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a/n: there are some bits of torture and violence in this chapter. please read at your discretion!

We apparated into a small office closet. I stumbled a bit on my landing feeling feet around mine as I grunted, falling forwards. A strong hand grabbed my hand, yanking me upwards as Draco stared at me wide-eyed. Due to the small nature of the closet we were way to close to each other as I could almost taste his cologne. I jerked my hand away from him, frowning.

"Merlin, Malfoy. Move out of the fucking way." I hissed, sliding through the crowded shelving and random items as I pushed the door open. Rowle was already waiting outside, a smirk on his lips. "Asshole." I muttered towards him as he laughed. Draco followed after me stumbling over the last few items. Rowle motioned for us to follow him as around the corner I saw the numerous amounts of Death Eaters who were waiting in the large office. They were all murmuring amongst each other a few glancing our way. Severus looked back at us, eyes darkening when seeing the both of us. He walked over towards Draco, his eyes glancing down at me before pulling Draco away. I looked over my shoulder as he led him towards an empty corner.

"Clover." I looked back at Rowle who beckoned me over to a few other Death Eaters. "You remember Rosier? And Alecto?" I nodded, shaking their outstretched hands. Evan Rosier, a younger looking fellow with brown hair and green eyes, was an infamous Death Eater. An original member of the Death Eaters when they first assembled. And Alecto Carrow, the female counterpart to Amycus Carrow. They were twins as she sneered over my way. Her bright red hair and dark eyes stood out from her pale complexion.

"Pity your father died, Chloe. Don't let his death be in vain." Alecto sneered as I narrowed my eyes slightly at her. I never liked Alecto. She was one of the ones that actually rejoiced when hearing that my mother had been murdered. Her view on the Muggles was that they were nothing but a waste of space. Evan chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm more surprised that you don't bare the Mark yet. I wonder why Dolohov didn't initiate you.." He murmured, his green eyes traveling up and down my body. It made my skin crawl.

"It'll come with time." Rowle said, placing a hand on my shoulder, glaring at Rosier. He just shrugged, leaning against the desk that was behind him.

"What are we doing here, Rowle?" I asked glancing around seeing that the office was surrounded by windows peering downwards into the Ministry. I had only been here once as I saw the bustling of wizards and witches below us. Rowle smirked, crossing his arms.

"We're going to kill the Minister." I looked at him wide eyed as he smirked at my reaction. "We're taking over the Ministry. And every Death Eater is to be present during this."

"I've never.."

"You won't. We will. You just make sure you don't get your pretty little face hurt, okay?" He smirked my way as I looked back down at the Ministry workers down below. They were absolutely oblivious to what was suppose to happen. A loud cough silenced everyone as we all looked towards the middle seeing Yaxley.

"Alecto, Amycus, Rosier, Rowle, Dolohov, you're with me. We're going for the Minister. The rest of you...?" A sinister grin spread over his lips. "Let it rain fire." A snicker rippled through the crowd as I looked over towards the corner where Draco was. His face was pale, biting his lower lip in nervousness. Yaxley moved through the crowd finding us near the edge as Amycus already pushed through standing beside his twin. Yaxley looked down at me, giving me a smirk. I frowned slightly as he led the group through the side door. I followed after them, stopping by Draco who looked at me.

"Don't be a baby, Malfoy." I said, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

"Piss off, Dolohov." I smiled slightly seeing the nervousness fade away from his face. I turned following after Rowle. As soon as we had gotten to the stairs, I heard the chaos. The windows had been destroyed, the glass shards shattering everywhere. I could hear the screams and cries of surprise and fear echo throughout the Ministry.

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