Narcissa was watching me silently before continuing into her meal.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

We both continued our meal in silence, finishing at almost the same time. I looked slightly up at Narcissa seeing her eyes focusing on the family portrait above the fireplace.

"You're about the same age as Draco." She whispered as I nodded. "Sometimes I wonder if he was better off without us." I almost didn't hear that last part. It was barely louder than a whisper as she sighed, shaking her head. I watched her as she got up, smiling at me. "Thank you again. An elf will let you know when breakfast is ready."

I nodded watching her leave out the door. Did she always eat dinner alone? My heart broke for her as I stood up, going back to my room. I paused seeing a tray of food outside of Draco's room. An elf must've left this here. I couldn't hear anything from inside the room as I knocked on the door.

"Leave it outside." He snarled, barely audible. I frowned, knocking again. "I said leave it outside!" Much louder now. I knocked once more hearing a thud of pillows and stomps as the door swung open.

"I said-!" He froze. I saw the anger in his face as the flush of color looked radiantly against his pale skin. His shirt was unbuttoned all the way down and his bottoms were hanging low on his hips. I raised an eyebrow at him, pointing down at the food.

"It'll get cold." I maneuvered around the tray as I opened the door to my room.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing half blood?" He sneered. I looked at him, a frown settling on my lips.

"I live here." I slammed the door behind me making Mr. Frank jump. I rubbed the top of my nose hearing his door slam as well. "What a prick." I whispered, going over to the bed and plopping down beside my cat. He flicked his tail annoyingly at me as I rubbed between his ears.

"How can someone be so rude, Mr. Frank. They didn't even come down for dinner. Mother would've been screaming if father or I didn't show up for dinner...I can't imagine how Narcissa feels." I whispered as he purred into my hand. He bolted off of the bed, meowing loudly at his empty bowls as I smiled. I flicked my wand as the bag of food came flying over and filling it up for him as well as his water bowl.

"You have it so easy." I muttered as he flicked his tail at me. I slid off the bed, grabbing a dark green towel and my pajamas as I walked out the door to the bathrooms. I noticed that the tray of food was gone as I ducked into the large bathroom. It was overly extravagant looking with marble counters, a much to large of a shower and a large porcelain tub on the other wall. I set my things on the counter, locking the door, and sliding out of my clothes. I stepped into the marble shower, the hot water almost scalding my skin as I sighed contently. I rubbed my soap over my body, smelling the lavender scent that wafted up from it. This was my mother's favorite.

I lathered my body and hair before immediately turning the hot water to the cold side. I gritted my teeth feeling the ice cold needles piercing into my skin. I let out a huff, immediately turning the water off. I stepped out of the shower drying my hair then wrapping the towel around my body. I stared at the reflection. Black hair damply stuck to my face and shoulders while my blue eyes glistened in the bright lighting of the bathroom. I traced over the scars on my neck, frowning. I collected my things, peeking outside the door before darting into the bedroom.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and snuggled into the heavy covers. I felt Mr. Frank settle by my feet glancing over at the moving portrait of my family. I smiled at their faces feeling my eyes grow heavy, dreaming of their smiles. 

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