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"You still smell like pork roast." Draco whispered against my hair. We had been huddled together against the bathroom door, me in between his legs. I let out a hoarse chuckle, sighing into his chest. He had been holding me for who knows how long, quietly humming to himself and comforting me in between sobs. The aching pain in my arm had subsided as I glanced down at it.

"We're twins." Draco muttered holding up his left arm as well, pulling the sleeve back to show his identical mark. I laughed softly, tracing the tattoo with my finger gently.

"Did it hurt when you got yours?"

"Yes. Terribly. I remember throwing up a lot afterwards." He chuckled as I smiled at his response. He kissed the side of my head. "You want to shower?"

"With you?" I asked softly looking up at him. He smirked.

"Help take your mind off of things." I blushed, biting my lower lip. "I won't stare..to much." He snickered as i elbowed his stomach. He laughed, helping me stand up.

"J..just turn around while I undress..don't look till I get in." I said sheepishly looking down at my feet. He chuckled, rolling his eyes at me and turning around. I made sure he wasn't peeking as I quickly peeled off my jacket. I felt my cheeks burn up. This was the first time I was going to see Draco..and the first time he was going to see me. I bit my lower lip.

"Are you done yet?"

"No! Don't turn around!" I squealed as he smirked. I slowly pulled my blouse and unbuttoned my pants, peeking at Draco again. He was staring up at the ceiling, his hands in his pockets. "What are you thinking about?" I whispered.

"Hm? Oh. I was just thinking about how I can't wait to grab your ass." I gasped as he laughed. "I'm joking, Clover. I was just thinking about what I would be doing if I were in Hogwarts right now. Probably playing Quidditch." I heard the longing in his voice.

"What's Quidditch?" He started to turn but I pushed him to stay put.

"You've never heard of Quidditch?" He asked, shocked.

"No. What is it?"

"It's a famous Wizard sport. Brutal sport. I was a seeker. The best seeker Hogwarts ever saw." I laughed slightly, undoing my bra and underwear and placing them neatly under my clothes.

"What does a seeker do?" I asked stepping into the cold shower and sliding the glass door shut. I turned the water on, squealing as it was ice cold against my body.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't look!" He let out a grumble. He was explaining what a seeker did as I adjusted the temperature to be more hot and relaxing. I sighed happily watching the steam envelop the large shower as I heard Draco taper off.

"Can I come in now?" He asked quietly. I could see the silhouette of his figure near the shower door as I blushed, turning away so my back was to him. I wrapped my arms around my breasts covering them.

"Y..yeah.." I muttered. I heard him remove his clothing throwing them to the side as he slid the door open. He stepped in, sliding the door close. I could feel my cheeks heat up even more as I held my arms tighter around me.

"Relax." He whispered, running his fingers down the length of my spine sending shivers through my whole body. He traced over a scar that ran from my lower back to my hip. "How did you get this?"

"I slipped on some glass..I broke a potions bottle." Draco chuckled, moving his fingers to another scar in the middle of my back.

"And this one?"

"I fell off a horse." His hand slowly moved to grip my hip, pulling me against him as the water was hitting my front. I blushed heavily feeling his bare chest against my back. He bent down kissing my shoulder, trailing his lips up towards my neck as he brushed away my wet hair. I shuddered under his lips, slowly letting my arms down to relax beside my body. He suckled on a spot right underneath my ear, a soft moan escaping my lips. I could feel the heat rising in my stomach again. He chuckled against my skin pulling away.

"You have the most sultry sounding moans, Dolohov." He said darkly, making me blush even more. He reached over grabbing the soap and starting to lather my back with it. "You're gonna have to turn around. Unless you don't want to be clean up there." He smirked as I shot him a look over my shoulder. I slowly turned around immediately crossing my arms over my breasts again. His eyes moved slowly down my body and back up as a smile was on his lips. He placed his hands on my elbows forcing me to place them down. I blushed, biting my lower lip.

"You're beautiful, Clover." He breathed out softly. Slowly he started to lather my front, gently moving underneath my breasts, his fingers grazing against them each time making my body shiver. I forced my eyes to stay on his chest as I reached up to trace my fingers against the multiple lacerations across his torso.

"I didn't know you had more..are these all from Harry?" He stopped, nodding slightly.

"Hideous aren't they?"

"Not at all." I said softly, continuing to trace each one of them. He smirked down at me as I felt his cold skin against my fingers. His defined torso and chest making me blush. "Merlin, Malfoy. You're cut like a statue." I giggled as he snorted slightly.

"Not like I haven't heard that before." I frowned up at him as I rinsed myself off and taking the soap from him. I was trying to keep my eyes upwards and not to see the distraction that was growing below.

"How many girlfriends did you have at Hogwarts?" I turned him around, letting his front be hit by the water as I started to rub his back with the soap.

"Girlfriends? Zero. Now girls to shake up with? Plenty." I could almost hear his sneer as I rolled my eyes. "All of them wanted the same thing. Looking at me with such admiration as if I had done something great in my life. It was pitiful really."

"How so?" Draco was quiet for a second.

"Because I didn't like the person that everyone made me out to be. It was exhausting. All I wanted was to study potions, play Quidditch, go do regular things on the weekends without feeling the need to put up a front. And if I ever did act differently, everyone would look at me as if I was a stranger." He let out a sigh. "I was just some boy with generations of old money and a lineage to live up to. A lineage I didn't want to fulfill." He turned around so that I could soap up his chest, blushing at his gaze.

"But with you..you don't force me to act a certain way. Yes, sometimes you aggravate the shit out of me but it's only because you decide to do reckless things, things that out your life at risk." He narrowed his eyes as I smiled slightly, understanding he was talking about the dragon incident. "But I feel like I can be myself around you. And that..scares me." I looked up at Draco seeing his wet hair clinging to his face. The steam surrounding us as I stood on my tiptoes, pressing my lips against his softly. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer, resting his forehead against mine.

"You don't have to be scared, Draco. I'll help you along the way." I smiled up at him as he dragged a thumb against my cheek. He leaned down to kiss me but a loud thump against the door made us freeze.

"Draco? Are you in there? You have a guest." Draco looked at the door, grumbling.

"Who is it?"

"Pansy." It was Lucius. "And find the halfblood too." I bit my lower lip as Draco narrowed his eyes. Lucius' steps faded away as we looked at each other.

"What does Pansy want?" I whispered as Draco turned off the water.

"Who knows." He said darkly rubbing a towel over him and handing me a new one. I quickly wiped myself down, placing my clothes back on. I quickly dried my hair with a spell, trying to hide it that we had been in the shower together. "I'll go down first. Wait a few minutes." I nodded watching him disappear out the door. I waited before darting into my room and changing different shirts. I tossed on the sleeveless turtleneck again and cardigan as I walked out of the room. I could hear arguing from down below. I turned the corner to see Pansy, Lucius, Narcissa, Christopher, and Draco in the main hall.

"Are you fucking mental, Pansy?" Draco snapped.

"Don't talk to her like that, Malfoy." Chris snarled, taking a step towards Draco. Pansy had her hands crossed over her chest, looking towards me as I quietly walked down the steps. A sneer was on her lips.

"Oh look. The halfbreed. Go on, Draco. Tell her."

"Tell me what?" I looked between everyone as Lucius crossed his arms. Narcissa kept her eyes down while Draco was quiet, his eyes darkening towards Pansy and Chris. Pansy snorted, sneering my way.

"I've decided that Draco and I are getting married next year. In April."

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