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I stared absently down at the diary in my lap. I flipped towards the back of the book seeing blank pages. I frowned going back to the page where Andromeda had stopped writing.

Today will be the last day I write in this book. In this home. I've decided to marry Teddy Tonks. He's amazing. He's different than all of those other boys. But he's a Muggle. And my family doesn't approve..so I've decided to leave and be with him for the rest of my life.

I don't know when I'll be able to come back, if I ever get to. Bella and Cissy hate me. They don't want to have anything to do with me since they're marrying into a pure blood families. I just hope one day they'll understand.

To whomever who finds this; find your own happiness. Don't let anyone dictate that. I promise you.

It's worth it. It makes you feel free. Like a feather.

Andromeda Black soon to be Andromeda Tonks xx

I closed the diary, thumbing the front leather cover. No wonder they didn't mention about Andromeda. They were absolutely ashamed that she had married a Muggle instead of a pure blood wizard. I smiled though patting the diary.

"I hope you're happy Andromeda."

The door to the library opened as I looked up to see Draco in the doorway. He was wearing a black suit while his hair had been slicked back. He had one hand on the doorknob staring at me before looking down to see Mr. Frank rubbing his body against his legs. He frowned slightly, shaking his leg to get the furry cat off of him.

"He likes you. You should pet him." I said getting up from my comfortable position on the chair.

"I don't like cats. They shed too much." He wrinkled his nose trying to step away from Mr. Frank. I rolled my eyes, stooping down to pick the cat up in my arms. Draco stared at the cat as Mr. Frank purred at his attention, flicking his tail his way. "What's its name?"

"It's name is Mr. Frank." I said sourly. Draco raised an eyebrow before patting the cat robotically on its hand. I laughed slightly, swatting Draco's hand away and replaced it with mine as Mr. Frank purred happily. Draco rolled his eyes leaning against the door frame.

"Do you have a date with Poppy today?" He asked, smirking. I glared at him, pushing past him to open the door to my room. I let Mr. Frank down inside.

"You jealous or something?" I sneered watching him shoot me a return glare.

"As if I'd stoop so low for a halfblood." He spat out as I glared at him again. He smirked as I tried to pass him but he held his arm out to block my way. "I'm here to ask you a question." I raised an eyebrow at him crossing my arms.

"The answer is no."

"C'mon Dolohov. You don't even know what the question is!"

"I don't want to know. I don't care." I snidely said moving to his other side to get out but he blocked that way too, smirking.

"You get to get out of the house if you say yes." His eyebrows wagged in anticipation as I sighed, tapping my foot.

"Okay what is it?" He smirked relaxing his arms to his side.

"I'm going to Diagon Alley with a few friends. Come with."

"With you? Diagon Alley? It's a dead town, Malfoy."

"Not when you're a Death Eater." He smirked.

"I don't want to be around you and your pure blood friends." I snorted out.

"Just meet me downstairs in 10. You'll regret it if you don't come." He said slyly walking down the stairs. I sighed looking at Mr. Frank who yawned rolling into his back.

"Ugh." I groaned, slamming the door and changing. I pulled on some dark jeans and the white collared blouse from before complimenting it with the same dark blue cashmere vest pullover. I pulled up my black suede knee high boots tying them in the back. I slipped my wand in my boot and let my hair tumble down my shoulders and back. I ran my fingers through it see it curl slightly at the bottom. I glanced at the mirror, frowning as I touched my cheeks pulling on them slightly.

"Merlin, get a grip Dolohov." I muttered to myself, quickly leaving the room and walking down to the main floor.

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