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Poppy had come back later that afternoon. He said that Draco had started crying when he gave him the scarf. It hurt Poppy as much as it hurt me. Andromeda had agreed to let Poppy stay with us.

Teddy, Tonks, and Remus came over the next day for Christmas. They had a handful of presents for everyone including me. I felt bad for not having anything for them but they didn't mind. I watched as Poppy played with Teddy making it snow for him inside. Teddy was laughing so hard his little cheeks were turning red. Theo walked over to me pulling out a small present.

"Merry Christmas, Dolohov." I smirked up at Theo as he sat down beside me on the couch.

"I'm sorry Theo, I don't have anything for you."

"S'alright. It's not like you can get out or anything." He smirked as I rolled my eyes at him. I opened the small present seeing a box. I glanced at Theo who smiled.

"My grandfather gave this to me before I went into hiding. Said to give it to someone who you felt close to."

"It's not a ring is it?" I scoffed as Theo laughed.

"As if!" I smirked as I opened the box. Inside, a small red diamond lay in it. I raised an eyebrow at it holding it between my fingers.

"What is it?" Theo shrugged.

"No idea. But something told me to just give it to you. Maybe you'll find out." I chuckled, placing it back into the box and giving Theo a hug. He smiled, hugging me back.

"Merry Christmas, Theodore.." I whispered as he patted my back.

"I know I can't be Draco but.."

"This is enough." I softly said as I pulled away from him. He gave me another smile before getting back up, a flush on his cheeks.

"I need to uh, get something from..yeah." He darted away as I laughed, placing the box in my pocket. Teddy walked up to me holding a box.

"Is this for me Teddy?" He nodded, smiling as I picked him up placing him on my lap. My sleeves were rolled up as he placed his tiny hand against the Dark Mark. I winced slightly, the Mark burning against my skin.

"What's this?" He mumbled as I blinked in surprise. He looked up at me as I smiled, glancing at the Mark.

"It's a tattoo, Teddy."

"What does it mean?" He blinked, his brown eyes large.

"It..It doesn't mean anything. It's just a Mark. We're not defined by our scars, right?" I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Open!" He pointed to the box as I tore away the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was a picture frame with a drawing. I gasped at it.

"Did you draw this?"

"Mm!" He nodded, pointing at each figure. "Momma, Papa, grandma, Theo, me, and Clover! We're family!" I smiled hugging the small boy tightly.

"I love it, Teddy. Thank you." He smiled hugging my neck.

"Clover won't go right?"

"Hm?" Teddy hung on tighter, whispering in my ear.

"Momma and Papa say they have to go away for a while..I'll stay with Grandma..they said you and Theo will be away too. I don't want Clover to go. I'll be lonely." I smiled softly holding him tightly.

"I won't be gone for long, Teddy. I promise."

"What if you don't?"

"I will..we all will. You'll be the man of the House so you'll have to protect your grandmother. Promise me?" I pulled away from Teddy as he pouted but nodded. "When I come back, I'll ask your grandma and if she says you were, I'll take you to my hometown." I smiled as his eyes lit up.


"Yep, Russia. You'll meet Anya and maybe I can teach you how to ride a horse."

"A big horse?!"

"A big one." I smiled as he smiled brightly.

"I'll be the strongest boy here!" I laughed as he jumped off of my lap running towards Tonks to tell her what I said. She looked at me, a soft smile on her lips as she lifted her son kissing him on the cheeks. I looked towards the fireplace touching the scarf around my neck.

"Are you having a good Christmas, Draco?" I whispered. I stood up grabbing my gifts and taking them to my room. I hadn't realized the flames had morphed to show a soft image of Draco. He was gripping my scarf sitting alone in his bedroom, crying.

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