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Draco POV

I kicked open the door to my room, pausing as I saw Pansy sitting on it. She was glaring at me as she slid off the bed walking towards me. I clutched onto Chloe a bit more as she took a glance at her. She was looking at her with such disgust.

"So what's this? You have to take care of the halfblood now?" I narrowed my eyes at Pansy moving past her and laying Chloe down onto the bed. I pulled the large comforter over her body as Pansy snorted. "Come on, Draco. I don't want to have to be near that thing.."

"Her name is Chloe, Pansy." I snapped, balling my hands into fists. She flinched narrowing her eyes at me.

"What's your problem, Draco?"

"Just get out."

"What? No. We're spending my birthday together!"

"Get the fuck out Pansy! I don't want to be around you! At all! Ever! Get that through your fucking head." She gasped as she glared at me fully now.

"It's her isn't it? You think I'm going to allow you to love a halfblood like her?! What's gotten into you!" I turned sharply towards her, stalking my way to her. She immediately took a step back as I opened the door for her.

"Get the fuck out." I growled as she trembled underneath my gaze, running out quickly. I slammed the door, locking it as I let out a slow breath. I slowly walked back over to the bed, sitting down in the edge beside Chloe. I brushed a strand of hair away from her face as I saw her stir a bit under the touch. Her eyes slowly opened, blinking to adjust to the lighting. I watched quietly as she looked around before finding my face. A soft smile spread on her lips.

"Hi." She croaked out. I chuckled.

"Rest." I said quietly. She tried to move but winced from the pain in her arm. "Stop moving. You'll make it worse." She stopped, wide eyed at me.

"Did I lose my arm?" I laughed slightly, nodding.

"Yeah, I had to bury it." She gasped as I laughed more pulling away the covers for her to see. She let out an aggravated sigh, pouting at me.

"Get out."

"I can't. You're in my room." I smirked as she let out another sigh.

"Your beds too big..let me go to mine." I rolled my eyes walking over to the other side and slipped under the covers. She blushed, looking at me wide eyed.

"Relax, Dolohov. I'm not gonna do anything to you." She blushed furiously as she looked away from me. I smiled slightly studying the side of her face. She had such a petite face and small features. I scooted closer to her lifting an arm above her head.

"Come here." She looked at me, the blush radiating off of her pale skin. "It won't make the bed feel big." She looked at me, before slowly turning over on her good arm and moving into my arms. I carefully placed my arms around her making note of her injured arm as she nestled her head into the crook of my shoulder and neck. She fit like a perfect puzzle piece. I frowned slightly. What was this fluttering feeling in my chest? It felt weird.

"Draco. Your heart is beating so fast." She whispered giggling quietly. I frowned. Is that what it was? "You're so warm though.." I blinked quickly looking down at her. She had closed her eyes, a small smile on her lips, curling closer to me. Shortly, I felt her small breaths against my neck, seeing that she had fallen asleep. I carefully stroked my fingers through her black hair watching them fall gracefully back down. I bent down kissing her forehead, a smile on my lips.

"What are you doing to me?"

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