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The doors slammed open as everyone filed in a goose formation, Shacklebolt in the front leading the group. The entire student body gasped, spreading out as Harry stood in the middle glaring at Snape who was standing on a platform.

"How dare you stand where he once stood? Tell everyone how you killed Dumbledore!" Ripples of whispers and gasps circled through the students as Snape raised his wand but a woman walked out coming to stand in front of Harry. She shot a spell at Snape as he shielded it, it bounced off to hit Alecto who was standing nearby. She screamed falling to the ground with a thud. I gripped onto Theo's sleeve as the two continued to fight until Snape disappeared in black smoke flying through the large windows. Cheers erupted from the students as I suddenly felt a burning sensation tear through me. I gasped, gripping onto Theo's arm as he turned around holding me up.

"Chloe?" Remus looked back at me as I ripped my sleeve up seeing the Mark moving aggressively across my skin. The clouds above the room started to darken as a few screams from random students started to erupt from the corners of the hall. Voldemort's voice started to echo through the large room.

"I know that many of you want to fight. Some of you maybe even think it's wise to fight. Bring me Harry Potter and no harm will come to anyone. Bring me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. Bring me Harry Potter. You have 1 hour."

An eerie silence covered the room as I gasped for breath falling against Theo who held me upright. The Mark had stopped moving as I gritted my teeth together. The students were all whispering looking upon Harry when a girl stepped up to protect him. Hermione and Ron also stood behind him.

"Well what are you waiting for? Grab him!" Theo and I jerked our heads over seeing Pansy stare at Harry. Theo's soft face contorted with hatred as he and I stalked past the group to stand in front of Harry. Gasps ripped through the crowd.

"Is that Theodore Nott?"
"I thought he died!"

Pansy's face went pale when she saw the both of us. Blaise narrowed his eyes at me as I clenched my jaw tight.

"Theodore?" Pansy whispered as he narrowed his eyes at Pansy. "You.."

"You'll have to get through us before you touch your filthy hands on Potter." He snapped as Pansy slowly looked from him to me. A sneer ran over her lips as she pointed to my arm.

"She's a Death Eater! She's one of them!" The students nearest me immediately backed away as I gripped my wand tighter.

"Silence! The entirety of Slytherin will be escorted to the dungeons immediately! Remus, Septimus." The woman up front stated as the Slytherins slowly moved away, Pansy never taking her eyes off of me. Cheers ripped through the students as the woman walked up to us.

"Theodore Knott. A welcome surprise." The woman smiled as Theo smiled, scratching his cheek. "And this is?" She looked at me, her green eyes sparkling.

"Professor, this is Chloe Dolohov. Chloe, this is Professor McGonagall." I smiled sheepishly at her as she reached over to gently roll my sleeve over the Mark. She gripped my hand, smiling.

"Thank you." I blinked in surprise as she walked behind us towards Harry. Theo moved aside, smiling at me.

"Why did she thank me?" I frowned.

"Because you chose good even with that." He pointed to my arm.

"Chloe!" I looked over to see Hermione running towards me. She clutched my arm.

"Ron and I are going to destroy a Horocrux. Harry is heading to the Room of Requirement. Can you-"

"We'll distract as much as we can, Hermione. Just go." I smiled, placing a hand on her arm. She smiled, hugging me tightly.

"Be careful." She whispered as I hugged her back.

"You too." She pulled away running off with Ron. Harry looked at us nodding before kissing the girl who had stepped up with him. Theo leaned over.

"That's Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister." I nodded, smiling at the two. My mind wandered to Draco as the smile slowly faded.


"Hm?" He looked at me.

"Let's go fuck us some Death Eaters." He smirked, patting my head.

"It would be my pleasure."


The Order were positioned in different areas of the castle as I watched a few professors place a protective barrier around the castle. The transparent dome was very large covering the entirety of the castle as I let out a soft exhale. Theo had gone to find Tonks and Remus leaving me alone in the front courtyard alone.

"Chloe, is it?" I looked over to see McGonagall walking towards me as she smiled. I smiled at the older woman, nodding. She stood beside me as hundreds of stone statues marched towards the outer edges of the castle as she let out a slow exhale.

"Remus has told me all about your history. Your mother would be very proud of you."

"Thank you Professor." I whispered. She smiled softly.

"Once this is all over I intend to become Headmistress..and during this time all students are allowed to come back and restart their terms. I'd like to invite you to join the 7th years should you want to." I looked at McGonagall with wide eyes as she smiled.

"I..but I'm a.."

"As far as I can tell, you're a gifted witch fighting for what she knows is good." I smiled at her words clutching my scarf.

"Professor if..if I do come back, can I also request if someone can come back too?"


"Draco..Draco Malfoy." I looked up at the woman as she smiled softly at me again, nodding.

"Mr. Malfoy is always welcome back to Hogwarts." I smiled widely at her as I nodded.

"Thank you.." she patted my back before walking away to go back towards the other professors. I gripped my scarf before turning away and walking swiftly into the castle. I saw Theo running down the stairs, slowing as he got to me.

"Come on." He took my hand dragging me up the stairs. We winded up into a tower as I saw Remus, Tonks, and Shacklebolt standing on the platform looking forward. Remus looked at us nodding.

"He's there..just waiting.." Theo and I peered out from the shadows as I saw Voldemort, in the distance, standing on a ledge with what looked like Bellatrix and a multitude of Death Eaters behind him. "Chloe, your-"

"Is that my father?" I pushed past Theo, standing beside Remus as I gripped the railing to see my father standing beside Voldemort. I gasped, seeing his bloodied state. He was being held up by Fenrir and Rowle. Rowle's face was unreadable as he stared darkly down at my father. The Mark started to burn again as Voldemort's voice echoed in my ears.

"Traitorous bitch. Suffer." My eyes widened as I watched in slow motion Voldemort point his wand at my father's head.

"No..." I whispered feeling Tonk's arms wrap around my body. "No!" I shouted as a burst of green lightning struck my father's head. His body immediately went limp as Fenrir threw him off the side of the cliff. His body fell quickly down the side of it disappearing into the darkness below.

"NO!" I screamed, reaching over the railing as Tonks and Remus pulled me back and away into the shadows. I screamed, sobbing into Tonks as she held me tightly against her.

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