2min Chapter 🔞

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Dedicated to strxyski
10.00 am

"Baby~ Wake up~" Minho shook Seungmin's body gently. "No~" Seungmin whined. "Come on Minnie. Daddy made your favourite pancakes"

Seungmin immediately sit up and looks at Minho. "Dwaddy's pancakes?" Minho nodded. "Minnie will shower and eat after this!" The younger ran to the bathroom.

Minho chuckled and walks downstairs. He is now sitting on a chair and waiting for his puppy. "Minnie done!" Seungmin ran downstairs and go straight to the kitchen.

He sit down and looks at Minho. "Where's Minnie pancakes?" Seungmin pouted. Minho gets up and serves his and Seungmin's pancakes.

"Here" Minho put the food in front of him. "Yay!" Seungmin eat and hums happily. Minho smiles and kissed Seungmin's cheek.

"You looks so cute today baby" "I'm wearing dwaddy's hoodie today!" "Really?" The younger nodded and keep eating his breakfast.

"Can you do me a favour pup?" Seungmin swallowed the last piece of pancake and nodded. "Can you wear your skirt for daddy today?"

"Yes! Minnie likes to be pretty!" Minho smiles and pats his head. "Yes you are a pretty baby for daddy" Minho complimented him.

"Where's the others dwaddy?" "Well you woke up late so the others eat breakfast before us and now they're minding their own business" Minho smiles.

"Did I woke up that late?" Seungmin pouted. "Baby, it's okay to wake up late when you're in little space" Minho reassured him.

11.45 am

"Hyung " Minho who is reading a book turns to his boyfriend. "Yes sweetheart?" "Can we go shopping today?" Seungmin gives him his puppy eyes.

"You don't have make that face . I can't even say no to you " Minho pecked his lips. "So can we go now?" Seungmin giggles. "Sure let's go baby"

12.15 pm

"We're here" Minho parked the car and they walks to the entrance. "So baby what do you wanna buy?" "I wanna buy more skirts"

"Why?" Minho asked. "Because I love to be beautiful for hyungie " Seungmin giggles. "And I wanna buy a colorful skirts!"

"Is it because Minnie likes rainbows? " Minho teased. "H-hyung I'm not i-in little s-space! And for your information Minnie likes purple!" Seungmin pouted.

After their little argument, Seungmin dragged to the clothing store. "You can get as muvh as you want" Minho said.

"Really? I don't want to waste you money " Seungmin pouts. "Don't make that face or I'll kiss you in front of everyone"

Seungmin keeps pouting while looking at some skirts. Minho grabs his waist and kiss him. Seungmin kiss Minho's plump lips back.

They pulls away and Minho glares at everybody that staring at them. "What are you guys looking at?!" Minho yelled.

Seungmin giggles and kiss Minho's cheek to get his attention. Minho looks at him and smiles. "Yes sweetie? " 

"Don't be mad~. How about hyungie helps me to choose a colour? Which one do you like hyung?" Seugmin asked while showing him two skirts.

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