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a/n: this chapter contains some violence and blood. please read at your discretion!

The next morning, I awoke with a loud banging on my door. I groaned, sliding out of the bed and opened the door to see a frantic Poppy mid knock.

"Merlin, Poppy...what time is it..?"

"Lady Clover! He's here! And the..the bad men.." I frowned, rubbing my eyes again.


"The Dark Lord." He hissed. My eyes widened. "He..he wants you and Master Draco present..Master Draco is already downstairs." I nodded quickly shutting my door.

I changed quickly, placing my hair up in a messy bun. I opted for just some jeans and a black turtleneck, sliding my wand in my pocket. I pulled on a black windbreaker as I rushed out the door. I could hear the chatter coming from the dining room as I slowed my pace, walking inside. Draco was sitting beside his father, stiff and silent. His eyes darted to meet mine as he seemed to relax, nodding a greeting my way. I nodded slightly going over towards the empty seat across from him. Rowle was already seated, eyes closed.

"Morning Rowle." I whispered as he looked at me, a slight smile on his lips.

"Morning Clover. How was your trip yesterday?"

"Good. Thank you for the burial stone and the wreath." He grinned, chuckling.

"I always forget how beautiful your hometown is. Makes me forget everything." I smiled. That's exactly what Draco said. "But Chloe.." I looked up at Rowle. He never said my name unless it was absolutely dire. "You'll need to make a choice today." My eyes widened.

"What?" He looked at me slightly before glancing at the empty chair at the head of the table.

"Don't let your father down." He whispered as a loud pop made me jump. I looked at Draco who had been watching us the entire time. His eyes were clouded, his lips in a thin line. The dark curtains shut over the windows, darkening the group greatly while candles were lit nearby. Voldemort slowly walked to the head of the table, looking absolutely worn. It looked like he had aged at least 50 years. Everyone grew silent looking towards the front. I could almost hear my own breathing, my heart pounding in my chest. Why was I feeling so much fear?

"The boy..has stolen another Horocrux from the vault. Harry Potter must die." I glanced at Draco who stiffened. Voldemort slowly lifted his hand holding a complete different wand. "And he will die by the Elder Wand." Everyone gasped, hushed whispers spreading through the table.

"We must continue our search for new recruits, brothers and sisters. A war will come. And we will need everyone. I want to personally thank Goyle, Crabbe, and Parkinson for bringing your children to me." Voldemort sneered as I felt bile rise up in my throat. Was Pansy and Chris Death Eaters now? I grinded my teeth together as Voldemort's eyes landed on me.

"Dolohov." He sneered. I could feel the blood rush from my face as I shrunk away from his dead gaze. "Scabior and Rowle has told me that you have done well in helping their efforts in the captures of Potter. Even if it meant risking the life of your arm. Thank you." A shudder ran through my body as I felt the pulsing in my arm. It was the coldest thank you. "Let's talk more after." He finally looked away letting me relax in my seat, finally. I was shaking. I clenched my hands into fists, my eyes finding Draco's. He was looking at me with worry. He breathed in slowly as I followed him doing the same. He was trying to calm me down. I couldn't even hear anything that Voldemort or anyone else was saying. I hadn't even realized the meeting had ended as everyone stood up. Rowle placed a hand on my shoulder as I looked at him. His eyes were dark as he motioned with his head towards the front.

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