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We walked quietly through the gate while I trailed a bit behind the group. My side was starting to hurt again as I clenched my jaw tighter. I didn't know the end game of what was going to happen now but I didn't like it one bit. We walked through the doors to the drawing room on the left as Scabior pushed open the doors. I felt the color drain from my face seeing Bellatrix and the full Malfoy family present. Draco was staring wide eyed at the trio before finding me. He saw the blood through my clothing, eyes somehow getting even wider. I shook my head indicating I was fine as he let out a breath. Bellatrix walked up to Harry, looking him in the face before grabbing his hair and dragging him to the middle of the room, forcing him to kneel. She flipped his head back to look upright as Lucius walked over with Draco.

I walked out from behind the group over towards the side, leaning against the wall. I noticed steps to my right that went down to the cellar, Wormtail standing guard.

Sniveling Rat.

"Is it him, Draco? Is it Harry Potter?" Bellatrix asked as Draco hesitated staring at him. I knew that Draco would be able to identify him. Lucius placed a hand on his shoulder, whispering loudly.

"Draco..say it. If it's him, everything will be restored. We will be forgiven!" I hissed at his comment. "We will be in favor of the Dark Lord!" Draco's face went pale as he nodded slightly at his father's words. I took a step forward off the wall, wincing at the pain in my side.

"Don't pressure him, Lucius." I hissed as I saw Draco glance my way.

"And let's also remember who actually caught him!" Scabior joined in, placing his hands on his hips. Lucius started to shake with anger.

"How dare you speak to me like that in my own house!" He roared as Narcissa dragged him away quieting him down. Draco looked at me with uncertainty as I just stared at him. He had a choice. Bellatrix beckoned him over as Draco kneeled before Harry.

"Well? Is it him?" She asked. I glanced back at Hermione and Ron who were being held by Greyback, fear in their eyes.

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco whispered as Bellatrix looked back at Scabior. He shrugged but something in Bellatrix snapped. She saw something that the lone Snatcher was holding, a sword.

"Where did you get that?" She hissed but he didn't answer instead holding it tighter. She immediately shot a killing curse his way before sending another hex at Greyback. A snake wrapped itself around his neck as she grabbed Scabior by the neck, snarling.

"Get the fuck out of here!" She screamed as they both scattered. Wormtail came up to hold Ron as Bellatrix grabbed Hermione. I took a step forward but Bellatrix placed her wand against my chest. Her eyes were wild with rage.

"I will kill you!" She hissed as I slowly took a step back. "We're gonna have a chat..just girl to girl! Put them in the cellar, Wormtail!" Narcissa had grabbed Harry pushing him towards Wormtail who led them into the cellar, locking them up. I could hear Harry and the other boy's pleads from below as I gritted my teeth. Hermione was begging for her life as Bellatrix fastened her to the ground with a spell, her arms outstretched. They were whispering to each other as Draco slowly made his way over to me, his eyes never leaving Hermione. He looked at me then at my side.

"I'm fine." I grunted. He looked at me with fear as I stared back at him. I lowered my voice to a whisper. "Why didn't you answer?" He paused, glancing back at his family who was watching Bellatrix.

"Because this is wrong." He barely said over a whisper. So he did have some good in him. An ear splitting scream echoed in the room as I covered my ears. Bellatrix was burning Hermione's flesh with her wand as I gasped seeing the girl struggle against Bellatrix's hold. Draco had also covered his ears, his eyes wide. The scene reminded me of mother's death. Her screams, her begs.

"The sword was suppose to be in my vault! How did you get it?!" Bellatrix screamed as Hermione shook her head, sobbing.

"I don't know!" Bellatrix hissed continuing her torture.

"Stop, LeStrange!" I shouted taking a step towards her. Bellatrix slowly looked at me, fury in her eyes. She slowly got off of Hermione stalking her way towards me. I could smell Hermione's blood as Bellatrix stopped right before me.

"You pity the mudblood don't you?" She stuck me in the chest with her wand. "You want me to stop? Then stop me! I dare you." I narrowed my eyes at her, her lips turning up in a sneer. Everyone was watching me as I glanced down at Hermione. Her arm was bleeding heavily as I slowly looked back at Bellatrix. She snickered, slowly lowering her wand.

"Pathetic. Just like your mother."


I let out a slow breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I felt the stiffness and static through my hand. Bellatrix was hunched over, holding her reddened cheek as Narcissa let out a sharp breath. I narrowed my eyes at Bellatrix, sliding my wand out of my sleeve as I stalked my way towards her.

"Don't." I kicked her in the side, Bellatrix gasping for air as she flipped over. "Speak." I stamped down on her wrist which held her wand, feeling a crunch under my foot. "Of my mother." I could feel my breath quicken as I pointed my wand down at Bellatrix. "You fucking bitch."

Bellatrix was staring at me wide eyed before letting out a hideous laugh.

"Your anger! The hate...You're just like your father! Kill me! Do it! DO IT!" I could feel my body start to shake. It wanted to kill her so bad. To just end this miserable horrible woman's life but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I slowly lowered my wand, taking a step back away from Bellatrix.

"You don't deserve it from me." I said slowly. I turned away walking quickly out of the drawing room ignoring the shocked look from Draco.

"You bitch!" Bellatrix screamed shooting a hex my way but I immediately shielded it without having to turn around. I slammed the door behind me bolting up the stairs to my room. I slid against my locked door, ignoring the pain and bleeding in my side as I sobbed into my hands.

The anger scared me, I had never felt that much hatred inside of me. And it was aching to come through.

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