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"Chloe.." Tonks whispered as I covered my face with my scarf, trying desperately to stop the tears that poured from my eyes. "Chloe.." I looked up slowly at Tonks who was cupping my face.

"I'm so sorry.." I shook my head at her apology, letting out a shaky breath.

"I'm gonna kill him." I whispered as Tonks helped me up to my feet. Remus worriedly looked at Tonks than at me. "Theo?" I whispered.

"He's going through the corridors getting the students to safety."

"I should go.." I stumbled forward as Tonks held my arm.

"Chloe." I shook the last of my tears away letting out a shaky breath.

"Look!" Shacklebolt yelled pointing to where Voldemort was. He had stumbled forward falling to his knees. The Mark started to burn again as I clutched my arm.

"He's weakened.." I whispered.

"They did it." Tonks gasped. I stood up straight glaring at the cliff where Voldemort was. He was angry, his anger pounding through my veins. He shot a spell towards the barrier as it started to crack. Tonks gasped seeing little bits of the barrier start to fall apart. My eyes widened hearing a few screams from below us. I looked at Remus and Tonks, clutching their hands.

"Be safe." I whispered as they nodded. I sprinted down the stairs already hearing the chaos below us. Death Eaters were pouring into the castle, students and professors fighting against them. I petrified a few that flew by me as I ran towards a group of students. A few Death Eaters were circling them as I shot out spells to entangle the 3 Death Eaters in vines. The younger students looked at me in fear.

"Go! Get to safety!" I yelled at them as they nodded, scurrying away. I kicked the captured Death Eaters away from me snapping their wands in half. I continued to run through the castle pausing as I saw Pansy in the distance. She was talking to someone. Someone with striking white hair. I gasped.


He had already turned away running quickly in the opposite direction. Pansy turned my way, a sneer on her lips as she pulled out her wand.

"Ah how tragic. You just missed him." I narrowed my eyes, gripping my wand. "I've always wanted to kill someone. You'll be my first!" She shot a curse my way as I rebounded it. She snarled, continuously shooting hexes my way which I either shielded or rebounded. Her spells were weak.

"Get out of my fucking way." I snarled. "Flipendo!" I shouted, sending her flying into a nearby stone column. She gasped as her body slouched over. I walked slowly over towards her, crouching down. I entangled her with the same vines as before against the column as I snapped her wand in half.

"That's for slapping me you bitch." I narrowed my eyes at her, seeing her slip into unconsciousness.


I ran towards the area he was running to seeing two double doors. I pushed them open seeing a multitude of junk piled high into the room almost touching the ceilings. The doors closed behind me as I held my wand out just in case.

"Do it, Draco..do it!" Someone was saying as I heard my heart pounding in my ears. I walked around the corner seeing Draco, Blaise, and Goyle standing across from Harry, Hermione, and Ron. A lump in my throat formed as I looked at Draco. He was wearing an all black suit and my scarf wrapped loosely around his neck. He was pointing his wand at the trio. I lowered my wand coming out from one of the walkways, walking between the two groups. My eyes never left Draco's as he looked slightly my way before fully turning his head towards me, as if he had to do a double take. His eyes widened, his wand wavering in his hold.

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