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I stayed outside for the rest of the day, sitting underneath one of the older maple trees that covered the front lawn. It was serene and almost made it feel like I was in a fairytale. I looked up from the diary, staring upwards through the tree limbs. The last rays of sunshine were coming through making the leaves sparkle. I hadn't seen Draco or Pansy for the entire day but it didn't bother me; the less time from the 2, the better.

I closed the diary as I heard my stomach rumbling. I walked inside quickly rushing up the stairs and into my room. I placed the diary inside my night stand, feeding Mr. Frank and walking out the room. As I was closing my door, Pansy walked out of Draco's room fiddling with her hair. She saw me, a smirk on her lips as she straightened her tie a bit. Draco walked out after her, a frown on his lips. He glanced over at me as I walked past the two of them.

"Where are you going?" Draco called out, catching up with me at the stairs. I looked back at him than at Pansy who was glaring daggers at me.

"It's time for dinner. You should at least give your mother an ounce of your time." I snapped, turning on my heel away from his angry face. I soon realized that Draco was on my heels, grabbing my wrist, and spinning me around to face him.

"Don't tell me what to do halfbreed." I yanked my wrist away from him, narrowing my eyes.

"Then don't give me a reason to. You're acting like a complete child." His teeth gritted together taking a step towards me, his grey eyes darkening. My immediate reaction was to step away. He was permeating hatred from every pore on his body but I refused to stand down from him.

"What did you just call me?"

"An absolute. Spoiled. Child." I enunciated each word glaring at him.

"You stupid-"

"Draco." He stopped hearing his name. We both looked over to see Narcissa standing in the dining room doorway. Her eyes were wide looking between us than at Pansy who was watching the whole thing with a smirk on her lips. "We have a guest. Watch your tone." She gave us one last look before disappearing inside the dining room. Draco glared at me, finally taking a step back. I turned once more towards the dining room. Draco and Pansy shouldered me inside sitting across from Narcissa as I glared at their backs. Pricks. All of them. I opted to sit beside Narcissa as she gave me a curt nod. She was obviously still holding a chip on her shoulder from breakfast.

"I didn't know you had come over Pansy. What brings you here? Shouldn't you be at home?" Narcissa asked, food appearing on our plates. Pansy mustered up the fakest smile, playing with the steak on her plate.

"I just missed Draco so much, Narcissa. I wanted to see him for a bit before school started. I had to come see him. He's a legend now." She gazed over at Draco whose face had gotten paler. He looked almost uncomfortable with her words. Narcissa didn't say anything instead eyeing Pansy as she began to eat her meal. "Can I ask though? Who is that?"

I looked up from my food realizing that she was pointing her fork my way. Narcissa glanced down at me, sniffing slightly.

"It's not nice to point, Pansy." Pansy slowly lowered her fork, glaring at me. Draco glanced at Pansy than at me. "This is Chloe. Antonin Dolohov's daughter. She's staying with us for the time being." Pansy's eyes widened a bit.

"You mean the duelist, Antonin Dolohov?" Narcissa nodded at her question as I looked away, taking another bite of my food. "Hm. No wonder I don't like you."

"The feelings mutual." I muttered, leaning back in my seat as Narcissa shot me a warning look. Pansy's nose wrinkled in anger, eating her food with another glare my way. Draco was eating quietly, leaning away when Pansy leaned closer to him. I finished dinner first excusing myself as I ignored the look I was receiving from Draco. I immediately felt exhausted as I closed the door behind me. I changed into pajamas as I flopped down onto the bed. Mr. Frank looked up at me with large green eyes.

"You have it so easy. I wish I could lounge around and eat all day." I stuck my tongue out at him as he flicked his ears, laying back down. I rolled my eyes at him, settling down into the bed and reaching for Andromeda's diary. I continued reading it for a while when I started to hear thumps from Draco's room. I looked up towards the wall hearing a slight squeaking and then another thump as my jaw dropped. So that's what Poppy meant as lady friend. I immediately put up a silencing charm around the walls not realizing the blush that had risen to my cheeks. Mr. Frank flicked his tail my way, tilting his head as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't look at me like that." 

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