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We were all silent in the elevator ride down. Alecto wiped off the blood from her wand on her robe smirking slightly. Rosier had joined us near the end, killing off the Minister. In total, the Minister had lost both hands, 6 toes, and 4 teeth before succumbing to his death. His screams echoed in my head as I stared absently at my feet. The elevator jerked to a stop as we filed out of it. Yaxley wore a proud grin as he raised his hands in the air.

"The Minister is Dead!" A large uproar of cheers ran through the Death Eaters as the deafening cheers made my ears ring. I placed a hand over my ear wincing at the pain that shot through my head. I pulled away from the group, sitting on the edge of the silent fountain. All I could see was the blood that pooled around Scrimgeour's neck and feet and the vacant expression in his eyes when he died. The images started to blur as the minister's face flickered back and forth between his and my mother's. I felt a sudden tightness in my chest when the images stopped, my mother's eyes wide open staring at me, blood dripping from her eyes and mouth.

"Dolohov?" The images ripped from my head as I slowly looked up, my hand falling to my side. Draco was standing in front of me, eyebrows furrowed together. "What's wrong with you?" I looked back down before pushing myself up, staggering a bit as he grabbed my elbow, steadying me. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I jerked my elbow away from him sending him the coldest look I could muster.

"I don't answer to you, Malfoy." I hissed as he narrowed his eyes at me, taking a step towards me. He towered over me, glaring down at me.

"Don't talk back to me halfblood." He said through gritted teeth.

"Or what? You gonna go cry to your mommy?" I spat out, my hands clenching into fists.

"At least mine didn't get herself killed!" He shouted, his eyes blinking rapidly as if he had regretted the words he blurted out. My eyes widened slightly. "I..I.." he stuttered while I took a step towards him, eyes narrowed into slits.

"Don't fucking talk to me ever again, you pathetic piece of shit." I snarled, shouldering past him. I paused, turning my head towards him. "Find your own way home." I immediately apparated to the Manor walking quickly into the house and up the stairs, ignoring the calls from Narcissa. I slammed the door, throwing myself into the bed and screaming into the pillow. Heavy sobs followed as I curled my body into a fetal position, holding the pillow tightly to me. It felt like the walls were collapsing onto me and everything within me was withering away. All I wanted to do was sleep and never wake up.

Please don't wake up tomorrow.


The next few days, I didn't leave the room. I ignored the knocks to come eat and each time, a tray of food would appear before my door. I even ignored Poppy's quiet knocks and pleas for me to come out. I hated that whatever being above allowed me to wake each morning.

I leaned my head back against the bed, sitting on the floor as I let out a slow breath. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how many spells I cast I couldn't get the smell of Scrimgeour's blood out of my nose. It filled my entire body, my mind, and all of my senses. Not to mention the nightmares I was having every night. I'd wake up in the middle of the night drenched in my own sweat and pounding heartbeat in my ears.

I sighed, feeling Mr. Frank crawl into my lap, kneading my thighs. I patted his head, stroking his fur as he purred underneath my touch. I smiled slightly at him, pausing when I heard a knock on the door.

"Lady Clover? It's P..Poppy. Poppy had made you your favorite tea with extra cinnamon!" I didn't answer, my smile faltering listening to his sad voice. I sighed hearing his knock again. There was a slight scuffle outside before my door was ripped open. I screamed, Mr. Frank jumping in fright and hissing towards the door. Draco looked extra grumpy and angry today storming up to me. I saw Poppy's frightened face in the doorway.

"I swear to fucking Merlin if you don't get your bloody elf to stop knocking on MY door I'm gonna fucking skin him alive!" He roared at me. I held my heart trying to settle my frantic heart. I frowned, placing Mr. Frank on the bed as he continued hissing at Draco. I still hadn't forgiven him for what he said as I stood up, making him lean away. I glared at him walking over to the door and crouching down.

"Hi Poppy."

"C..Clover.." He started to weep, his hands trembling that held the teacup. Large tears rolled down his dirty face as I smiled softly at the elf. I could hear Draco's disgusted groans behind me as I gently took the cup away from Poppy.

"There, there Poppy. Don't cry." I soothed, patting a hand on his tiny shoulder.

"I..I was just..so worried! C..Clover hasn't left in 5 days!" He sobbed more, blowing his nose into his shirt. I smiled again.

"I'm better now though Poppy. Thank you for bringing me my food and the tea. If you're free later, let's practice some more tea making yeah?" Poppy's eyes lit up as he nodded, wiping away the remaining tears.

"Y..Yes! Poppy will wait in the kitchen!"

"Oh also Poppy.." I lowered my voice. "Don't knock on Draco's door again, okay?" He gave me a timid smile before rushing away. I stood up, holding the tea cup gently and turned around to see Draco still standing in the middle of the room. I frowned, moving out of the way.

"You can go." He glared at me running a hand through his unruly white hair. I walked over to the bed, opposite of Draco, placing the teacup on the nightstand.

"I expect an apology." He demanded. I raised an eyebrow at him placing my hands on my hips.

"For what?"

"You've been waking me up with your incessant screaming almost every night! I shouldn't have to put a silencing charm up every bloody night!" He shouted, the veins popping out of his pale neck. I blinked in confusion. I was screaming? Maybe it was because of the nightmares but I frowned at him.

"Well I shouldn't have to put up a silencing charm every time you and Pansy decide to shack up next door!" His face dropped, jaw slightly open.

"You heard?"

"Are you fucking dumb, Malfoy? Of course I heard! These walls are thinner than Pansy's fucking hairline!" I shouted. We both stared at each other, redness lifted on both of our cheeks before I bit my lower lip hard. An image of Pansy's hairline popped into my head as I let out a slight giggle. "Pansy's hairline..that was good.." I applauded myself inwardly, biting back another laugh. Draco was staring at me in shock before looking away, scowling.

"C'mon, Malfoy. You have to admit..that was pretty good.." I snorted, covering my mouth with my hand and bursting into laughter. I heard Draco chuckle softly as I held my chest, heaving in a big gasp of air. "I'm good, I'm good." I coughed, smiling still at the joke. I looked up towards Draco who had a slight smile on his lips looking at me. I blinked a bit. The way the sun peeked in through the window hit him just right, casting shadows on his face.

He was beautiful.

I blushed at the thought as his smile immediately disappeared. He pushed his hands into his pockets sneering towards me.

"Stop listening into my room, you fucking creep." He snapped, stalking out of the room and slamming the door behind him. I jumped slightly before shaking my head and slapping my cheeks. I looked down at my bed feeling my cheeks heat up even more as I let out a slow exhale.

"Stop that! You know better than that." I whispered glancing at the wall. I took my tea, walking over to it quietly and sitting against it. I pulled my knees to my chest, letting my head rest against the wall. It felt nice to laugh with someone but mostly it felt nicer to see Draco smile. Maybe he did have more to him than just a sneer or hateful comments. Just maybe, but it left a smile on my lips.

Unbeknownst to me, Draco was sitting on the other side of the wall, smiling at how ridiculous that joke was.

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