Chapter 18

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3.30 pm

"Who the fuck did it?!" He slammed his fist on Seungmin's locker. Jisung, Felix and Jeongin flinched at the sound. "Calm down hyung" Hyunjin said.

"Calm down? You told me to calm fucking down?!" Minho yelled. "Let's go home first and tell Chan hyung about this" Changbin told him.

Minho try to calm down until the reached home. "What took you guys so long?" Chan asked. Minho fell down on their
couch and cover his face with his palms.

"What's up with him? And where is Seungmin?" Felix ran to him and hug him, crying. "C-Channie Seungmin i-is missing..."

Chan's eyes widen and looks at Minho. "Missing? What actually happened?" Changbin told him what happened and give him the note that they found.

Chan cupped Felix face. "Baby please search whose hand writing is this. Do this for Seungmin" Felix nodded and ran to his room.

"Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin come with me. We'll execute plans. Jisung and Jeongin stay here and don't go anywhere. If there's anything tell us immediately"

They nodded and hyung line follow Chan to his office. "Okay Hyunjin, contact TXT right now" Hyunjin nodded and call Soobin.

"Chris!" Felix ran into the office. He hand it a paper. "It's Jin Woo. Kim Jin Woo" Felix panted. "JIN WOO?!" Minho slammed his fist on the table.

"WHAT THE FUCK HE WANTS NOW?!" Minho yelled, frustrated. Then Jeongin and Jisung slammed the door opened.

"T-there's a box in front of the mansion door" Jeongin said. Chan is walking to the front door and outside for seconds.

He cautiously before he opened the door. He opened the box right in front the house. It has a letter and a CD.

They bring it inside and went back to Chan's office. The envelope shows 'To Lee Minho'. Minho snatched the letter from Chan's hand.

Chan sighed and give Felix the CD. "Play it on my laptop" Felix nodded and get Chan's precious laptop. Minho opened the envelope and and starting to read it.

'I missed you baby~. Why would you break up with me :(. I can't believe you replace me with a faggot! Anyways my big brother have a surprise for you~.

Love, JinHa <3

Minho crumpled the letter and threw it on the floor harshly. Felix waddled to them and put the laptop on the table. "Here Channie"

Chan nodded and press play. The video started with someone talking and yelling. "Oh hello Chan, Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin~" They saw Jinwoo waved at them.

He bring the camera into a dark room and switch the light on. "Tada~" Jinwoo shows them a tied up Seungmin on a chair.

The younger mouth is cover by a gag. His face is so red with a hand mark on it. His eyes full with tears. Jinwoo removed the gag.

"Do you have anything to tell your friends and your 'Daddy'?~" Seungmin looks at the camera and sobbed. "H-help Minnie D-dwaddy. M-minnie scawed..."

"Aww look at him~ He is scared Minho~ You guys should help him~" Jinwoo smiled weirdly. "Anyways do you like what my man did to him?"

Minho feels his blood is boiling while he is looking at his little. "Take care of Jisung and Jeongin or they'll be next" Jinwoo laughed like it's a joke.

"Give me the camera! I have something to say!" They heard a girl's voice. Jinwoo give the camera to Jinha. "Hi my Lee Know baby~

Why would you leave me like that~ Jinwoo said he just want some fun so you guys please don't be so sensitive about it~" She pouted.

And the video ended just like that. Chan shut down his laptop and mess with his own hair. "She said it was just for fun?!" Chan yelled.

"Hyung TXT said they will come here ASAP to execute some plans" Hyunjin informed Chan. "When will they arrived?" "Maybe in 45 minutes?" "Let's prepare our weapons first" Chan commanded.

"The three of you stay here" They nodded and sit down on the couch. "Umm Felix who is Jinwoo and Jinha exactly?" Jisung asked and Jeongin nodded.

Felix sighed. "Okay I'll tell you guys about it"


Usually mafias will search for allies to have more defends. So Chan is searching for allies that time. At that time we have TXT, NCT, and The Boyz.

Chan met Jinwoo at a party for mafias. Jinwoo willingly to become his ally so Chan introduced him to us. Well Chan is naive at that time so we don't expected him to betray us.

He introduced us to his men and his sister. Minho fell in love with her when the first time they layed eyes on each other. So they became a couple.

We adored him because he has a lot of money and his men are strong. He used his sister to become an insider. She asked Minho almost everything.

One day, our millions of money got stolen. We checked all around the house and saw some in Jinha's handbag. Minho defends her caused he trust his first 'love'.

When we found out that Jinha gave the money to his brother, Chan and Minho became furious. At first we wanted to settle it without fighting but Jinwoo's gang started it first.

One of his men punched Changbin hyung and started all of this. Chan get help from his allies but The Boyz decided to join Jinwoo's side.

They fought until some of them are dead. HALF of NCT's members died because of Jinwoo's men. After 2 days of the 'war', Jinwoo and Jinha gone missing.

End of flashback

"That's why Minho have a trust issue when Innie started live in this mansion" Felix said. The two of them nodded. Suddenly the hyung line come into the office with TXT.

"Let's execute plans faster. I have a devil to kill" Minho gritted his teeth.

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