Chapter 1

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"Mind to tell me who are they?"


Today, 8.30 am.
Skz mansion.

"Hyunjin-ah come here!" Yelled Chan from his office. "Yes hyung?" Hyunjin popped out of nowhere, smiling. "I need to tell you something. I want you to kidnapped two people" "Uhh how should I know I got the right person?" "One of them are wearing pink with a bandana and the other one are wearing a white plain shirt with a blue flannel plaid shirt. Felix will give you their pictures"

Chan looked at the day dreaming Hyunjin. "Hyunjin did you hear me?!" "Yes hyung I heard what you said! No need to yell!" Hyunjin said as he get up and walked out of Chan's office. "If this kid mess up again I'll kill him" Chan talked to himself.


"Ahh! Han Jisung you are late for your first day!" Jisung yelled as he ran to the bathroom to take a shower. "How can you forgot that your class start at 9 am?!" He said while rummaging his closet. He wear what he get and run to the university with all his might.

Seungmin is on his way to the first class when someone bump into him. "I-I'm sorry! Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" He said as the boy help him stand up. "I'm sorry again I was just in hurry to go to the first class. I woke up late so I ran to our university" "Oh... Where is your first class?" "Room 8. Why?" "That's my class too. Wanna walk together?" "Yeah sure"

"Okay class even though this is your first day, I'll give you guys an assignment" The students start to complain about it. "You guys want me to decide your partner or what?" "No sir" "Then don't complain. Class dismissed"

"Seungmin you wanna pair up?" "Sure. When should we start?" "How about after our classes ended, we can go to the nearby cafe and start our assignment" "Okay then see you after classes" Seungmin said before he leave the classroom.

3 pm - 6 pm

Jisung and Seungmin walk together to the nearby cafe. They start their assignment at 3.30 pm and now it's nearly 6 pm. "Jisung how about we continue this tomorrow?" "Sure. The same place again?" "Okay" They walked out of the cafe and walk to their dorm. The way to their dorm is empty.

"It's only 6.30 but the road is already empty. It makes me nervous" Seungmin said. "Me too. Usually it's not this quiet" When they are close to the dorm they feel someone is dragging them. Their face were covered with a cloth and suddenly they passed out.

Now, 7.30 pm

"Mind to tell me who are they?" Chan said after he looked at the two tied boys.


"HWANG HYUNJIN!" yelled Chan. "They are not the person you asked for?" "Of course not! They are just a university student!" "But they're wearing the outfit you told me" Hyunjin said in confusion. "Let me ask you Hwang. Did you go to Felix and ask for the pictures?" "Uhh no..."

"Hyunjin this is the second time you made a mistake like this! Tell me what should I do with you? Should I fire you?" "N-no hyung. Please give me one more chance! Please!" "Okay this is your last chance. If you make a mistake on your third mission, I'll not hesitate to fire you"

"But hyung what should we do with them?" asked Minho. "Kill them" "What?! Hyung no! Don't kill them please. At least do this for me" Felix begged Chan. "But baby they already saw our face" "Please sir we promise we won't report you to the police but please let us go!" Begged Jisung.

"And why should I trust you?" questioned Chan. "Chan hyung you can let them live here like Jeongin" "I don't want more people in my mansion Lix" "Please only the two of them. Let them live here won't hurt" Chan sigh. "Fine baby I do this for you. For the two of you, you need to live here and you can't get out without our permission and don't question my decision. You guys are lucky I didn't kill you" Chan said as he walked away.

Felix when to them and untied the rope. "I'm sorry about him he is hard to open up with people" "It's okay as long as he don't kill us we're fine" said Seungmin. "Hyunjin you better apologize to them" Felix scolded him. "I'm sorry for putting you guys in this situation" He said and bowed.

"Chan hyung" "What do you want Changbin?" "Do you mind if I use one of them as my toy" "I don't care. You can do whatever you want with them" "Nice hyung. Thanks" Changbin walk back to the living room. "Hey you squirrel boy" He said, pointing to Jisung. "Get up and come with me" Jisung look at Seungmin and Felix. "What should I do?" "You better follow him" Said Felix.

Jisung follow Changbin slowly.
Changbin open a room that looks like a bedroom. "Get in" Jisung obeyed him because he don't want to face any angry person right now. Changbin sit on the bed and pulled Jisung on his lap. "W-what are you d-doing?" "Start from this day you need to follow what I told you to do or I'll kill you" "Y-yes s-sir"

"Sir make me looks like a old man" Jisung think he knows what this man want to be call. "M-master?" "Oh? How do you know that I like to be call that?" "J-just a g-guess" "You should be thankful that I won't do anything to you today" "C-can I ask y-you something m-master?" "Sure anything" said Changbin as he leave kisses on Jisung neck.

"How will I go to school?" "I'll send you" "If I need to buy things?" "I'll ask someone to buy it for you and for your information this relationship is just like a sugar daddy and a sugar baby. I'll give you everything as long as you behave. Do you understand?" "Yes master" "Good boy"

This is my first chapter so I hope it's okay. The next chapter I'll write about 2min.

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