Chapter 8

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3.15 pm

"Where are we going again hyung?" Felix asked Chan. "We're going to TXT's mansion. "Ahh... I forgot you guys need to execute plans with them" Felix continue to cuddle with Chan. Everyone are cuddling with each other.

"Did you slipped in little space today?" Seungmin shook his head as no. "Why not?" "Minnie don't want to be bullied like in high school" Seungmin whined. "It's okay. Nobody will hurt you as long as you're with me"

Seungmin feel himself feel deeper in his little space. He snuggled his face on Minho's chest. "Minnie will bwe wittle for hyung!" Minho chuckled at the younger's cheekiness. Minho kissed the latter forehead. The younger giggled because he love kisses.

"Minnie love kisses!" Minho's heart fluttered at the younger giggles. What he didn't know is his face is getting redder. Changbin and Hyunjin stared at their hyung. They never saw Minho smiling like that before.

"Minho hyung is looking happy" said Jeongin to his boyfriend, smiling. "I know. It's been a long time since he smiled like that" Hyunjin said as he feel himself happy for Minho. "I hope he's going to be happy for a longer time than before" Changbin said.

"What do you mean Changbin hyung?" Jeongin asked him. "It's nothing babe" Hyunjin stopping his boyfriend from asking any further. "But-" "Shh" Minho shushed them. "Don't you see Seungmin is sleeping right now?!" Minho whispered yelled.

"Sorry hyung..." They apologized to Minho. Minho caressed the little hair. 'What are you doing to me Kim Seungmin?' Chan smiled looking at his 'personal doctor'. 'Please stay with him Seungmin'.

3.45 pm

"We're here sir" Chan's driver told them. "Thank you Mr Kang!" They all said except for Jisung and Seungmin. Well Jisung doesn't know his name meanwhile Seungmin is still sleeping.

Minho being his caring unofficial caregiver, picked him up bridal style because he doesn't want his little wake up. Even though Seungmin is a well behave little he's still a whiny baby when he wake up.

"It's been a long time since we're here right Jeongin?" Felix asked the youngest. The youngest hummed and nodded. The door opened and reveal Yeonjun. "Hey guys! Oh it's really 8 huh?" said Yeonjun, leaning on the door.

"Come in. The others are waiting for you guys" Yeonjun let them in. "Hey guys! I see Felix and Jeongin are here too. Wait- who are they?" Beomgyu asked after greeted all of them.

"This is Jisung and Seungmin. They're with us because of Hyunjin" "Wait Hyunjin hyung made a mistake again?! HAHAHAHA!!!" Hyunjin glared at them but they ignored him. They heard all of them laughing except Soobin because their leader isn't there.

"What's so funny?" Soobin asked his members. "It's Hyunjin hyung!" Kai laughed. "You guys are laughing right here so how about our guest rooms? Did you guys clean it or not?" After they heard that, they immediately ran upstairs.

"Don't you have maids? Where are they?" Changbin asked. "Well hyung, they made our last maid quite her work" Soobin said, rolling his eyes. "Really?! What did they do?!" Hyunjin asked eagerly. Well he wants to embarrass his friends.

"They-" Before Soobin get to finish his sentence, Taehyun yelled from upstairs. "We're done hyung!" "Go to our meeting room. I'll be there with the others" "Alright hyung!" Before they go to the meeting room, Minho cleared his throat.

"I need to put this big baby. Which room should I go?" "Oh hyung you can go to any room but Chan hyung told me you guys only need 4 rooms so I just prepare 4" "It's okay. There's no need to prepare more" Minho opened on of the room and put Seungmin on the bed.

"Hyungie~ Don't leave Minnie hwere awone" "Hyung need to go. Jisung and the others will come and play with Minnie after this. I promise I'll come back" Minho patted his head. "Pwomise?" "Promise"

Seungmin pouted looking at Minho who's walking out of the room. "Jisung!" Jisung flinched when he heard Minho yelled his name. "Hyung you made him afraid" Felix said. "Whatever. Make sure you guys play with Seungmin okay"

"Yes hyung" Jisung said to him. "Come on guys Soobin must be waiting for us" Felix and Jeongin pecked give their boyfriend a kiss on their cheek meanwhile Changbin want his baby boy to give him a kiss on his lips.

"Please baby boy~" "N-no!" "You don't want punishment do you?" Changbin said seriously. Jisung shook his head and walked to Changbin to give him a peck on his lips. "Good boy" He praised the younger and ruffled his hair.

"Alright let's go" Chan ordered his members. "Let's check on Seungmin" Jisung said. "Yeah let's go" Jeongin said. When they entered Seungmin's room, he saw Seungmin rummaging the closet. "Minnie what are you searching for?"

"N-nothing. It's Minnie's stuff" The little mumble. "Okay then. Wanna play together?" "Pway? Yesh!" They play princess or what it seems to Seungmin. Well moving on- to Chan and the others. They execute like 10 back up plans.

11.00 pm

Minho's tired and he hopes that Seungmin will behave and not making him more tired. When he opened the door he saw something that he didn't expecting. "Hyungie wike Minnie's cwothes?"

There's Seungmin wearing Minho's white t shirt that tugged into his skirt. "Why are you wearing this Minnie?" Minho walked to their bed and sit down. "Wixie told Minnie it's hyungie birthday and Minnie think it's too late buy present. Hyungie told Minnie to show this to you only so Minnie wear this for hyungie"

"Oh my god thank you Minnie for giving me a present for my birthday. You looks like a pretty princess" Minho praised him. Seungmin smiled and hugged Minho.

"Happy birthday daddy"

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