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I knocked on Draco's door the next morning as I slipped the large knitted blue scarf loosely around my neck. I opted for a black leather jacket, long sleeve black blouse and some low ride dark jeans. My hair curled around the scarf as I placed my wand into my small bag.

"Malfoy! We're gonna be late!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming.." I heard through the door as it opened. He was wearing a winter jacket with the same black attire as I smirked at him. "What?"

"You really don't have any other colors other than black do you?" He frowned.

"I happen to look very good in black. Don't you agree?" I rolled my eyes hearing him smirk as he followed after me down the stairs. Narcissa was walking out of the study, raising an eyebrow at the two of us.

"What are you both doing up so early?" I glanced at Draco who placed his hands into his coat pockets, narrowing his eyes a bit.

"It's none-"

"I asked Draco to accompany me to visit my mother's grave. It's a long trip and with my arm, it'll be a bit difficult." I glanced at Draco again. He looked visibly angry at his mother, his jaw clenched tightly together. Narcissa looked between the two of us.

"I thought you told Rowle no yesterday? You could've asked him if you needed someone."

"Well, Draco is more experienced in healing magic than Rowle so it's more beneficial. But we should really be onour way, we'll be late. Right Draco?" I looked at him as he nodded stiffly turning around to lead me to the door. Narcissa was watching us peculiarly while the main doors closed behind us. We both let out a sigh of relief as he smirked down at me.

"Lead the way, Dolohov." I rolled my eyes at him, shrinking back from the cold wind that hit me in the face. Draco chuckled. "You don't like the cold?"

"I don't mind it..it just makes me tear up. Look!" I pointed to my eyes which were already starting to water as Draco snickered at me.

"Halfblood problems." I glared at him wiping away the remaining wind born tears as I jutted myself arm out to him.

"Grab on." I grumbled while Draco shot me a smirk. He held onto my arm tightly as we apparated with a soft pop.

We apparated into an darkened alleyway as the familiar smell of cooked Pelmeni filled my nose. It was good to be back home in Moscow. I smiled up at Draco who smirked down at me, beckoning for me to lead on. I walked down the alleyway, emerging into one of the most crowded streets in the city.

Food stalls lined the cobblestone paths, shops bright and open, and the song and chatter of Muggles surrounding us. Everyone was bundled up, getting ready for the cold winter that was going to be upon them soon.

"Stay close!" I said loudly over the crowd of people as Draco nodded at me. I hesitated before gently taking his hand, gripping it in mine. He raised an eyebrow staring down at our hands before his lips curved into a smile.

"This is nice." He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"So I don't lose you."

"Right, of course." He said sarcastically as I dragged him into the crowded streets. With the flow of people, it was easy to get through except for the times when people decided to go the wrong way, bumping into us. Draco held my hand a bit tighter, finally lacing our fingers together. I blushed underneath my scarf, a smile playing on my lips. I stopped before one of the food stalls breathing in the wonderful scents of the Russian dumplings. The old lady behind the stall smiled at me.

"Are you hungry, Draco?" I asked, looking up at him. He nodded, gazing down at the meaty dumplings. I looked at the lady, smiling.

"Can I have 10, please?" I said in fluent Russian. The woman nodded packing up the small dumplings as I rummaged through my bag for money. We exchanged the goods as the lady smiled warmly at me.

"What a lovely man." She huskily said as she laughed. I giggled as well looking at Draco.

"She said you're handsome." Draco chuckled running a hand through his hair.

"I know." He winked at the older woman who laughed. I rolled my eyes, grabbing Draco's hand and pulling him through the streets again. We stopped at the next few food stops, Draco curious about each and every type of food. And each time, all of the older females or passerby's would stare at Draco as if he were an art piece. Even a few muggles tried to take photos of him while I seethed quietly beside him. We were waiting for some hot chocolate when he noticed my face. He smiled, leaning down.

"What's wrong with you, Dolohov?"

"Nothing." I snapped, glaring at the stall.

"Oh come on, tell me Chloe." He whispered into my ear giving me a soft peck on my cheek. I sighed, glancing around us at the women who had crowded around, whispering and holding their phones out.

"They think you're some sort of famous person and I'm your manager." I frowned, pouting as Draco let out a laugh. He glanced at the women, who giggled at him, before looking back down at me.

"I don't think famous people kiss their managers." He whispered again before cupping my face and kissing me deeply on the lips. I flushed, softly sighing against his touch as I returned his kiss. I could hear the upset from the women around us as Draco slowly pulled away. "You're my lucky Clover." I blushed at the nickname turning away from him as I paid for our drinks. We each held one while Draco held most of the food.

"W..we should get to the train. Well miss the ferry if it's late."

We basically ran to the train station, barely making it as we sat down in one of the booths. Draco slid in beside me, smirking.

"What's that look for?"

"Your face is beet red. It's kinda funny." I stuck my tongue out at him, unraveling my scarf from my neck as I let out a sigh of relief. We placed our belongings on the opposite seat across from us while Draco started to open all the foods.

"Which one do I try first?" I giggled. His face looked like he was in a candy store.

"Try the Pelmeni. Theyre meat dumplings." I pointed towards the small tray as he took one and popped it into his mouth. He chewed for a few seconds before his eyes went wide.

"These are amazing! What exactly is in them?"

I explained how they were made and the ingredients to him as he continued to eat. I smiled watching him. This is how Draco should've been from the very beginning.

Happy and free.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate while grabbing a meat bun and taking a bite out of it. The juicy meat filled my mouth as I sighed. Mother used to make amazing meat buns. This one didn't even come close. The train lurched forward as we continued to talk about foods and Moscow. He had never been to Russia before so all of this was brand new to him.

"Maybe one day we can come back and watch a ballet at Bolshoi. They're absolutely breathtaking." He smiled slightly taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"I'd love that. I can officially take you on a date then."

I blushed, hiding my face with my cup. He smirked at my reaction, wrapping an arm around my shoulders to bring me closer. I smiled up at him as I rested my head against his shoulder.

"You seem to be doing just fine, Malfoy." I said, reassuring him. He chuckled kissing the top of my head.

"I hope so."

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