Chapter 11

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3.20 pm

"Where are Jisung and Changbin hyung?" Felix asked the other two, biting his nails. "What if something happened to them?" Jeongin panicking. "No. Changbin hyung will never let that happen" Seungmin tried to assured but worried expression plastered on his face.

Jeongin saw Changbin walking out from the exit, with a boy that wrapped his legs around the older waist, his arms on his neck. "It's Changbin hyung!" Jeongin informed his friends.

The older is walking to their car and signaled them to open the passenger's seat door. Seungmin get out of the car and opened it. Changbin put the younger on the seat.

"Don't you dare try to move" Changbin warned Jisung. Jisung nodded and keep quiet. Before Seungmin get into the car again, he examined Jisung's face. "What happened to your face Sungie?"

Jisung didn't reply and keep his head down. "He'll tell you when we reach home. Now get into the car so Minho hyung can treat his wounds" Changbin said.

3.30 pm

"Changbin it's already 3.30 pm! What were you-" Chan stopped yelling at him when he saw Jisung's bruises face. Before he get to asked about it, Changbin yelled. "Minho hyung!" "What?!" Minho walked to him.

"Jisung why are your face looks like that?! Come here let me treat you!" Minho worried. Minho is treating the squirrel looking boy and Hyunjin asked Changbin.

"Why is his face full with bruises hyung?" "He needs to tell you guys himself" "Why? You can just tell us" "What if he doesn't want to talk about it? Seungmin asked him already and he didn't answer"

After Minho treated him, Chan sit beside him. "You can tell us what happened. I can help you with anything" Jisung hesitated for a couple of minutes. "Rebecca" He said.

"I-I went to the t-toilet before this happened. A-after that I'm o-on my way to the e-exit but suddenly someone p-pushed me inside the storage room. She pushed me a-and yelled at me.

At first I'm fine b-but when I told h-her to let me g-go, she ordered her m-minions to beat me u-up" Jisung started to tear up. "I-I'm a weak person. I can't e-even fight back" He hiccuped.

Seungmin walked to him and hugged him. "No Sungie is stwong! Sungie fight fwor Minnie when we were kidnapped" Little Seungmin calm him down. Jisung sniffed and hugged the little back.

"Umm... Jisung can I ask you something?" Felix asked him "Of course" He said and pulled away from the hug. "What's the reason she's mad at you?" "S-she said that I embarrassed her. S-she wants to s-search for you actually but i-instead he found m-me"

"Is it because the limousine thing?" Jisung nodded. "She's such a bitch! She's the one that embarrassed herself!" Felix huffed. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go get some rest" When he stand up, he sit back down.

"What's the matter hyung?" Jeongin asked. "I think she sprained one of his leg" Minho said. Changbin get up and carrying Jisung bridal style to their room.

"Hyung look what she did to Jisung! Please do something about it!" Felix begged his boyfriend. "You don't need to beg baby. I know what to do" Chan caressed Felix face and give him a peck on both of his cheeks.

Chan pulled out his phone and started dialing. "Hello? I want you to make Mr
Walton and his family bankrupt. Oh yeah and make sure if they're searching for jobs, don't let anybody accept them" Chan informed one of his man.

"Yes sir" The man obeyed his orders. "Let them suffer. I hate her father anyway" Chan chuckled. Felix smiled and give his boyfriend a kiss. Chan smiled before kissing back.

Seungmin looks at them and tilted his head. "Why won't daddy kiss Minnie wike that?" Minho who's doing nothing choked on air. Felix pulled away and walked to Seungmin.

"Why are you calling Minho hyung daddy" "Hyungie now my daddy" The younger giggles. "What does that mean?" "That's mean that Minho's not his official caregiver before" Hyunjin explained to him.

2.00 am

"We'll get going now babe" Chan kissed Felix's forehead. "Do you really need to go that far for a mission?" Felix pouted. "It's our job baby. I already promised to you we'll get out of this job after our last mission" Chan said.

"Alright just don't forget your promise" "I won't" Seungmin is still hugging Minho. "Pwease daddy don't leave Minnie awone"
Seungmin crying on his chest. "I can't baby. They'll need me there. We'll meet in a few weeks okay?"

Seungmin wiped his tears and shook his head. "Please Minnie do this for daddy" Minho pleaded. "O-otay Minnie will bwe a good boy fwor daddy!" Minho patted his head and kissed it.

"If you leave who will protect me master?" Jisung try his hard not to cry. Keyword : try. "You'll be okay. Chan has his men to look after you guys" "B-but it won't feel the same. A-and who will cuddle with me"

"Even though we can't cuddle each other, we'll face time every night before we sleep" Jisung pouted and hugged Changbin again. "Let me hug you until the last minute" The shortest smile and hugged him back.

"I don't know Jinnie but I think you guys shouldn't go to this mission" Jeongin worried. "Don't worry baby. We'll be safe and sound when we come back" Hyunjin talked to him.

"It's just so far away from us and we will never know what's gonna happen there" "My baby bread look at me" Hyunjin cupped Jeongin's face and hold his hand. "Please trust us" Hyunjin begged him. Jeongin sighed

"Okay I'll trust you"

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