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My shoulders sagged feeling the smallest hand rubs from Theo as Tonk's body was covered with a white blanket. My body shuddered under the sadness as I gripped onto the ends of my scarf. Remus was speaking quietly with Shacklebolt, Teddy's name being thrown out a few times.

"Who killed her Theo..?" I whispered. Theo looked at me, gritting his teeth together.

"Bellatrix.." I let out a slow breath hearing the name. I stood up feeling almost no pain in my leg as Theo gripped my wrist. "Where are you going?"

"I need some air." I lied. Theo frowned standing up with me. I smiled slightly at him as I patted his hand to let go. "Really. Stay here. I'll be right back."

"Don't go looking for her, Dolohov.." He said slowly letting go of my wrist. I smiled back at him as I walked through the throngs of students taking care of the injured or covering the dead.

"Chloe..?" I heard Hermione say but I continued forward slipping past the Great Hall doors and into the rubble. I clutched onto my scarf biting my lower lip as I made my way towards the back of the castle where we had come from originally. I let out a slow breath walking down the outside steps and towards the grassy areas. I looked up towards the bright blue sky raising my hand up towards it.

"Trying to grab a cloud, Dolohov?" I glanced behind me to see Blaise slowly walking towards me, his wand pointed at me. He was glancing nervously back and forth between the doors and me. I raised an eyebrow at him as he kept his wand trained on me. "Your wand. Now."

"Ballsy to be out in the open, Zabini." I hissed as I threw him my wand. He grabbed it easily, placing it in his pocket.

"Into the Forest, now." He pushed me with his wand as I walked into the tree line, Blaise's wand aimed right between my shoulder blades.

"Where's Draco?"

"Shut up." He snapped as he pushed me forward more. I stumbled a bit with my leg, grunting as I fell to my knees. Blaise hesitated in helping me as I slowly stood back up, wincing at the pain that shot up through my leg.

"At least tell me if he's alive." We continued walking until Blaise finally answered.

"He is." I stopped in the middle of a clearing as my eyes widened. Voldemort was standing before me, the remaining Death Eaters surrounding him. I saw Bellatrix, Fenrir, Rowle, Narcissa, and Lucius standing in front as Blaise pushed me forward. I staggered a bit as a ripple of amusement ran through the crowd.

"You've done well Blaise.." Voldemort snickered as Blaise slowly moved towards him, ducking his head and moving into the throng of people. Narcissa watched me with wide eyes as Voldemort made his way towards me. I clenched my jaw as he gripped my chin between his bony fingers. "Did you like how your father died? Like a true failure."

"Fuck you." I snapped, spitting in Voldemort's face. Gasps ran through the crowd as Voldemort sneered at me, throwing me to the ground. I gasped feeling my head hit against the cold ground, hard. I groaned clutching my hand as he stood above me.

"Fenrir. Bring her with us." Voldemort sneered as he walked away from me. I heard Fenrir's heavy footsteps as he knelt down, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking me up. I gasped, gripping his large hands as he sneered at me.

"Come on, poppet." He forced me upwards, letting go of my hair and instead placing his hand around the back of my neck keeping it upright. I saw Rowle stare at me with a mixture of hatred and sadness as he turned away from me. Fenrir followed after Voldemort as the crowd parted for him.

"This ends today, brethren! We will kill Harry Potter once and for all!" Loud roars echoed through the group as Fenrir gripped harder into my neck as I gasped at the pain. Voldemort continued walking as everyone crowded around us as we marched through the Forest. Fenrir moved his hand wrapping a giant arm around the front of my chest, putting pressure against my neck. I gasped as we slowly started to walk down the giant bridge that conjoined the front part of Hogwarts and the Forest. Students were scrambling back inside as a few came out to stand on the dilapidated stairs including Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Theo. Fenrir's grip tightened as I grasped onto his arm, struggling to get free.

"Harry Potter." Voldemort sneered as the Death Eaters slowly started to fan out from the end of the bridge as Voldemort walked a few steps towards the center. Harry held his wand tightly against him as he took a few steps as well towards Voldemort. "You think you have won by destroying two more Horocruxes? I am invincible!" Cheers roared from the Death Eaters as I grunted against Fenrir's hold.

"Before I kill those around you, I will give you all one last chance. Join me and be rewarded as one of my own." Voldemort sneered. No one moved, everyone looking between each other.

"Draco..." Narcissa whispered stepping forward slightly.

"Draco..come here.." Lucius snipped motioning with his hand towards the crowd. I could barely make out Draco's hair from the throng of people who stood around him. He was hesitating, slowly moving down to be behind Theo. Theo glanced back at him as Draco's eyes darted around the crowd.

"Bring her." Voldemort ordered. Fenrir dragged me towards the front, the crowd gasping as Fenrir tightened his grip even more. I clutched onto his arms, feeling blood streak down my cheek from my head.

"Chloe!" Remus shouted pushing through but Shacklebolt was pushing him back. Theo was frozen in his spot, staring in horror. Hermione gasped, holding her hands over her mouth as I blinked a few tears away. Draco was staring in horror at me as well, taking a step forward but Theo gripped his shoulder, holding him back.

"Draco, come.." Voldemort beckoned. "Come and I'll let her live." Draco's face contorted in pain as he tried to step forward but Theo and now Hermione were holding him back. Her eyes met mine, a look of shock running across them.

She knew.

"She'll die!" He grunted against their hold as Theo turned around pushing him back. "Let me go!"

"You cannot go over there, Malfoy!" Hermione shouted grasping onto his sleeve, holding him in place. Narcissa was staring at me then slowly moved her gaze towards her son.

"Draco.." She muttered once more as Voldemort motioned for him again. I wriggled free slightly, gasping for air.

"You have a choice, Draco! You always had a choice!" I shouted. I grunted against Fenrir's hold as I raised my good leg, gasping at the pressure in my injured one, as I kicked Fenrir in the shin, loosening his hold. I stumbled forward, falling to my knees. I looked up at Draco, tears streaming down my face. Confusion warped through his face as I smiled softly at him, struggling to get on my feet.

"You're good. You've always been good, Draco. Stay. Stay with them."

"Silence her!" Voldemort shouted as Fenrir had recovered, grabbing me by my hair and jerking me back. I screamed at the pain as he held me upright. Tears streamed down my face from the pain, my heart pounding in my ears. I saw Draco struggling against Theo and Hermione, even Remus shouting with Shacklebolt.

"I love you, Draco. I will always love you." I whispered as his eyes widened towards me. Tears ran down his dirty cheeks as I gave him another smile.

"SILENCE HER!" Voldemort ordered as the pressure from my hair was released. Everyone's eyes widened as I felt a sudden sharp, jolting pain in my neck.

Fenrir had bitten deeply into my neck, jerking a chunk of skin away from the side of my neck.

I immediately felt blood gurgle into my mouth, my lungs immediately being filled with blood. I gasped for air as he released me. One hand held my neck, the other one stopping my fall downwards as I fell to my knees. Blood pooled all around me as my vision blurred. There was a pounding in my head, shouting, an explosion nearby, and running footsteps. I was forcing my eyes open as I felt my body sag to the side falling into strong arms.

"Chloe! Chloe!" My eyes fluttered open seeing a hazy image of Draco above me. Blood pooled around his hands as he desperately pressed his hand against the wound. I couldn't even tell if I was smiling as I coughed, blood running out of my mouth. "No, no...don't leave me!" Draco desperately pleaded, tears running down his cheeks falling against my face. More shouting as I gasped for another breath. It was like I was being suffocated alive.

"Dr...Draco..." I spluttered out as I slowly reached up to his pale cheek, thumbing his bottom lip. Blood smeared against it. "Be...h...happy..." I whispered, feeling my hand fall against my chest as I let in a heavy tight breath. My vision was blurring feeling my body shudder under the pressure.

And it felt like falling. Falling weightless into an abyss of darkness. And finally, I felt free.

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