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The day dragged on as I let out a bored sigh. I was half lying off the bed, staring up at the dark ceiling counting every speck that was up there. I sat up quickly, frowning. I was going to go crazy if I didn't do something soon. I picked up Mr. Frank who settled in my arms as I peeked out my door. It was quiet as I tiptoed over towards the library, shutting the door behind me. I gasped at the large room before me. There were millions of books on shelves which shaped into a large oval. It surrounded a large reading chair in the middle, right above it an oval window letting in sunlight right on the chair. A fluffy green rug covered some of the wood flooring as I quietly let Mr. Frank down.

"Behave." I whispered at him as he went snooping around. I walked up to the first shelves, tracing my fingers against the spine of each book. The first bookshelf were books just on the history of the Malfoy family. The next ones were of different academic studies mainly in potions and the Dark Arts. A ratty leather worn book stood out to me as I took it out of its place. I blew away the dust seeing no cover on it as I took a seat in the leather chair. I folded my feet under me opening the first few pages.

"This belongs to Andromeda Black.." I whispered, the name sounding slightly familiar as I continued reading through the pages. It was a diary. The first few pages she spoke of her adventures as being a Slytherin and how her sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa were also in Slytherin. I frowned. I didn't know there was a 3rd sibling. She wrote on in elegant scribble how she loved her potions class with and the lifestyle with the Slytherins. She never wanted it to end. I smiled as I continued reading on about her life at Hogwarts. It was inspiring and felt like I was living in her shoes.

I yawned, feeling the need for a cup of tea, as I slipped the diary underneath my arm and picking up Mr. Frank. He purred as I slipped him into my bedroom and going down the stairs. I paused on one of the steps seeing Draco speaking with someone. A female around our age. They both looked my way as I continued down the steps slowly. The girl looked at me, up and down, before slowly wrapping her arms around Draco's arm, standing closely to him. She had a stout face with much to short black hair. She was wearing a uniform, the Slytherin crest proudly on her vest.

"Whose this?" She asked, her voice rising with suspicion. I frowned at her while she tightened her grip on his arm. Draco rolled his eyes, pushing her off of him as he glared my way.

"No one of importance." He stated dryly. The girl seemed pleased with his answer as she snickered my way.

"Then why is she here?"

"She's a family friend, Pansy. Give it a rest. Come on." He walked towards the stairs, glancing my way, before going up the stairs. Pansy walked towards me, eyeing me as we were both the same height. Her lips curved in a sneer.

"Draco's mine." I cocked an eyebrow at her phrase.

"Okay? I don't want him anyway." I said, brushing past her and her agape mouth. Merlin. I mumbled some obscenities under my breath as I opened the door to the kitchen.

"Oh! Lady Chloe!" I heard some tumbling looking up to see Poppy falling from the ceiling. I ran up catching him in my arms as he gasped. I smiled, helping him down.

"What were you doing Poppy?"

"Poppy..was...trying to clean the lights!" The timid elf smiled at me slightly as I laughed, looking up at the shiny new ceiling light.

"Why don't you just use magic, Poppy?" He laughed nervously, rubbing his hands together.

"M..Masters don't like it when I use magic.." I frowned slightly. "But! What can I do for you Lady Chloe?"

"Please, call me Clover, Poppy. You don't have to be so formal with me." I smiled going over to sit by the counter, setting the diary in my lap. Poppy scrambled up the other side of the counter, eagerly waiting. "Can you make me some tea? I'll take anything." Poppy smiled and nodded, immediately jumping into action. He took out some tea leaves from the cupboard starting to make the tea from scratch. I smiled watching the tiny elf. He reminded me of our House Elf, Savi. Savi loved my mother as much as she loved Savi. They did absolutely everhthing together. She wouldn't make Savi do any of the chores when she was around because she didn't believe in the belittlement of those around her.

However, Savi died when my mother died.

My smile slowly faded remembering the gruesome scene that had unfolded before me.

"Clover?" I looked up, Poppy looking at me with wide green eyes. He was holding a steaming cup of tea as he placed it down before me.

"Thank you, Poppy. This smells wonderful!" Poppy laughed nervously, rubbing his hands together as I took a sip. It had a wonderful hibiscus flavor to it along with a hint of cinnamon. It was absolutely delicious.

"This is Poppy's favorite tea! M..Master Draco loves this tea as well." I frowned slightly at Poppy's comment.

"Poppy, who was that girl with Draco?" Poppy's large ears flattened as he looked nervously at the door than back at me. His voice lowered.

"T..that was Lady Pansy Parkinson..shes..shes Master Draco's lady friend? She comes over often..Poppy doesn't like her though. She's mean and likes to make fun of Poppy and Poppy's friends." I frowned more taking another sip of the tea.

"Poppy overheard that Master Draco and Lady Pansy are to be wed in a few years.." I raised an eyebrow. It didn't surprise me. The Parkinson's were renowned Death Eaters. Her father spoke about Mr. Parkinson sometimes during dinner. I remembered meeting him one night on a raid and not liking him at all. But it seemed odd, Draco seemed so cold to her. Maybe this was another thing that he didn't have a choice on.

"That's awful, Poppy. I couldn't even stand to be around her for 5 minutes. Imagine spending a lifetime with her." I giggled as Poppy covered his mouth from laughing. "Thank you for the tea, Poppy. You'll have to teach me one day to make it." I smiled as he nodded.

"Goodbye Clover! Poppy will come get you for dinner!" 

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