Chapter 13

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4.00 pm

"Dwaddy named thwem?" "Yes" "What is it!" "Soonie, Doongi and Dori" (The way I spelled them. Is it correct?) "Huh?" Seungmin looks at him, confusedly. Minho repeat again their name.

"I-I'll try to remember that hehe..." Seungmin slipped out of his little space. "You better be. They're living with us now" "Hyung how did you convince Chan hyung to let you have pets?" Hyunjin asked.

"Well he's in the good mood so he said yes to everything I asked him" "Really?!" Hyunjin asked disbelief. "Yeah he even gave me his credit card" Changbin said. "You're lying right hyung!" "No he said...

" Here take my credit card and buy Jisung something. As long as you're not gonna disturb Felix and I moments I'm okay with it"

That's what he said but I'm being a gentleman, I bought all the stuff using my own money" Changbin smiled proudly. "Then let me have his card!" "I gave it back to him just now"

Hyunjin whined and plopped himself on the couch. "Why do I always missed this type of happiness?" He dramatically 'cry' his eyes out. "Stop it Jinnie" Jeongin hit his arm.

"Ow baby! What was that for?" "Stop being a crybaby. You have your own money" Hyunjin pouted after he heard that from his boyfriend. "I'm just joking baby~"

"Yeah of course" Jeongin walked upstairs, leaving Hyunjin there. "Wait for me baby! Let's take a shower together!" He yelled excitedly. "No!" The younger yelled back.

"Ew" Jisung said. "Baby boy I like your new attitude! Come here and sit on my lap" Jisung walked to him, sit on his lap and smiles. "I want you to say that whenever Hyunjin being dramatic"

The younger smiles again and nodded. "I feels like a proud father" He wiped his 'tears' away. His baby boy laughed at that. "I see that my baby boy is more confident now?"

"Yeah..." He said looking down on his own lap. "Are looking at your lap or my dick?" His face become red after hearing Changbin's statement. Minho gagged at what Changbin said.

"Ew that's gross dude. Don't you dare make my little Seungmin dirty" "But hyung I'm not a little right now" "Yeah yeah whatever" Minho brushed him off.

"Hey guys!" Chan greeted them, smiling from ear to ear. "Oh you're still in the good mood?" Minho asked him. "I'm gonna be in the good mood until tomorrow!" Chan explained.

"Pfft Hyunjin missed it again" Changbin laughed. "Missed what?" asked Chan. "N-nothing~" Changbin said, still laughing. "But hyung you looks more happier than before?"

"Well that's becau-" "Channie! Help me! I can't stand up!" "I'm coming!" He went to his room to get Felix. "That's what you're gonna yell after I fuck you baby~" Changbin whispered to his baby boy.

"Yah stop it!" Minho scold him. "If you wanna fuck him, there's no need to tell everyone" Minho scowled. "I'm not gonna fuck him soon. I'm waiting for the
right moment" Changbin smiled to himself.

"It's not like he's your boyfriend" Well that triggered Changbin's heart. He forgot that Jisung is not his boyfriend. But all the affection that they gave to each other told him otherwise.

"W-whatever" Changbin looked away. "Hey Seungmin, Jisung!" They turned around and saw Chan carrying Felix bridal style. "Are you okay Felix?" Seungmin asked.

"I'm okay. Why?" "Then why do you need Chan hyung to carry you?" "U-uhh well..." "He is just sore" Minho answered it. "But why?" Minho patted his head. "Stop asking okay?" His voice sounds creepy.

"O-okay. I'll go take a shower now" He waddles to their shared bedroom. "I'll go take a shower too" Jisung stand up from Changbin's lap walked away.

"So I see the two of you are enjoying yourselves huh?" Minho and Changbin teased them. Felix blushes and hid his face with his small hand while Chan being Chan, confident with all the marks he left on Felix.

Meanwhile Jisung in the shower. 'Why am I feeling this way? He's just using you as a toy. Why do you feels like he cares about you? You're just getting fake hope. He'll throw you away after he's bored of you'

Jisung's mind keep talking nonsense things. He didn't even realize that someone is knocking on the door. "Jisung!" He snapped out of his mind when heard Changbin's voice.

He turned off the shower and answered talked back. "Y-yes?" "Are you done? I need to talk to you" "A-almost" He walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Changbin sit on their bed and looks at all his movement. Jisung feels small under his gaze. He hesitated grab Changbin's hoodie and walked back to the bathroom.

After he's done, Changbin patted the space beside him so the younger sit there. The older hold his hands gently and caressing it. "I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"I'm sorry for making you feel like this. I'm sorry if you feels like I'm just using you. At first you're my toy but all the kisses you gave me, even though it's not much, It feels genuine" His tears starting to fall down on his cheeks.

"No master don't cry. What's the problem with having those feelings?" "I'm afraid you don't like me back" He sobbed. Jisung cupped his cheeks for Changbin to look at him.

"I do like you back. Do you maybe... U-umm wanna..." "What? You can tell me everything" "D-do you wanna g-give it a try?" Changbin's eyes widen and hugged the boy.

"Thank you for this chance! I promise you I'll be the best boyfriend ever!" The younger just smiled and looks at Changbin. He sit on the shorter lap and kiss him.

The later kiss back and deepen the kiss. They pulled away, their foreheads touching. "I didn't expect that you'll kiss me first" Jisung suddenly feels shy and keep quiet.

Changbin smiles again and whispered to him again. "Thank you again"

Even though he failed smtm, he still my favourite and talented rapper😊

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Even though he failed smtm, he still my favourite and talented rapper😊

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