Chapter 9

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11.30 pm

"D-daddy?" Minho stuttered. "Hyungie is Minnie cawegiver right? Or h-hyungie don't like t-to be called d-daddy?" Seungmin is afraid if their situation will be awkward. He move a bit further from Minho.

"Why are you sitting far away from me?" "I'm sorry hyung. I'll g-go sleep on the c-couch" Seungmin suddenly not in his little anymore. Minho gripped Seungmin's hand and turned him around. "What do you think you're doing?" Minho glared at him.

"I'm sorry for calling you d-daddy. I-I should a-ask for your opinion before calling you t-that" Minho looked at the younger and chuckled. "Who said I didn't like it?"

"W-what?" "I would love to be your official caregiver" "R-really! S-so Minnie can call hyungie daddy now?" "Of course" "Yay!!!" Seungmin jumped on the bed. "Okay stop it Minnie or the others will get up from their sleep" Minho warned him.

Seungmin sit down and pouted. "Sorry daddy..." "It's okay. Let's change you to your pajama and sleep. Wait- you're supposed to sleep at 9 pm right?" "M-minnie forgot about it b-because Minnie wanna surprise daddy!"

"I let you pass this time but no more overnight surprise okay?" "Okay daddy!" Seungmin smiled. At last he get a real caregiver. Minho is a good caregiver. He take care of the younger with care even though he's not sincere at first.

8.00 am

"Rise and shine!" The 8 of them heard someone yelled from downstairs. "Who the fuck is that?!" Minho almost yelled. "Hyung?" Seungmin rubbed his eyes. "Who is screaming?" "I don't know but sounds like Yeonjun"

Minho looked the clock. "It's 8 am already? We're supposed to go on a mission at 9 am" "But you guys will send us to college right?" "Changbin will send you guys first before we go to our mission"

"Alright hyung. I'll take a shower first okay?" "Yeah sure. What do you wanna wear today hmm?" "Umm c-can I wear y-your hoodie?" Minho smiled and imagine how will his little looks like in his oversize hoodie.

"Sure baby. You'll looks so cute" Minho patted Seungmin's head. The younger smiled at him before he went to the bathroom. Minho take a shower after Seungmin's done.

"Seungmin hyung!" Jeongin waved at the older boy. "Good morning to you too Jeongin" Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes. "What do you mean?" The youngest asked his boyfriend. "Maybe because you don't greet me this morning?"

"I gave you morning kisses!" Jeongin defended himself. "Oh you do?" Hyunjin asked him. "Yes! I kissed you before I took a shower!" "Oh... I'm sorry baby. Maybe I'm not fully awake" He nervously laughed.

Hyunjin tried to kiss his boyfriend but the youngest don't even want to look at him. "Look Kai. Hyunjin hyung caused a problem again" Taehyun 'whispered' to Kai. "Shut up!" Jeongin scolded them.

"Okay stop it you guys. Don't you see Jeongin isn't in his mood this morning so keep your mouth shut or you want to clean our garage. Our ENORMOUS garage" Soobin scolded them again.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu snickered. "If you guys do that again, I'll include the two of you" "I'm sorry babe-" "Don't babe me now Choi" "Ouch" Yeonjun whispered to himself and clutched his 'heart'.

8.50 am

"Goodbye Changbin hyung" They waved to Changbin before get out of the car except for Jisung. "Baby boy? Aren't you supposed to go to your class?" Jisung hesitated before leave a peck on Changbin's lips and run away.

Changbin froze for a minute and chuckled after that. "That boy is gonna be the death of me" He said before started driving again. What he didn't know is he is gonna be the death of Jisung.

When he arrived at TXT's mansion again. They saw everyone's already arm up. "You guys arm up pretty quickly huh?" "We need to solve this quickly so we can take a long rest after this" Beomgyu said.

Chan smiled. They really need to rest after all the drama from 2 years ago. The memories gave a scar on their heart. How can someone betrayed them like that? Chan shook his head to forget about that. He doesn't need bad memories for this mission.

"I'll drive" Chan said. "You hyung? You usually don't want to drive" Minho questioned him. "I'm just in a good mood today" Chan assured him. They help each other put their weapons at the trunks of their cars.

"The Boyz here we come" Chan grit his teeth. Well The Boyz used to be their ally too but they betrayed them caused a bigger mafia ally. At least not as bad as someone-that-they-don't-wanna-remember (sttdwr) .

They arrived at The Boyz hideout. "They used to leave in a mansion. This isn't really a hideout. Felix found this place easily. What happened to them?" Taehyun asked, a bit worried in his voice.

"I don't know but we shouldn't care about them anymore. They betrayed us and they stole our diamonds from our hideout" Soobin said. They get out of their cars and walked to the old looking warehouse door without worries.

Maybe because they have their men to back up for them. Soobin casually knocked on the door, waiting for anyone to open the door but want Sangyeon to open it.

The door opened and reveal their maknae Eric standing right there. "Hi" They greeted before pushed Eric away so they can get in. "What are you doing?!" "Pfft what are we doing? Just looking for our diamonds" Kai said.

They looked around the warehouse. "Why does it seems like they live here?" Minho asked. "Sangyeon come to me quickly! I don't want to waste all my time just waiting for you! And for your information, Chan and his members are here.

Eric eyes widen and run away. "Since when he become a coward?" "Maybe he just take a gun" Yeonjun and Changbin talked to each other. Eric come back with Sangyeon in front of him.

"Long time no see ally"

Just a reminder, please remember (sttdwr). I'll use this in my next chapters again.

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