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The longest part of the trip to my birthplace was the train ride to the ferry port. About a hour had already passed as I gently played with Draco's hair. His head was in my lap, snoring quietly, as I stared out the large window. We were finally getting into country territory as multiple farm houses started to come into view. Farmers were pulling in herds of cattle and sheep into the barns. I remembered when mum had wanted a baby sheep for the longest time. Father and I were planning on surprising her for her birthday but she passed away before we could do that.

"I'm so full." Draco groaned in my lap slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. I smiled at him, crossing my legs.

"Worth it though yeah?"

"Absolutely." He smirked, yawning. "How long do we have to sit here for? This is longer than the Hogwarts journey."

"Mm..probably for another hour or so? It's gonna fly by now that we're in the countryside. You should sleep some more."

"No, I'm good. Was having a nightmare anyways.." he trailed off, a frown settled on his lips. I turned towards him, leaning against the window slightly.

"What about?"

"It's nothing, Dolohov."

"Obviously it is since it woke you up. I'm not gonna laugh if that's what you're worried about." I pouted as he sighed at me, fidgeting a bit in his seat.

"Fine, fine. I was just remembering about my last year at Hogwarts." I watched him quietly as he ran a hand through his hair again, jaw clenched tightly. "It's just a constant reminder of my failures..and more so when I almost died."


"Potter found out that I had..given that cursed necklace to Katie and he came after me. I thought I had gotten him but then he hit me with some shit hex and..yeah." He pulled up his shirt slightly exposing the scars that riddled his torso. My eyes widened gently reaching out to one of them, tracing it with my finger. He shuddered under my touch making me jerk my hand away.


"It's fine, they don't hurt. Just hurts my pride a bit." He snickered, tucking his shirt back in. "I fucked up so bad last year."

"Don't say that, Draco..."

"I did though. I couldn't even fucking do a simple task as..as killing someone.." I placed a hand on his arm stopping him. His eyes were dark and clouded.

"Draco. Killing someone isn't something a 16 year old should have to be pressured to do. You should've never been put in that situation to begin with."

"I had no choice, Dolohov. He was gonna kill me, my mom." He said tensely. It was the same thing Narcissa said. I frowned.

"And you made your choice, Draco. You decided not to kill Dumbledore, you didn't turn Harry in at the house and you know why? Because you've chosen to be good. You don't want this."

He was quiet for a few moments, his hands balling into fists. He was chewing his bottom lip as I slowly placed a hand on his cheek turning his face towards me. I smiled at him.

"I'm proud of you for choosing the right way." His eyes met mine. Slowly, a tear streaked down his cheek as I wiped it away gently. "You'll always have a choice in everything you do, Draco. It's only for you to decide that."

"You'll help me though right?" He said weakly. My eyes widened a bit at him. Draco looked so feeble, so timid in my hand. He was trying to be strong for everyone but himself. Pushing away anybody that came too close to not see who and what he truly was. I smiled softly at him leaning up to kiss him gently on the lips. I felt him visibly relax under the kiss. I pulled away placing my forehead against his.

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