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My jaw dropped. A jolt of pain thrusted into my chest as I felt a lump in my throat. I had to mask my hurt and shock quickly or else they would catch on. I clenched my jaw shut, holding my left arm against my stomach.

"And why does this concern me?"

"Oh it doesn't. Unless you have something against us getting married." Pansy smirked looking back at Draco.

"You expect me to get married when a war is about to break out?" He snarled as Chris narrowed his eyes more.

"It would make our family rightful again, Draco." Lucius sneered. Draco glared at Lucius, darting his eyes towards me than at Pansy.

"I won't." Draco stated. Narcissa gasped while Pansy narrowed her eyes at Draco.

"And why not?" Lucius snapped placing a hand on Draco's shoulder. He shrugged his hand off glaring at them.

"I just won't! It's fucked up! I will have a say in this!" Draco snapped.

"Draco!" Lucius bellowed spinning his son around and dragging me towards the study next door. Pansy slowly looked at me, snarling as she made her way towards me.

"You did something to him, DIDNT you? You've put him under some love spell HAVENT you?!"

"What the fuck are you talking about, Pansy?" I sneered, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Ever since you showed up, Draco's been acting weird! Different! You've done something to him!"

"Are you that fucking stupid, Pansy? Draco's not acting any other way he's just not acting the way you want him to be!"

"Don't raise your shit voice at me halfbreed! Give me back my boyfriend!"

"He was never yours to have, Pansy!" I shouted. She was shaking with anger immediately raising her hand and slapping me across my cheek. I gasped, staggering a bit and falling to the ground with a thud.

"Pansy!" Chris yelled, running over to me and kneeling down. "Chloe.." I felt tears spring to my eyes as I held my stinging cheek. I looked up at Pansy as she sneered down at me.

"He was always mine and he will never be yours." She stood back away from me when Lucius and Draco walked back in. Draco's eyes widened seeing me on the floor as he took a step forward but was stopped by Lucius. I slowly stood up, waving away Chris's help as I glared at Pansy. She smirked my way turning back towards Draco. Lucius looked at me, hatred boiling in his eyes as he gripped Draco's shoulder.

"Draco? Your decision?" I looked at Draco seeing the color drain from his face. His hands were clenched into fists as he looked away from me and towards the ground. His hair covered his eyes as he spoke through gritted teeth.

"The wedding will be in April."


After Draco's announcement, I couldn't hear anything. I wasn't surprised but definitely a mixture of hurt and anger swelled through me. Pansy and Chris left shortly after, Chris saying something to me but I couldn't make out what he was saying. My eyes were only on Draco's but Draco wouldn't look me in the eye. Lucius had pulled him back towards the study, slamming the door. I forced myself to go to the front yard to the side garden I had found earlier during my stay.

I sat down on one of the dark benches, clutching my chest. I choked back a sob, gritting my teeth together.

"You will not cry, Chloe. You will not cry." But my tears didn't want to listen. I covered my face, sobbing into my hands. April was only 4 months away. 4 months until Draco would leave. Leave me like how mother and father did.

"Chloe?" I pulled my hands away to see Narcissa walking up to me. Her eyes widened seeing my tears as I brushed them aside, standing up.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"No stay. It's alright. I always come here when I need some time alone. Please." She said quietly motioning for me to sit. I slowly said down as she came to sit beside me. We sat quietly listening to the sounds of birds chirping in the distance. "Days like these seem like everything is coming down at you all at once, hm?" I slowly nodded, gripping my arm.

"It was very admirable of you to stick up for my son to Pansy. I've..been thinking a bit about the words you said. I too thought Draco was acting differently but maybe that was Draco acting truly himself. And not for anyone." I stayed quiet, keeping my head down. Narcissa glanced at me, clasping her hands delicately on her lap.

"And in that second when I realized your words, I felt a warmth. Happiness. That he was able to finally find his true voice during these times. And I thank you for that."

"Narcissa, I appreciate the words but I-" she lifted a hand to silence me.

"It's not easy for me to accept those of non pure blood. It was hard enough to accept Andromeda when she married that Muggle, Tonks. It's been ingrained in my family and in Lucius to never accept those of non pure blood status. However, I see how you have shaped Draco and I see the change in him. And I thought I'd never hear him laugh again in this house until you came along." She let out a slow sigh.

"I wish I could change it. The marriage. I've never been a fan of that..Parkinson girl but..I have no rule over my husband's word. I'm sorry, Chloe."

"It's nothing for you to worry about, Narcissa." I said softly, standing up. "Thank you for your words but they aren't necessary. I'm...leaving after tonight. Thank you for your hospitality in every way."

"And where do you think you'll go?"


"Chloe. Even though we didn't see eye to eye, I still worry as if you're my own child. I won't let you go into the wild without any destination." I stayed quiet, letting out a sigh. She stood up, her eyebrows furrowed together. "I have a place in mind. Andromeda will help." I looked up at Narcissa.

"Your sister?"

"I know you've been reading her diary. It was peculiar that it went missing as soon as you got here." I flushed a bit, looking away. "I will Owl her to let her know. We leave at first light." She placed a hand on my shoulder making me flinch.

"I'm truly sorry, Chloe." She pulled away from me walking back towards the manor. I slowly walked in after her going towards the kitchen. I had to tell Poppy goodbye.

"Poppy?" I whispered. Immediately a pop happened behind me as I turned around. I smiled at the small elf immediately wrapping my arms around him. He gasped, holding still.

"L..Lady Clover?"

"Poppy..I'm..leaving tomorrow and I don't think we'll ever meet again. Thank you for your kindness..I'll...I'll really miss you." I choked out as I pulled away from Poppy. Tears popped into his eyes as he gripped my arms.

"But why must Clover go? Poppy will come with!"

"No, Poppy.. you have to stay here. I need you to look after Draco."

"Master Draco isn't going with you?"

"No, Poppy. Promise me to look after him. You need to make sure he eats. And..Poppy you can't tell him where I went, no matter how much he asks. Promise me, Poppy." His eyes went wide.

"I..I promise Clover.." I smiled gently patting his hands as he slowly let go of me. "Poppy will never forget Clover."

"And I will never forget you, Poppy." I kissed the top of his head as I stood up. "Be safe, okay?" He nodded, tears falling down his cheeks as I walked out of the kitchen swiftly going up the stairs. I didn't even notice that Draco had come out of the room with his father as I hurried into my room, locking the door behind me. I slid down against the back of the door, biting my lower lip hard.

Maybe father was right. Maybe we were cursed to be alone forever. Our only happiness being torn from right in front of us, tempting us like puppet on strings. I covered my face with my hands, refusing to cry anymore.

"No more, please.."

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