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Harry and the others had managed to escape, Poppy had said quietly. I winced as he placed some bandages against the large cut that ran from my lower rib cage to my hips. I held my shirt up as he made sure everything was covered.

"Poppy can't believe Dobby is friends with Harry Potter." I raised an eyebrow settling my shirt back in place.

"Whose Dobby?"

"Dobby used to work with Poppy and others in Malfoy Manor until he was freed.." I patted Poppy's head as he looked up at me in surprise.

"You should go, Poppy. Thank you for helping me." He nodded as I walked him to the door opening it for him. He quickly disappeared as I went to close the door, a foot caught it. I looked through to see Draco staring at me. He glanced behind him before pushing open the door and shutting it behind him. I frowned, taking a few steps away from him.

"Do you mind?" He locked the door taking some steps towards me.

"Yeah I do. You broke my aunt's wrist." He hissed. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"And what? You want me to apologize or something?"

"You're lucky you're not dead." He snarled out as I crossed my arms.

"She wouldn't even land a spell on me." I said as I saw him let out a slow breath, narrowing his eyes at me.

"You're bloody reckless."

"And you're not? You knew who they were and you didn't call him!" He growled immediately covering my mouth with his hand.

"Shut the fuck up! You trying to tell the entire world?! You also knew as well! So don't get on me!" I slapped his hand away, taking a step towards him.

"Because it's not my place to tell!"

"Not your place to tell? You fucking rounded them up like animals! You're no better than those Snatchers!" We were starting to shout at this point.

"You watch your mouth, Malfoy. I'm not a bloody Death Eater like you!"

"But here you are, doing the dirty work for every Death Eater that comes around! So what does that make you then?" He glared at me. I clenched my jaw tight, balling my hands into fists.

"I don't have to answer to you. You've done nothing but be an arrogant jerk to me the entire time I've been here! Why do you fucking care so much now?!!" I shouted. His eyes darkened, his hand wrapping themselves around my wrist, spinning me around and pinning me against the wall with a loud thud. I gasped, eyes wide, as he leaned towards me slamming a hand beside my head. His grey eyes bore into mine as I tried to press my back as much as I could into the wall. This was a different kind of anger that I had ever seen in Draco and to be honest - it was scaring the shit out of me.

"D..Draco.." I whispered but he glared at me leaning towards me. He spoke through gritted teeth, his jaw tense with anger.

"You don't think I've asked myself that? You're a fucking bloody halfblood for crying out loud! Why would I stoop so low to care for someone like you! You're nothing but dirt under my shoes." I held back tears, biting my lower lip at his harsh words. He lowered his gaze, his head tilting down slightly as I looked at the top of his head. Something deep aches within me to run my fingers through his hair. "That's what I kept telling myself at least.." he whispered.

I blinked a few times trying to understand what he had just said.

"What..?" I whispered but he had already pulled away, shooting me a dark glare. He didn't say anything but instead walked away going towards my door. "Wait, Draco!" I grabbed his sleeve as he glanced over his shoulder towards me.

"Don't run away from what you feel..isn't it exhausting enough to be keeping up this façade of being the bad guy?" I whispered. He was silent before pulling his arm away from my grip. He opened the door, pausing in the doorway.

"Don't act like you know me, Dolohov." He said sharply, slamming the door behind him. I stared at the closed door, clenching the ends of my sleeves. I shut my eyes, tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

"But..I want to get to know you, Malfoy..."

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