Chapter 3

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8.00 am

Minho opened his eyes and meet with someone's face. He looked at Seungmin before trying to get. "Seungmin get up. I need to shower" Minho said, yawning. Seungmin sit up and looks at Minho's face. Then he remember that yesterday he slipped in front of Minho and Felix.

Seungmin stand up and bowed several times. "What the heck are you doing?" asked Minho. "I-I'm sorry about y-yesterday. I'll go out now-" "Wait" Minho said sternly. "You feels sorry right?" "Y-yes" "Do you remember your rules? I'll add one more rules. 8. Obey what I said when you're not little" "Y-yes hyung" Seungmin said as he left the room and go to the living room.

"Good morning Seungmin!" He heard Felix said from the stairs. "G-good morning..." He feels really awkward. After some minutes they talked together, Minho called Seungmin to take a shower. Minho go to the kitchen and told their maids to cook breakfast for two more people.

8.30 am

Almost everybody is at the dining table. They saw Changbin walked down with Jisung behind him. "Good morning everyone" greet Changbin. He sit on a chair and pulled Jisung to sit on his lap facing the table. "Hyung you'll make him uncomfortable" said Jeongin. "Well he didn't complain so it's okay. Right baby boy?" Jisung hummed as he feels Changbin's hand on his thigh.

Changbin take a plate of pancakes and hand it to Jisung. He spin Jisung around. "Feed me" said Changbin. Jisung obeyed him and and put the cut pancake on Changbin's mouth and said "Ahh~" Fuck- Changbin's heart melted when he saw the boy try to feed him like a kid.

Changbin open his mouth and let the food inside his mouth. Jisung cut the pancakes and feed himself too. Changbin melted again when he saw Jisung's cheek full while eating. Well his 'toy' is fucking cute. He stared at the boy without noticing Jisung put a cut pancake in front of his mouth.

"Master? Why are you staring at me?" Jisung asked. "Well my baby boy is just too cute" Changbin said as he buried his face on Jisung's neck. Jisung blushes because not a lot of people has compliment him. "T-thank you master"

10.00 am

They finished eating breakfast and start to do their work. Minho walked into Chan's office. "Hyung I need to go out. I'll be back at 2 pm" Minho said and walked away. "Where are you going?!" Chan yelled from his office. "To the shopping mall!" Minho yelled back.

"Seungmin let's go" Minho dragged him to the garage. "W-where are w-we going h-hyung?" "We need to buy your little things remember?" "Ohh..." Minho picked a car and tell Seungmin to get in. Seungmin looked outside the car. "What are you looking at? We're not even outside the garage yet"

"Y-you guys have a l-lot of car" Seungmin said amazed. "We never use some of them" Minho said coldly. They didn't talk to each other all the way to their destination. "We're here" Minho pulled up the car and get out. "What things do we need to buy?" Minho asked Seungmin.

"Umm... I need plushies, pacifier and maybe some clothes?" "Alright. Here take this card and go buy anything you want" Minho gave him a credit card and walked away. Seungmin ran to him and stand in front of him. "H-hyung permission to slip?" If Seungmin become a little right now, he needs to tag along with him.

"Fine you can slip. Which shop Minnie wanna go?" "There!" Seungmin pointing to a toy store. He hold Minho's hand and dragged him. "Minnie want pwushies" "Which plushies Minnie?" "The puppy, the cat and the squirrel!" "Take it then" Seungmin take the three plushies and ran outside the shop waiting for Minho to pay.

After Minho payed the plushies, they moved to buy a pacifier. "Minnie want the baby bwue cowour!" Minho payed for it and catch up with Seungmin. Minho bring Seungmin to the clothes store to buy some clothes. Minho picked some hoodies and shorts. "Hyung..." Seungmin tugged on Minho's shirt. "Minnie want to wear that..." He said and pointing to a pastel pink skirt.

"Minnie that's a skirt" Minho looks at him weirdly. "Minnie loves skirts. They make Minnie feels pwetty" Minho imagine how would Seungmin looks when he wear a skirt. Those pale and beautiful legs matches with the pastel pink fabric. "I'll let you get that one if you wear it in front of me" Seungmin nodded in agreement.

After their little shopping session, they went straight to the mansion. Seungmin ran excitedly to his and Minho's room with bags on his hands. "Where did you go with that kid hyung?" asked Changbin.

"He is a little so I bought him some things that we need" "Alright then" Seungmin ran downstairs and stand in front of Jisung with his squirrel plushies. "Look Sungie! Minnie has a plushies that's looks like you!" Seungmin said. "Aww Minnie is a little. How cute" said Jisung.

Seungmin ran to Felix and Jeongin at the kitchen to tell them about his new plushies. Minho walked to his room to take a rest so that leave Changbin and Jisung alone in the living room. "Come here baby boy" command Changbin. Jisung walked to Changbin and sit on his lap.

Changbin hands moved to Jisung's waist and gripped it. "You looks gorgeous in my hoodie. You should wear them more" "T-this is the o-only clothes that's fit m-me" "So you didn't wear my short?" Jisung shook his head as a no.

Changbin groped Jisung's butt and squished it. Jisung let out a breathy moan in Changbin's ear. "Fuck that's sexy baby. I can feel your underwear. Master want to play with you today" Changbin said and throw Jisung on his shoulder.

Changbin opened the bedroom door and put Jisung on his bed. "M-master I'm a v-virgin" "That's make it even better. Once I marked you, you're mine" Changbin growled in Jisung's ear. "I'll be as gentle as I can but we need to prep you first"

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