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"I thought you died! Your father told me so!" I shouted at Theo who laughed, running a hand through his unruly brown hair.

"Nah, I was just holed up in Hogwarts for a bit. But then some shit went down," Andromeda hit him with a parchment as he laughed, "some stuff went down so I had to go into hiding. Auntie Meda has been helping me since then." I smiled at Theo.

I had known Theo for years since both of our fathers were Death Eater. He looked much better now. Not as thin and lanky but instead more healthy looking.

"What's up with your hair, Theo? You trying to grow a ponytail?" He laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Auntie Meda likes my man bun. Suck it, Dolohov."

"Language! Don't speak like that to a woman." Andromeda frowned as I smiled, taking a sip of my tea. It was much richer than the ones I had at the Malfoy Manor.

"I'm out of the loop. What's happened with you? Where's your dad?" Theo asked, leaning on the table with his elbows.

"He's dead."I stated flatly. Theo looked at me in shock.

"I'm..so sorry, Dolohov, I didn't mean.."

"No, no, it's okay Theo. It was a while ago." I smiled at him as he seemed to relax slightly. "I was staying with the Malfoy's for a bit before..well Draco's decided to get married."

"Draco?! Married? What?!" Theo spurt out as I smiled slightly at his reaction.

"Yeah..he's marrying Pansy in April."

"Parkinson?! That mouse brain of a woman?!"

"Theo!" Andromeda snapped, frowning at him. He raised his hands in apology.

"Aunt Meda, if you knew Pansy Parkinson you would think the same thing. I thought that was a whole prank!"

"Yeah, so did I." I muttered, taking another sip of my tea.

"You liked him didn't you?" Theo teased, smirking at me when I almost spat out my tea. I glared at him as he wagged his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah well. It doesn't matter anyway. The Malfoys would never accept a halfblood into their family." Theo winced at the venom in my words. He placed his hands behind his hand.

"Well, at least you won't have to stick around for an ugly baby! Amiright?!" Theo was trying to lighten the mood as I rolled my eyes at him, even Andromeda sighing. Theo laughed, leaning the chair back to balance on two of the legs.

"Did they get ya tho?" He looked down towards my arm as I frowned at him.

"Yeah, unfortunately." I glanced at Andromeda who was giving me a look of sympathy. "I won't let them know where your house is though, Andromeda." She smiled, shaking her head.

"I trust you, Chloe. Just don't strain yourself too much." I smiled at her kindness. "Ah! Look at the time! Dora and Remus will be coming over soon! They're bringing over Teddy too." Andromeda rushed out of the chair, clattering pots and slamming cabinets loudly. Theo winced, scratching his ear.

"Merlin, Auntie! Just use magic!"

"Magic is a hindrance, Theo! I want to feel like I did something when I make it by hand." She snapped as Theo rolled his eyes.

"Dora? Remus?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Theo smiled at me.

"Nymphadora is Auntie's daughter and Remus is her husband. They're..members of the Order but they're super nice. You'll like them a lot! Teddy is their son." I gripped my arm as I bit my lower lip.

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